• #9052
Calling out all of the cyclists riding through Brockwell Park with no lights in the fog this morning. You can't moan at the peds for walking in your way if they can't bloody see you coming you dicksplashes.
• #9053
Repped for bringing back "dicksplash"
• #9054
^Tell me you reported this/kicked his ass?
Amen, some people out there are just asking to be slapped.
• #9055
He's gone all quiet. Perhaps he is finishing the job.
• #9056
Ha finally I have reason to use this thread properly. There's an strange bit of road in Cheltenham called Pittville Street. Heading out of town you turn left onto it from the one way system. The opposite side of the road is a bus lane for coming into town. As I cycled up to the red lights at the end of a section of the road a fat chap on a MTB wobbled from the left hand side to the right, so the bus lane, with oncoming buses. I thought he was going to mount the pavement but instead he stopped right on the corner and lent on a bollard. Buses turn right onto this road and if one had he would have been clipped. So he was well in advance of the stop line, on the opposite side on the road waiting right on the corner. The lights changed as I rode past him I told him its people like him that give cycling a bad name. Seriously he was melting my mind with his stupidity. He shouted back something about a cycle lane but I was gone. As I cycled down a bus was coming the other way. Again I assumed he had turned left or something because otherwise he was riding straight into that bus.
Amazingly he popped up at the next set of traffic lights. Me in the ASZ, him still in the oncoming lane waiting the wrong side of the traffic island. From his position on the wrong side of the road he informed me it was a cycle lane. I told it was a bus lane that cycles can use IF THEY'RE GOING IN THE OTHER DIRECTION. I would have hoped the bus he met and hopped onto the pavement to avoid might have given him the clue. He still insisted he was in the right and proved it by saying 'arrest me' and jumping the red light, again from the wrong side of the road. I told him he was a prick and pulled off myself as the lights changed. He skidded to a stop, mistakenly believing that in someway I wanted to fight him over it so I just sailed past and told him to 'catch me if you can dickhead'. He didn't needless to say.
Seriously the stupidest bit of riding I have ever witnessed. Darwin will be wondering how he's survived this long.
• #9057
and pulled off myself as the lights changed.
• #9058
Haz some rep
• #9059
A big high five to the guy I called a nob for going through a red light whilst a mother and child were using the crossing. It was a great move and the fact that when you heard what I said to you, you waited on the other side to ask if I called you a nob. Why go through a red and wait on the other side?
Yes. Yes I did and you are.
The following bit of commute where you told me that I was angry and I should chill out while you were possibly trying to intimidate me by riding close to me was fun. Then when I said I don't like people that go through red lights and your retort was (in a shit brummie accent) "I don't like people with one gear... I mean brake." Well, if you were paying attention then you would've seen that I ride brakeless and I can still stop at red lights and follow the rules of the road.
I particularly enjoyed calling you a nob (again) and a wanker at the end of our conversation. I would rate the encounter about 6/10. You clearly need to work on your insult skills and I should probably use a four letter word like cunt next time to get my moneys worth from your reaction.
• #9060
Had the pleasure of riding for a bit with a complete numpty on a Giant road bike. Approaching a queue of traffic on Burbage Road he decides that rather than filtering down the RHS as I did he would mount the pavement at speed and ride down if for a good 30 metres to the junction. Fine, no harm done.
Then we get to the zebra crossing on Railton Rd. I stop to let a lady pushing a pram to cross. She starts to cross, our hero blasts through the zebra and then filters down the inside of a bus negotiating one of the many pinchpoints.
• #9061
A big high five to the guy I called a nob for going through a red light whilst a mother and child were using the crossing. It was a great move and the fact that when you heard what I said to you, you waited on the other side to ask if I called you a nob. Why go through a red and wait on the other side?
Yes. Yes I did and you are.
The following bit of commute where you told me that I was angry and I should chill out while you were possibly trying to intimidate me by riding close to me was fun. Then when I said I don't like people that go through red lights and your retort was (in a shit brummie accent) "I don't like people with one gear... I mean brake." Well, if you were paying attention then you would've seen that I ride brakeless and I can still stop at red lights and follow the rules of the road.
I particularly enjoyed calling you a nob (again) and a wanker at the end of our conversation. I would rate the encounter about 6/10. You clearly need to work on your insult skills and I should probably use a four letter word like cunt next time to get my moneys worth from your reaction.
You do have one gear and one brake!
• #9062
Some idiot on the CS3 overtook me at a light (http://goo.gl/maps/bkFg0), forcing myself and the oncoming cyclist to veer out of his way. The on-coming cyclists all shook their heads and gestured that he was a jerk for the move. Then the great thing was that because he was such a hurry but had no place to turn off I was able to question and then, then due to his shit answers, berate him for his poor cycling manoeuvre for the next couple minutes as I followed him down the CS3. It was so satisfying. I know I was being a self-righteous twat, but that doesn't stop me from being wrong. It was a one-off from me though.
• #9063
Some idiot on the CS3 overtook me at a light
yes dan! that's why i hardly ever use that route, fking mental and worse than the highway if you ask me! when i do have to ride it i enjoy cruising along and seeing everyone getting pent up wishing to pull stupid maneuvers to overtake.
the best bit for me is the interaction that takes place at the lights as you cross over butcher row to get onto the 'proper' part of the cycle highway if you are heading east. as soon as the lights for the crossing go green there is an absolute cluster fuk of people coming from all angles to either cross over to head west or head east. i just try and avoid all of it as much as i can.
• #9064
someone undertook me at the roundabout at Elephant and Castle while I and a few buses were turning... oh well, no harm done. Then on London Road, he had to duck behind a bus because an oncoming ambulance, I simply slowed down and remind out of the way but enough room for me to go pass the bus in front of me. As soon as the ambulance had gone, he took a swerve to the right, completely ignoring me. Not once did he check over his shoulder. I told him he should have checked before doing it, then I realized he had headphones on.
• #9065
Actions speak louder than words
• #9066
Fucking loved that game.
• #9067
Someone on the far left took a sudden right turn without looking has very nearly resulted me crashing into him. When I pointed out he should have checked before turning, he gave me a smile. Think I wasted my breathe there.
• #9068
^This happened to me 15 months ago, except we ended up colliding. Result: Fractured scaphoid. 6 weeks in a cast and 3 months of rehab.
• #9069
^This happened to me 15 months ago, except we ended up...
I was sure your post was going to end "married"
• #9070
^This happened to me 15 months ago, except we ended up colliding. Result: Fractured scaphoid. 6 weeks in a cast and 3 months of rehab.
Oh dear... What happened to the other guy?
• #9071
He fell off too. Hopefully he died a slow death following our exchange of words.
• #9072
Guy crossing a curry mile ped crossing on his bike got t-boned by a girl rlj'ing. Both were fine but her back wheel seemed jammed, karma perhaps.
• #9073
Can male cyclists stop rubber necking/checking out women pedestrians please? It's really obvious and pathetic. Just because you're on a bike doesn't make you anonymous.
• #9074
can i check out male pedestrians? is that ok?
what if it's someone i recognise?
• #9075
Can male cyclists stop rubber necking/checking out women pedestrians please? It's really obvious and pathetic. Just because you're on a bike doesn't make you anonymous.
It doesn't? What is this sorcery that reveals my personal information to passers by?!
If you're going to break the law, do it in style at least.