• #2727
One of my favourite memories of this year was a girl completely off her rocker standing in the middle of the road looking very pleased with herself while we rode around her like the peleton around a roundabout...
...but a bit slower!
• #2728
We did encounter some right ineptly in villages after a heavy night of bling bling drinking.
Epically unintelligible post. Win!
• #2729
it's to be expected to be honest, but it is a ride that happen once a year, every 365 days, part of me understand the resident concern but at the same time they knew about the Dunwich ride, and it's on a Saturday night rather than a working day, thousands of people is obviously going to make noise as they passes a village at 3am.
least there's no thumb tack incident I heard about last year.
Completely correct Ed. I think that 1 day of the year isn't really asking for much ... is it? But saying that people shouldn't be shouting at the top of their voices (not that I heard any of this)
and there are never drunk fuckwits making noise in these villages?
So many of them around, especially once we hit Essex. The look on peoples faces whilst 1000 cyclists went past as they chomped on their kebabs was hilarious.
Perhaps a hand out given out wit the Route Sheets. Appealin for quiet and not to litter ?
Put some "Quite Please" signs out on the approach to villages, esp those that S.C. know complaints have come from ?I think there was something on the route sheet about the noise. I agree though with listing places where you can stop for food. But once you get a puncture that can't really be helped can it.
• #2730
If I recall correctly the route sheets do have a sort of code of conduct, I say "if I recall correctly" because I didn't bother reading it this year. I like to think that I'm responsible and caring enough not to do anything that elicits complaints, and as far as littering goes I would stand buy that. But noise is something that is very easy to allow to get out of hand. It's an exciting event and it's natural to want to share the excitement when stopping for a rest and what may seem to us as a reasonable volume for a conversation, having been awake all night, will sound like a town criers convention to someone who is trying to get back to sleep at 3 in the morning.
We need to think about different ways to get the code of conduct message across and perhaps some on-route reminders in the more sensitive areas. The villages in particular, as they won't be used to late night noise, I imagine Dunmow and Sudbury barely glanced up from their Saturday night fighting as we went past.
• #2731
I remember that it said something like not being an idiot by treating it like a race, but that's about it.
perhaps speaking to each villages beforehand so they'll know what to expect in the next Dun Run? a lots of work I know, but people tend to relaxed/calm down a bit once they're informed of such events that'll occur again.
• #2732
Sensitive villagers and inconsiderate cyclists aside for a moment... Does anybody know how busy this route really is during the day?
• #2733
I didn't actually look at the route sheet till I got home. God bless you Mr. Garmin 705.
• #2734
Can understand the complaints, especially in some of the smaller villages post feed-stop. As much as there may be the ocassional drunken screaming and shouting, I would imagine it would be rare in such remote places.
My experience of this ride was that everyone was very respectful while riding, even as part of a small pack, no shouting (unless someone was riding like a tosser). However, when stopped (usually just at junctions) there was certainly some talking. Maybe a solution would be designated stop areas for groups of say 3+? Just enroute - for example, contacting a couple of pubs who might let us use their car parks, or beer gardens - looking at village greens away from houses etc? These could be every 10 miles or so and lit with the fabled tea lights? -
• #2735
Going through one inbred village we saw the orange masses leaving a pub or similar, there was a fight kicking off, and very loud screeching.
This is wholly irrelevant unless you subscribe to the belief that two wrongs make a right.
It would be the equivalent of saying "some of you cyclists RLJ so I have every right to pass you within inches at 60mph".I strongly suspect that those complaining don't live next to a nightclub.
Having lived in an "inbred village" for most of my life I can assure you that, other than the very rare car or rutting fox, there was almost no noise between 11pm and 6am.
The 3am noise is likely to be well beyond the "organge masses" found mostly in TOWIE country.
• #2736
As far as I noticed, the loudest noises were coming from the peds at kicking out time, and the guy stood outside his house ringing a bell at 3am*
*which was cool!
• #2737
I did notice an odd compulsion on the part of many cyclists to urinate against the hedges of people's houses, rather than the many miles of hedgerow in the open countryside. That, in itself, doesn't make much noise, of course, but it may have given a bit of a start to any insomniacs or early-morning bladder-emptiers, when they looked out their windows to see helmetted silhouettes along the front of their house...
• #2738
Fuck 'em, they're public roads.
• #2739
I think we have a new motto for the event.
• #2740
Greetings folks,
Enjoying all the everyone was too loud through our villages shouts. I know they are towns rather than villages, but did anyone notice the pub in Dunmow with a rock covers band giving it some – it was fingers in your belt loops right down the high street, also did anyone apart from me see people brawling in Sudbury.... I guess if I am given the health and strength to do the ride again next year, I’ll try to do it even more quietly.
Right - it’s fixed gear maths club here...
One revolution of my cranks/ pedals will take me 228 inches along the road.
There are 63,360 inches in a mile.
63,360 divided by 228 = 278 revolutions per mile
278 x 131.25 miles for the trip to Dunwich means my legs went round 36,487.50 times
Ouch, no wonder I could hardly walk afterwards....Give thanks,
Tim -
• #2741
i also cycled past many empty gel packets
i liked the route leaflet where it said "do not drop wrappers on the road, it doesn't make you look like a pro road racer, it makes you look like a douche"
• #2742
^^Superior attention to detail there JAH tim. Despite fearing numbers I'm boring enough to want to know such details myself.
• #2743
^^^ i love information like this. thanks Tim for taking the time to record that and work it out and share.
• #2744
another great timescape taken by red lantern cycling
• #2745
Dizzy vid of this year's DunRun.
• #2746
thats how i experienced it too...
• #2747
Dizzy vid of this year's DunRun.
Dunwich Dynamo 2011 on VimeoReminds me of 2001!
Also, the second half shows the exhaustion well - I remember just not being able to hold focus on anything much and the way (his?) gaze is flicking around seems to catch that perfectly -
• #2748
Funny this thread springing to life again just now - at the moment I've just finished writing an article for a work newsletter about this ride. Word count guide of about 1500 tops - I've written 3500. Has brought it all back.
• #2749
Theory swine
can you share the article?
would love to read it the longer the better (120 miles deserves a lot of words) -
• #2750
thats how i experienced it too...
Was that Sudbury as the Nightclub closes?