• #12077
Could the auto-correct failure in this thread title be fixed please?
• #12079
Not exactly subtle about it either.
• #12080
The bastard.
• #12082
Could the auto-correct failure in this thread title be fixed please?
• #12083
me thinks our guru doth meditate too much
• #12084
I found it.
One of the web servers had lost it's connection to one of the nfs file systems that does attachment storage and some object cache items.
It isn't used heavily but you'd see it on the rare occasion of accessing a specific front-end machine as it performed a specific action.
Basically meaning, it came and went.
• #12085
Basically meaning, it came and went.
Snotter taught it well.
• #12087
The same guy who is selling the dodgy bag for less than 1/3 of it's worth 1 day after it was launched.
It's either stolen goods or was a promotional item that was blagged and should be being used for promo rather than lining his pocket.
Couple that bullshit with nursery evasion and breaking the classifieds rules by trying to advertise the bag constantly, everywhere... and he's banned.
• #12088
Something this bad trader said makes me believe he has aliases, based on this response to my querying the fucked condition of a chainring he sold me (although yes I know, caveat emptor I have myself to blame, but used gift at the time so guessing response would have been similar....)
any way of checking alias for his paypal email telephone@gmail.com and his name Chris Tyler ?
I think this...
bristoltraitor what the hell, i'll reply.The sales thread had pictures, which you didnt check.
You bought something and didnt check it on arrival.You're an idiot really, no?!
And yeah, i'm always online, so what? i dont owe you an explanation and you're certainly not getting a refund.
From what i've seen of your posts on here you're pretty rude to people, including one of my previous sale threads, then you come to buy my stuff later. Pretty shitty behaviour really. But hey, just my opinion.
Over to you to 'neg rep' me or whatever, don't really care as i'm already negged for having an opinion, something which isn't really tolerated around here...quick throw the popcorn bullshit
Anyway, to cut it off here i'm rather happy that you're pissed off. makes me smile inside."
Is ban worthy and also worthy of checking for alias he's using for selling his shit. I checked back his sales posts and I wasn't even a cunt, not once! Which made me think he might be using multiple accounts...
• #12090
he's not rude, he's northern, there's a slight difference.
• #12091
No known aliases.
• #12092
BTW, is that really his PayPal email address? It doesn't relate to his account, and G+ reckons it belongs to someone else entirely.
Not that it's suspect, it's not... it's just weird.
• #12093
he's not rude, he's northern, there's a slight difference.
Matters not. I don't think he's rude.
• #12094
BTW, is that really his PayPal email address? It doesn't relate to his account, and G+ reckons it belongs to someone else entirely.
Not that it's suspect, it's not... it's just weird.
Ah missed that, he sent me the wrong address first time round, tylophone@gmail.com is his paypal email.
• #12095
Then I can confirm: no aliases.
• #12096
How bizarre, maybe he dreamt me being rude on one of his sales threads.
• #12097
Or he's been stalking you around the forum and decided you're a bag egg.
Such a bad egg TM.
• #12098
Ban TM for being a bad egg...
While you're at it, ban b&d... He's trying to give me style advice.
• #12099
so ban him for wasting his own time?
• #12100
He sounds like a bell-end.
3 bumps in 24 hours and some pretty meaningless posts before the for sale thread