• #11452
I'm in. For whatever. I don't care.
• #11453
Definitely in for a badge. Need to get the carradice out...
• #11454
I'll take a badge fo' sho'. Got the Carradice. It's the next step.
• #11455
I somehow have three. I don't know how, as I've only ever used one to do the Dun Run.
I know one came on a 50s bike I bought that had two original Michelin 27"tubes in and some rim tape.
• #11456
Would be in for a cycling proficiency t-shirt rather than a badge...
• #11457
How does one go about explaining that you shouldn't undertake left indicating HGVs? I am amazed at the amount of people who seem to just not know about it.
• #11458
1 - HGV can't see you see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9E1_1M-qhU
2 - HGV is bigger than you
3- You've nowhere to go if it goes pearshaped
So, knowing 1,2,3 is a small time win worth a risk of dying?Splut and crunch are not sounds you want to make ;)
(ow and Plod will fine you for breaking highway code if they catch you, don't undertake an indicating vehicle) -
• #11459
"Have you considered cycle training" is a forum favourite.
• #11460
Ha! Never mind left-turning HGVs - undertaking left-turning anything is a bad idea. And now that the sun's out I'm seeing happy-go-fucky cyclists do it all the time. Worse, they often think they have 'right of way' doing so, and start berating the drivers.
I politely mentioned this to one lady this morning, and she told me firmly that I was wrong and that cyclists have right of way while undertaking. "THAT'S why cycle lanes are on the left."
• #11461
It's just really sad and I don't want to see somebody get squashed because they're wrong. Seems like a decent bit of low hanging fruit for tfl info signs.
• #11462
Worse, they often think they have 'right of way' doing so, and start berating the drivers.
I politely mentioned this to one lady this morning, and she told me firmly that I was wrong and that cyclists have right of way while undertaking. "THAT'S why cycle lanes are on the left."
The reply to that which sometimes works is:-
"You may think you have right of way, but the moral high ground is no use to you when you're dead."
• #11463
I think that it's really hard to do it in a way that's not provoking an argument, because you just get their heckles raised and it's about having the last word rather than any ideas being exchanged.
• #11464
What do people say if you ask them "Did you know it's very dangerous to undertake a lorry?"
• #11465
"Mind your own fucking business, you cunt"
• #11466
Or variations thereof.
• #11467
I've not done it, and I don't think after you've seen somebody doing it is the ideal time for them to learn that information.
• #11468
Traffic jam. No room to pass on either side, so I'm waiting patiently behind a bus.
Cue 4 cyclists undertake me and bunnyhop onto the pavement and peds have to take avoiding action.
"Get off the pavement! Dickheads" I rant.
Girl next to me with her helmet hanging off her rack stops. Considers my words, then hops onto the pavement herself.
They probably all thought I was much more of a dick than them. And I wonder why I have no friends?
• #11469
FUCK.THEM. So many have been on their bikes for 2 mins and think they know. Seriously fuck them, fuck DfT, Fuck TfL.
• #11470
Yes, lucky for the rest of us who were born with this knowledge and needed no advice or training!
• #11471
Ah the joys of...humans ;)
(I assumed it was ppl mattired knew, street attempts seem to be usually a waste of time, no matter how polite you are)
• #11472
Been working in this job for quite some time and the frustration wears you down... I wish I didn't care so much but the stupidity/ignorance from all directions gets me down.
Two girls cycling yesterday, one deeply in the door zone, not looking at all comfortable and her friend talking her through what was going on the road. I offer a little advice as tactfully as I could. CUE: I'm listening but I don't think you're correct vibe + "well you're not wearing a helmet or high viz...."
Essentially suggesting any issues or scrapes I potentially get into are my fault. I couldn't be arsed with the I hope you're not wearing a skirt in the event of your sexual attack. Or asking how much helmet or viz helps when you have your torso wrapped around the rear axle of a 20T lorry.
I've lost count of the numbers of people I've explained deeply about the benefits of training only for them to say, "Yeah, I might think about it."
These conversations usually start off the back of them complaining about a road layout or dangerous situation occurring on their ride/commute. Not that holding a license is a road safety panacea but there are more and more cyclists that have had no formal training for using the roads and it's showing.
From the other side I did a DR Bike at Vauxhall Cross...I didn't think it possible to make an already terrible junction worse. I don't claim any sense of pride or moral victory but if it doesn't change from what I saw yesterday someone will be seriously injured there.
They're in the process of adding a physical segregation for those going Southbound as well as a cut through for those travelling from East wanting to go Southbound into the segregated bit.
The old layout is the top the new is the lower one.What struck me was how few cyclists at rush hour were were going South in comparison to those going West in both cases coming from East by a ratio of at least 20:1.
That means those going West from East have even less space to do so with a matter of zero dedicated space between them and motorists either turning left or going straight on. The cycle lane is enclosed by hatched lines (not solid) meaning motorised vehicles can use it...and they did.
It a complete bottleneck atm with no prioritisation on the junction. Who goes first? Left turners or those going straight on? I don't think anyone else knew either!
Skin Vs metal = one winner. Cyclists aren't the only victim here, drivers suffer stress from the density of traffic and not wanting to harm vulnerable others.The number of horns blasting, aggro and near misses was horrible to see. Again I ask the question of those in the DfT:
How many of you making these cycling decisions live in London and cycle here on a regular basis?If I were on twitter I'd have started the hash tag: Will you buy me grapes (if I'm injured)?
[I don't quite get twitter]
It felt like the triangle section of pavement between the east and south section should be made smaller to allow a dedicated space for those turning left with west bounders on their right hand side able to go straight on.
• #11473
Almost saw a woman on a shopper die today. She was turning right into Eastcastle Street from Berner Street, ignoring the HGV coming towards her in the opposite lane. Must have just missed her by about a foot. She seemed completely oblivious, but it was terrible for me seeing it.
• #11474
"Do you want to be right or do you want to live?"
• #11475
^^^ MG's post
Do you mean Grosvenor Road not Cromwell Road?
I ran past that junction (W to E) on the way home last night and so I didn't get a good look at it. Does anyone have any photos or details of the plan? It looked ok from my small glimpse.
I'd thought that those wanting to turn left from Millbank onto Vauxhall Bridge simply use the diagonal cut-through bit and are no longer held by the red light (they just have to give way when entering the segregated cycle lane bit going South onto Vauxhall Bridge). I don't see how that affects the cyclists that continue straight (West-ish) onto Grosvenor Road.
Boris has told an Uber cabbie to fxxx off and die.