• #152
Sorry to hear that Oliver! Rest your knee. Get punning on the interwebz instead.
• #153
Epic fail from me, I'm afraid. My right knee is playing up again and I can't ride on it today. I kind of felt it last night and hoped it would go away overnight, but it hasn't. Gutted I can't come--have a great ride, all. It's shaping up to be a perfect day for riding.
This means that I'm in for Bristol for sure--knee permitting, that is.
:^( There's only one explanation.
The train ticket is cursed. It's brought nothing but bad luck since it came through my letterbox.
• #154
That was hard!
• #155
Might have been easier if you weren't "drunked up" last night! By the way, awesome phrase, I'm totally adopting that one!
Was a good ride despite having to pull out and head for Southampton. It seems like bad knees are the new broken collar bone! It was a shame not to have more time in the pub at the end but I'm home now and have beer.
Sun + ride + good company + beer = a good day!
• #156
More lot's of fun then hard. Thank you Sam.
• #157
Yeah lots of fun blah, blah, blah. But mainly, hard! :-)
My being drunk up last night had nothing to do with it...
Thanks to Sam and everyone for today.
To be honest all the awesome descending made the ascending all worth it.
Special mention to middleofknowhere who did it fixed. Good work.
• #158
Well that was tough. Great ride, great route, great company, as usual. Although I was confident about the distance I don't think I was quite prepared for the hilliness. Oddly tho by the 80 mile mark I was looking forward to the climbs and dreading the descents, my tired legs just couldn't spin fast enough.
Light and dark moments as there should be in a long ride. Not sure I like the New Forest (forest? Who nicked all the trees?) strikes me as a place where you will always be riding into a headwind.
Cheers for leading Sam and good luck with your Bristol recce (Oooh, I've come over all Carry On).
• #159
Excellent ride. Respect to Matt and Toby for doing it fixed and great leading skills by Sam.
Due to a badly fitting bike, my achilles were killing me by the time we got to the New Forest, so I didn't really have that much fun at that point in the ride. Should have ridden my road bike instead of that bloody heavy tourer thing! :)
• #160
Light and dark moments as there should be in a long ride. Not sure I like the New Forest (forest? Who nicked all the trees?) strikes me as a place where you will always be riding into a headwind.
.I found that when I did this route originally. The northern part of the forest the route passes through is rather baron.
• #161
Ooh my knees!
Big thanks to Sam for steering us through some lovely country lanes, windy heathland (though a lot of it was with a tailwind), dark ancient forests and eventually to the seaside! I still, even at my great age get a thrill the first time I see the sea! Thanks to 10 who rode and made this a great day to remember. Chappeau to Matt for the many more revolutions he did compared to the rest of us! Also thanks to Ludwig for being ride "dad", makes a change that it's not me!
Sorry we couldn't all enjoy a few jars at the end together. I was under strict orders from she who must be obeyed to get home as early as humanly possible, so the 18.55 train it was for me where, I enjoyed a tin of Stella (cheers Joe, I'll buy you a pint in Clacton) and managed to get, as Joe called it a "quick power-nap". Not really sure if this helped or not, but still got home*, showered and got to a friends 50th party - shattered by 12.30 though!
- Waterloo back to Southgate done in record (slow) speed of 1 hour, all in 1st and 3rd gear (still never managed to get into 2nd gear!)
In the words of samone on here, I asked my legs if they wanted to ride to Bristol next week and they told me to fuck off!
- Waterloo back to Southgate done in record (slow) speed of 1 hour, all in 1st and 3rd gear (still never managed to get into 2nd gear!)
• #162
I loved every minute of that ride - thanks for the company, gents. Great lanes, tough climbs, and blistering descents.
Highlight for me was the wooded section in the New Forest (Ornamental Drive) - it flows so well that i could ride it all day, and not get bored. The route is pretty tough, but a winner imo. I'll definately be running it again sometime, but doing it twice in three days is plenty for a while.
Shame to say bon voyage to conservative values so early, and sorry that your knee gave you so much jip, Andy.
Some pics to come.
• #163
• #164
nice pics!, makes ya want to ride the New forest again-
see that second from last one- the hill down to Bos Vegas pier, I took a group of thirty kids down that on their mainly shit bikes, he he, steep isnt it. -
• #165
Nice photos. Don't think my knees would be up to doing that ride a second time in such short notice! Hope the weather clears up for you next weekend. I can't make it unfortunately.
• #166
Really like this pic.
• #167
I'm still gutted i missed this ride. It looks like my insurance wont come through for at least another week so i'm going to miss Bristol as well :(
• #168
Ha I took a picture at the same spot when I did this route.
• #169
The photos don't really show how much hill you've just climbed. Still, great views from up there!
• #170
I found the route quite quite flat TBH only one or two hills, one I had to zig zag but I was fixed with two full (small) panniers.
• #171
Yeah it wasn't to bad, but isn't that ^^ at the top of a hill? Maybe I'm thinking of another hill.
• #172
It's the top of Allders Hill (the one CV was scared of, and ran off to Bognor)
I personally found it quite hilly, but then i do have the equivalent of a child strapped to my gut. From memory, Staples lane, Kings Hill, Allders Hill, and Dummers Lane were all fuckers.
• #173
It wasn't too bad, but it was worth going up for considering sometimes we were descending for what seemed like miles at about 25mph+.
I was in agony on the last 25 miles though, haven't ridden more than 40miles in months, so it was quite hard ... was mashing the big gear pretty much all day. Got out of the pub at about 9.30 and I had real problems even getting up the short shallow hills from there to my house.
Great ride and Thank Sam for organising it, really enjoyed myself, I will contact you if I am foolist enough to do London to Bristol.
• #175
they came out a bit big...
Epic fail from me, I'm afraid. My right knee is playing up again and I can't ride on it today. I kind of felt it last night and hoped it would go away overnight, but it hasn't. Gutted I can't come--have a great ride, all. It's shaping up to be a perfect day for riding.
This means that I'm in for Bristol for sure--knee permitting, that is.