• #1402
I don't know if anyone has done any 'how to ride in London' type video, but a 'how not to' would also probably be a useful angle.
I'd resist doing this, unless you want to become a poster boy for Daily Mail online commenters.
Emphasising the correct approach rather than demonstrating the incorrect is probably the better way to improve cyclists road use.
• #1403
I'd resist doing this, unless you want to become a poster boy for Daily Mail online commenters.
Emphasising the correct approach rather than demonstrating the incorrect is probably the better way to improve cyclists road use.
Good point. If I got round to this, I think it would be about highlighting risky situations like left turning vehicles rather than showing blatantly retarded cycling like riding fast on the pavement or weaving through people crossing on the green man. I don't want to give cycling critics any evidence of antisocial behaviour The people getting themselves on the inside of a left turner aren't being obviously retarded - in their own minds. They just havent figured out the risks, so I think this has positive potential if done right. Obviously emphasising the correct way is more important, but seeing the incorrect may also make people realise when they are doing it.
• #1404
Sounds good.
• #1405
Me: second time riding with headphones, stupidly took a call, rear-ended a car. Driver was very cool about it. Never again.
I haven't seen a 'how not to ride in London', but there's a guy on here who does a great series of videos called 'Silly Cyclists' or something similar. He takes submissions from other camera equipped riders so it might be worth doing a search and sending him some clips.
Guys name is Gaz, he inadvertently stirs up a little controversy on youtube sometimes.
• #1406
I’m glad that I’m not the only one who’s decided to take a week off (one to recover from months and months of biking every day and the St Margarets ride, which beautiful bastard though it was, knocked it out of me a little) until the roads clear up. Although it’s goddamn beautiful today I’m happy to let those Altura fucktards smash around the roads on their wife’s mountain bike until things get chilly.
Bit of a shame the Central line’s a bit fucked this week. Sweaty times down there atm
• #1407
To the guy on a yellow single speed fuji with 'messenger chain lock' and mini-fahg (tip, don't put that heavy chain round your waist if it's going to pull your trousers down and expose your whole, comedy boxer clad arse):
You are an idiot. Rljing aaaaallll the way down camberwell new road then getting rinsed by the same 5 cyclists between every.single.set.of.lights.
If you were in a desperate hurry to get somewhere I could see why you might anticipate when the lights will change and nip through when it's safe, but no: going half way across the Oval junction and stopping at the island then pottering off and getting overtaken before the next set of lights where you'd pass the rest of us, then get overtaken and repeat ALL THE WAY TO PECKHAM (i presume; lost you after camberwell).
Stop it. It makes you look like a prick, makes car drivers hate all cyclists and you'll end up dead/fined.Guy wearing Duff Beer jersey on a blue Bianchi road bike, track standing like a BOSS (didn't unclip in 5 miles even when waiting at lights for 5 minutes) however... Thanks for making me feel inadequate.
• #1408
Let me make it clear. I am not the girl that they are overtaking, I am not a girl... I'll be riding at a constant speed, rapidly gaining on a nodder, who will then suddenly speed up so the closure rate slows right down, then as soon as they've passed the girl, they'll slow down again and I'll pass them. At first I thought they were just speeding up as they were overtaking, then I noticed a direct correlation between people speeding up when overtaking and the sex of the person they were overtaking.
You have got long hair though...from the back - in the right light...you could be mistaken for a girl.
Have you found that men overtake you then look back proudly at you and then blush?
• #1409
I commute to london mon and fri arriving kings cross. There are no provisions for cyclists from platform 9 down St pancras way. Taxis parked, doors open, drivers standing in the road chatting, more obstacles than you. Can shake a stick at. I no longer cycle down there now as if you wait at the crossroads to go straight over Euston Rd you are a prime target in the box junction if anyone jumps the lights in either direction as you are crossing. I walk down through the station and then cross via the pedestrian crossings and get on my bike the other side through the side roads to go to Russell square. However, I have to say I have waited on a red light at the junction to cross Euston Rd and other cyclists have come up behind me and simply ignored the red light and play dodgems with the two way traffic in the box junction! I wait at red lights at the junction with marchmont St and tavistock place, I get a green to go and have to avoid cyclists who have clearly ignored a red light on the actual cycle lane that runs down Tavistock place. I have all the sympathy in the world for cyclists in London, but I do think that quite a number seem to be of the opinion that red lights do not apply to them and they can do what they like anywhere they like and their road manners are even worse than the car drivers they complain about. If they are prepared to run down their fellow cyclists then they will have no respect for large vehicles which could end their life. Until that mentality has been dealt with the powers that be will give to credence to shouts for safety. If I don't want to wait at a red light I get off And become a pedestrian until I am well clear of the lights and on remounting wait at the kerb until it is clear to ride off. I am not being rude or antagonistic as these are probably in a minority, but their actions do nothing for those of us who try to campaign to make the roads better for cyclists
That is what shouting obscenities is for.
• #1410
How would he commute on a cyanide capsule?
....you're not religious, are you?
• #1411
Did some laps of regent's park this afternoon and wish I hadn't bothered. Pedestrians, taxis, boris bikers and lycra clad cyclists clearly all sent into a frenzied delirium by the frieze art fair.
• #1412
you had sex with the people you were overtaking? Disgusting.
In my mind its a series overtaking and being overtaken repeatedly for a good 2mins or so.
Everyone must have been shotgunning cans of special brew at breakfast this morning as it was noddergeddon on my route. There was a particular eagerness to wedge selves to the left of vehicles clearly indicating to turn left. You'd think that by adulthood, people would have spotted the correlation between a person indicating an intention via blinky lights and actually fulfilling that intention, and so making appropriate decisions as a result. I dunno.
