• #102
ya sap
true murtle.
you guys and girls are acer. where does a mango to get such good puns? certainly not been resting on your laurels this time.i wish i was better at the pun game sigh(press)
• #103
• #104
Wattle that about?
Did you know Banksia have been bailed out by tax payers?
It's enough to make me see redgum.
I pine for the days when the people controlled the money and Sycamore tax breaks for the rich.
I Mahogany more of your time. Thanks for listening.
• #105
acacia later.
i actually thought maple weed put this one out to pasture. if i cashew doing this again i'll nut hesitate to tell your papa(ya). he'll put on his fox(ing)gloves and beat you about the head shouting "durian you ever do that again".
how do you like them apples?
• #106
Too many nuts not enough trees.
• #107
pah, trees come from nuts dummy.
• #108
You're barking mad, coconuts!
• #109
You're barking mad, coconuts!
neem not.
(best said with a scot accent)
• #110
I Mahogany more of your time.
This would be very good if there was a 'won't' in front of 'mahogany'--which I presume was the intention?
• #111
bloody Ostrya(ns) cant grasp the english language...
• #112
Bloody Australians can't grasp the English language.
I grasp it far better than you, princess.
• #113
pish posh. Hop-hornbeam or Ironwood
• #114
I grasp it far better than you, puncess.
I doubt that.
• #115
Upas think im stupid not using capitals but Mulberry im just forgetful. if Olea see it from my point of view, the Ostraya(n) one was Tsuga(d) to pass up. ah well, teak it or leave it, i meant no dis Rhus pect, Shorea can see that?
• #116
cheers for sticking up for me schick, i think im getting Swietenia. (best with oz accent)
• #117
Blimey. Not all of those work very well, but top marks for effort. Can't com you but would if I could.
• #118
I grasp it far better than you, princess.
you Pinus. hahahahahahahahaha
• #119
Blimey. Not all of those work very well, but top marks for effort. Can't com you but would if I could.
there's Morus where that came from. (repost?)
• #120
Don't think so.
• #121
Wood it be best to let this thread rot?
• #122
• #123
went to a hotel the other night, the receptionist asked me if i wanted Tupelo to sleep on? i said no, just one thanks.
or Sumac like that.
Sorry, i know its getting worse but Amur having fun.
• #124
Today I bought beds, made from hemp.
• #125
Syringa reticulata
no pun but remarkably tree like and surgery like.
Anyhow, I can't stand mopane from these puns so I am(a)-rula-ing myself out for now.