• #677
Tester: are there ever special dispensations made for 'my wife was giving birth', 'my father had been admitted to hospital' or 'there was a terrorist attack on a Madrid railway station'? I wonder.
• #678
Tester: are there ever special dispensations made for 'my wife was giving birth', 'my father had been admitted to hospital' or 'there was a terrorist attack on a Madrid railway station'? I wonder.
I doubt it, Gregory probably tried all of those...
• #679
I think Greg tried 'the dog ate my sample'
• #680
I think he actually tried the "oh, I had 99 voicemails and couldn't get any more, so missed the test" bollocks
• #682
I think he actually tried the "oh, I had 99 voicemails and couldn't get any more, so missed the test" bollocks
Original. My phone doesn't retrieve voicemail so that would work on me...
• #684
question: what system does the UCI use to check athletes whereabouts?
• #685
• #686
question: what system does the UCI use to check athletes whereabouts?
LFGSS 'What are you doing now.. ' thread.
• #687
This is an interesting article on Adams
Ben Greenwood was in my year at school and always beat me at cross country/ fell running.
• #688
Read that as Adnams. I am disappoint.
• #689
has anyone on here actually tried doping? I ask as I'm *genuinely concerned that a friend (not a cyclist) is doing so to get gains at the gym....
• #690
I thought most people 'gaining' at gyms were juicing in some way or another.
Laugh at his shrivelled balls and he might stop or he might tear off your face 'roid raging.
• #691
I worked with a guy who was on loads of stuff for bodybuilding, used to go into his office and he had one of those pill containers for mon, tues, wed etc. although he had each section full and it was for 8:00, 10:00, 12:00 etc. I tried to subtly ask him if he took ilegal stuff and he said he took everything bar artificial dieuretics as thats all thats banned for bodybuilding, he was very open and we had some interesting discussions about PEDs
• #692
has anyone on here actually tried doping? I ask as I'm *genuinely concerned that a friend (not a cyclist) is doing so to get gains at the gym....
I should think a lot of people on here have fallen foul of doping regulations at one point or another.
When you say gains at the gym, what exactly do you mean?
• #693
I took 4 x 200mg ibuprofen on Sunday. Saw all kinds of crazy shit.
• #694
question: what system does the UCI use to check athletes whereabouts?
ADAMS online thing
Inner Ring explains all
Cyclingtips goes into the detail more of what it means to the athlete
Interesting that the athletes who complain on twitter about early morning tests have actually requested an early morning test if it is to be carried out that day.
• #695
Interesting that the athletes who complain on twitter about early morning tests have actually requested an early morning test if it is to be carried out that day.
That's true except they usually complain when they get the knock at 0530 instead of 0600!
• #696
It's sensible to book the test early - more likely to be at home. Doesn't mean you're gonna enjoy being woken up though does it?
It's all bollocks, sack the lot and let the 5th cats run riot!
• #697
just answer the door starkers with your best mangina on to fuck with them. be surprised if they come calling again quick, unless they're into that kind of thing of course.
• #698
Isn't that how you answer the door normally? Have I been doing something wrong over here?
They are free to retire from racing under the rules of the UCI, incorporating the WADA anti-doping rules. It's just a sports regulation, like any other. If you want to handle the ball, don't sign up to be an outfield player under FA rules.