I guess there are a variety of reasons for it, such as the sense that the extreme left of any lane is for cyclists. Silly.It's not totally silly. Just look at the pathetic excuse that are a lot of cycle lanes e.g. Mile End road (east bound) where they start pretty much on the mouth of junctions/side roads to the left. At what point was it agreed that riding the mouth of junctions you're not turning into is ever a good idea? I would love to get the person that signed this off and get one of their loved ones to cycle the lanes and see how they like it. New Road junction with Mile End road (west), where I did a Dr bike recently is a death trap waiting to happen. It's the infrastructure that re-enforces this mentality.
Then I came within a whisker of side ramming some girl who pulled out from a side road then stopped in the middle of the lane for reasons I did not have time to ponder in depth. I would also like to thank the woman on the dutch bike who RLJd on Old Street Roundabout across my bows. That was bracing.
Honestly they keep doing because they keep getting away with it. If they acknowledged what they did by apologising to anyone whom they've made adjust their line, fine. But they just swan on like nothing has happened. I'd honestly look to shock them by shouting all kinds of horrible stuff to get it through their thick skulls.
• #1413
I've noticed a lot more cars jumping reds recently- am I alone in this observation?
Predominantly Walworth Raod/Old Kent Road/Camberwell Road/Kennington Road.
I'm used to the "amber gamble", but the cars in question have been going through on full red, a noticeable time after it has changed.
Yes. Noticed quite a few cars and busses jumping reds in the past few months.
Was on a double decker the other day DIRECTLY behind a police car. Police car zipped through amber. Bus driver tailgated him through it despite it being red as he crossed. Fucking nutso!
Youre not alone, theres almost as many drivers RLJ as bikes these days
I had one of the workplace time triallers undertake me the other morning,
funny thing was I watched him get mired beneath a string of cars up just up ahead that he tried to squeeze underneath, thereafter me just ticking along same cadence filtering past a whole stream left him behind.
bit further along he comes past me again on a clear stretch, RLJ's and again squeezes himself in the gutter to slow right down again, funny old way of riding about I thought.it really is a comedy on the roads these days, the high powered euro cars they all love sceaming 50 ft into gaps going 0-60 nowhere, theyre nearly as funny as the budget boxes that are getting ubiquitous as the addiction deniers change their method of queuing for a lower problem.
• #1414
[QUOTE=Multi Grooves;2463134]
It's the infrastructure that re-enforces this mentality.
this^ spot on
• #1415
forgot to say while im on here
other night on a local trip I do regular, big 4 way junction right-
for some reason the streetlights, and the traffic lights controlling it are out,
me being a sad fuck sat and watched the junction for a few minutesyou know what, a road that is 50mph, slowed to 10-15 as people negotiated with the other drivers, they couldnt see their faces as it was dark,l so they must have been judging speed,
it looked like a fucking video of loads of drivers that had just passed the test that day- immaculateso, we put build outs, humps, chicanes, fucking bollards shaped as children and all that to make 20 zones-----and what happens? they speed up tremendously to get through it all,
take a potentially lethal 50 mph road, turn off the lights and everyone drives like they did first day they passed.! incredible
• #1416
It's the treating people as adults and letting them think for themselves that seem to bring out the best in folk. Did you see many sans light cyclists?
• #1417
not on that trip-
Im in the habit of shouting 'cant see you mate' accusingly when I do, so its not all moonbeams out the ass -
• #1418
^^^ & ^^ - there are documented* cases where removing street markings (signs / lines / markings / central reservations) completely has a positive effect on safety (measured in a reduction in accidents). Countries that have switched from driving on God's side of the road to the filthy right side of the road have also experienced such reductions.
This has been noted to be only a temporary outcome, with accident rates rising again as road users adapt.
- By documented, I mean that I read it somewhere, once upon a time, and therefore speak with the confidence of absolute authority on the subject.
Drachten and Makkinga in the Netherlands are two famous examples.
- By documented, I mean that I read it somewhere, once upon a time, and therefore speak with the confidence of absolute authority on the subject.
• #1419
isn't that current thinking eg. Exhibition Road? it relies on voluntary consideration from drivers though doesn't it, would only take one to blast down the road paying no heed to others for it to be pretty unpleasant and dangerous.
I like the idea, as I tend to think we should build stuff (society, cities) on the assumption that people are decent, but still I worry about the what ifs. -
• #1420
But every so often some asshole completely ignores all the signs and markings that litter the street and blasts down the road. Not that rare an event, even. So how is that different?
• #1421
yeah, signs and that can be ignored. more thinking of the physical barriers that are put in place to protect pedestrians, force slowing etc. I hate them and I hate what they symbolise, building a city for everyone that is designed to the lowest denominator, the most anti-social, in the same vein as anti-crime streets and buildings...
• #1422
We've all been there...
Riding along, you politely overtake the slow dude riding in the gutter, lights change ahead of you; you slowly reduce your speed, coming to a gentle stop in the middle on the little cyclist’s box before the white line so you don’t have to crane your neck too hard watching for the light to change to amber.
All of a sudden, slow coach from down the road pulls in front of you, fidgets as the light goes green and then slowly moves off as the cars behind you now crowd your space.
How many times is polite to allow this to happen on the same journey before you bludgeon the panting “Bike to Work Scheme Cunt” to death outside McColl’s with his mini pump?
• #1423
None. None times. Go directly to bludgeon.
• #1424
“Bike to Work Scheme Cunt”
Congratulations on mastering the forum's elitism and snobbery. You will make friends for life here.
• #1425
What is a bike to work scheme cunt anyway?
I haven't seen a 'how not to ride in London', but there's a guy on here who does a great series of videos called 'Silly Cyclists' or something similar. He takes submissions from other camera equipped riders so it might be worth doing a search and sending him some clips.