• #52
• #53
im not normally a fan of hand balancers but this guy, holy moly. check the sloooow muscle up.
taken from the beastskills youtube
page. also a website here.dominic lacasse is a favorite of mine. and the current human flag duration record holder.
• #54
"Five years ago, I was a four stone apology. Now I am two separate gorillas!"
• #55
is anyone else catching the oh-so-slight homo-erotic undertones here?
filming yourself lifting weights is a bit odd.....
And I thought it was just me who thought that... ** giggles **
• #56
men pole dancing (no not like that)
this is fucking mental
• #57
Pedobear approves.
Pretty cool take on gymnastics. I think it might be a little better with two poles for more variety of movements, similar to a pommel horse.
Some of those jump leg-locks would be amazing done in a fight.
YouTube- All About Mallakhamb 1 / The Complete Guide for Beginners
• #58
My main source of pride is achieving a 3 full one armed chin ups.
When I was younger I played a lot of Rugby and cycled a lot, my claim to fame was ten reps at 150kg when I was 16, more than double body weight at the time! Stupid thing to do at that age but I'd already stopped growing and was not repeated but it felt so awesome! I've been trying to get back into shape at the gym, more about the "gymnastic" strength and body definition than bulking up, I really don't want to get any bigger, just strip the fat! Easier said than done though, I'm sure my shit diet isn't helping me out and the fact that with work it's so hard to stick to a regular gym schedule... Any good tips?
• #59
Anyone into Boxercise?
I used to be, but I find hoola-hooping much more intense.
You have to be careful with it though, too much hooping and you'll be forced to maintain a 88,000 calorie diet, 50% of which must be tropical fruit based. -
• #60
yep, long regular rides
you need to go into fat burning mode, which takes at least 25-35 minutes of moderate exercise
the longer you keep at it the more fat you burn
i was competing at national level in fencing but was fairly stocky, it was road riding last year that finally helped me to lose my insulation
have a look at wigan wills poster from this year and last year as examples
• #61
also this
• #62
When I was younger I played a lot of Rugby and cycled a lot, my claim to fame was ten reps at 150kg when I was 16,
10 x 75kg weighted one armed chins? Pretty damn impressive. You definetely have enough natural grip & back strength to be competitive at a strength sport.
• #63
10 x 75kg weighted one armed chins? Pretty damn impressive. You definetely have enough natural grip & back strength to be competitive at a strength sport.
Sorry, forgot to say what with, ten x 150kg squats! Not so sure about the competitive strength to be honest, you wouldn't say that if you saw me now, lol!
• #64
@Nahguavkire 2 x bodyweight squats is bloody impressive. I still haven't cracked 1x bodyweight :-/
I am back to the gym after three week off. I've decided to try something new. After 4 months on 5/3/1 I was having no issues with recovery but my progress was slower than it needed to be so I'm trying the intermediate version of Starr's 5x5. I'm on my second week now and feeling pretty good.
• #65
Sorry, forgot to say what with, ten x 150kg squats! Not so sure about the competitive strength to be honest, you wouldn't say that if you saw me now, lol!
I half guess you done goofed up somewhere. I thought you mightve been able to do normal 10x double bodyweight chins.
Im only at 1.5xBW for 4-5 reps. Close to a double BW deadlift, I wouldve had by now but I have a sprained wrist.
• #66
@Nahguavkire 2 x bodyweight squats is bloody impressive. I still haven't cracked 1x bodyweight :-/
I am back to the gym after three week off. I've decided to try something new. After 4 months on 5/3/1 I was having no issues with recovery but my progress was slower than it needed to be so I'm trying the intermediate version of Starr's 5x5. I'm on my second week now and feeling pretty good.
Be careful with the starr's 5x5 programming. The stuff you find on the net is bastardised and been through the hands of several generations of bros adding extra shit for their guns.
Starr was all about the powerclean as the core exercise. I have his book, let me know if you need to know anything.
• #67
Interesting. I am doing this version which, tbh, is basically just Starting Strength but with weekly rather than per-session weight increases.
The author does note that this version is adapted for people who don't know the Olympic lifts (which I don't).
How different is the program I posted above from what's in the book?
Be careful with the starr's 5x5 programming. The stuff you find on the net is bastardised and been through the hands of several generations of bros adding extra shit for their guns.
Starr was all about the powerclean as the core exercise. I have his book, let me know if you need to know anything.
• #68
Has anyone used a weight vest? I've stopped going to the gym and am using hackney downs park as a replacement. The issue being that I can do bodyweight squats and lunges indefinitely, so o need some method of adding weight. I have used a backpack with a bag of compost(25kg) but the straps broke today. A weight vest seems a good method instead of taking a set of dumbbells.
• #69
I have a friend who used one for his fencing footwork practice. He did look like a suicide bomber wearing it.
• #70
Thats a silly thing to do (for fencing) will train you to be slower. It would be a great conditioning exercise, but a terrible skills exercise, seriously terrible.
In terms of the weights vest, sure go nuts. But I reckon it'll be too light for you. I think your squat is higher than mine, but if I do lunges I usually have a 20kg dumb bell in each hand.Are there any logs/felled trees knocking about? You could get one on your back and do some walking lunges. You should also try jumping bodyweight squats and split lunges if you havent already. Fucking brutal.
• #71
it was for S&C not technique
• #72
Just saw this, 176lb bodyweight
- 325 kg deadlift[/ame] -
• #73
Ive seen that guys videos a few times. Impressive stuff!
Theres a kid at my local gym. Weighs 63kg or so, can deadlift 260kg with no suit etc. He just has "the gift" for it. He is pretty lazy and clueless in his training, just does stuff for fun. 21 years old. If he pulled his finger out and trained seriously he couple probably set a national or even world under-23 record.
• #74
I've hurt my back :-/
Taking 2 weeks off although it feels fine after 1.
• #75
That video is impressive.
I have been using my girlfriend as a substitute weight vest. By giving her a piggy back I can do lunges and pull ups and if she lays on my back i can do push ups with her. Needless to say we have been getting some funny looks in the park!
i bet you would. i bet you would.
sore jaw afterwards though. eh?