• #6952
Anything over the counter ok, anything POM not.
• #6953
EDIT: Prescription Only Medication?
It most certainly is ok. That's the whole point of having a prescription for it.
Racing on it is a matter for WADA but having photos of something that may have been prescribed for an injury is completely legitimate. -
• #6954
Facebook and Insta
• #6955
Obviously top ladz then
• #6956
Nothing is ever deleted so it'll be hanging around somewhere.
• #6957
Likewise prescription requirements vary by country, do they not? I seem to remember from Hamilton's book (I think) that EPO was OTC in Switzerland
• #6958
This is why athletes need to be reading WADA rules. No point going "oh but it's legal where I come from" if it's banned in your sport by WADA.
• #6959
• #6960
Remember kids, drugs are bad and Testosterone is banned
• #6961
Froome training super hard makes sense now. Took me embarrassingly long to get it.
• #6962
He's trying to reproduce a grand tour for his medical tests in the doping case isn't he?
• #6963
... probably whilst periodically taking some other non-banned substances that effect your liver performance?
• #6964
He just wants it more
• #6965
I guess so.
I can't see why he'd be training so much other wise. No other pro trains near that much. It's pretty interesting.
• #6966
Just listening to last week's Cycling Podcast where a reader's letter sets out precisely this theory. Can't believe I didn't even think of it, seems very plausible.
• #6967
Has he started logging it on Strava as some sort of pr effort?
• #6968
If, and it's a big if I think, he's trying to recreate the load of a GT and wants to be able to demonstrate that to the UCI, then Strava is probably as good a place as any, as it means anyone can access his recent training and understand the load.
• #6969
What a waste, he missed his chance for the Festive 500
• #6970
Hoping to see a picture of him driving around Africa at 45kph in a lupo.
• #6971
Wouldn't he need UCI/WADA approved docs doing the blood tests etc for him though?
Doesn't seem enough to do a fuckload of training and produce your own tests from your own docs saying "see gov, innocent" so perhaps it really is more for show than for the admissible sciency evidential proof of it all...
• #6972
I guess there is no power or hrm data on starva
• #6973
He is probably doing the training to get his body into the same state as he was in the giro then can go an get tested by who ever needs to do the test and hopefully replicate the result?
• #6974
HR was on for a day or so, it was ridic.
• #6975
Apparently he hasn't done a test yet but now this:
1 Attachment
Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen and maybe some Codydramol from whatever the last broken bone was.