
Posted on
of 11
  • Can you point me towards this evidence that supports the flood myth ?

    Also can you show me where to find this original flood predication ?

    You are Jeremy Paxman and I claim my £5.

  • Paxman has more hair.

  • What is this thread about? Is it fun? Worth spending any time?

    I don't want to waste my time like I did on the head lice and cycling one.

  • You are Jeremy Paxman and I claim my £5.

    I don't know whether thats a good or bad thing, he wouldn't understand it unless it ran up and punched him on the nose.

    Is subtlety allowed?

    If I give a link, would it be looked at objectively? I have been studying this for the last 15 years, as It is I am being snorted at by people (not tynan) and called names, so far I have been mocked and dismissed out of hand, over the slightest of issues.
    No one commented on the Baxter Healthcare scandal.
    They can duck the video if they want and look at the extensive literature surrounding that case, however that would require effort, otherwise they can sit and watch the nun talking about the same subject.
    These are facts, the bird flu virus did appear in the vaccine, and not a small dose...10 kgs approx.
    These people are in court not defending that why was it contaminated....they are defending how it got there.

    that amount of vaccine was in for thousands, tens of thousands possibly hundreds of thousands of people.

    So, who paid any attention to that link?

    You want a link about inundation, start at Graham Hancock, and look at the works of the other authors that have commented, of which there are many. Then aslo look at Charles Berlitz (he of travel dictionary fame) he spent his entire fortune researching the subject over 40 years. He came up with incredible evidence.

    Something did happen, and please can everybody stop being so sensationalist? what is the huge deal about known history changing...?

    It happens all the time, and it usually happens when we find out someone had been lying due to there ego...just look at the piltdown man...that was a fraud...though wa the back bone of the evolution ideals and lasted 50 years.

    All culture no matter where they are from anywhare on the globe, have an ancient story about a huge flood that existed in pre history, everyone...

    That these people recorded a flood, why dismiss them?

    There is also Platos account that talks of the flood.

    Why should it be so unbelievable..if you tili the planet an extra 10 degrees all at once...then the water, that is 'pulled' to the sideswith the centrifugal force, and being contolled by the moon also will to all intents and purpose stay where it is. the water doesn't have to rise at just move the earth.
    An equivalent model? An orange travelling around in a orbit with a 20ft diameter at a thousand miles an hour, and whilst doing that it spins on it's own axis(ie by itself) at ( I cant remember this one)...I would have thought maybe 500 miles an hour.

    All this is affected by gyroscopic action, a tiny fluctuation could make huge diffences to the skin of the orange (remember the earths crust is very very thin).

    So possibilities fo something going a 'bit' wrong every few thousand years ...high.

    Take the fact that the tsunami was caused only a tiny movement within the tens of metres..

    What is so hard to believe that a flood of enormous magnitude happened 13,000 years ago?

    what is also so hard to believe that it did it in conjunction with the earths precessional drift?

    we are party to cycles all the time, nature is living is...we are.

    I won't say anymore I'm as bored as you all are, I don't see how you don't get it. It's very easy to formulate and visualise.

  • I don't know whether thats a good or bad thing, he wouldn't understand it unless it ran up and punched him on the nose.

    Is subtlety allowed?

    If I give a link, would it be looked at objectively? I have been studying this for the last 15 years, as It is I am being snorted at by people (not tynan) and called names, so far I have been mocked and dismissed out of hand, over the slightest of issues.
    No one commented on the Baxter Healthcare scandal.
    They can duck the video if they want and look at the extensive literature surrounding that case, however that would require effort, otherwise they can sit and watch the nun talking about the same subject.
    These are facts, the bird flu virus did appear in the vaccine, and not a small dose...10 kgs approx.
    These people are in court not defending that why was it contaminated....they are defending how it got there.

    that amount of vaccine was in for thousands, tens of thousands possibly hundreds of thousands of people.

    So, who paid any attention to that link?

    You want a link about inundation, start at Graham Hancock, and look at the works of the other authors that have commented, of which there are many. Then aslo look at Charles Berlitz (he of travel dictionary fame) he spent his entire fortune researching the subject over 40 years. He came up with incredible evidence.

    Something did happen, and please can everybody stop being so sensationalist? what is the huge deal about known history changing...?

    It happens all the time, and it usually happens when we find out someone had been lying due to there ego...just look at the piltdown man...that was a fraud...though wa the back bone of the evolution ideals and lasted 50 years.

    All culture no matter where they are from anywhare on the globe, have an ancient story about a huge flood that existed in pre history, everyone...

    That these people recorded a flood, why dismiss them?

    There is also Platos account that talks of the flood.

    Why should it be so unbelievable..if you tili the planet an extra 10 degrees all at once...then the water, that is 'pulled' to the sideswith the centrifugal force, and being contolled by the moon also will to all intents and purpose stay where it is. the water doesn't have to rise at just move the earth.
    An equivalent model? An orange travelling around in a orbit with a 20ft diameter at a thousand miles an hour, and whilst doing that it spins on it's own axis(ie by itself) at ( I cant remember this one)...I would have thought maybe 500 miles an hour.

    All this is affected by gyroscopic action, a tiny fluctuation could make huge diffences to the skin of the orange (remember the earths crust is very very thin).

    So possibilities fo something going a 'bit' wrong every few thousand years ...high.

    Take the fact that the tsunami was caused only a tiny movement within the tens of metres..

    What is so hard to believe that a flood of enormous magnitude happened 13,000 years ago?

    what is also so hard to believe that it did it in conjunction with the earths precessional drift?

    we are party to cycles all the time, nature is living is...we are.

    I won't say anymore I'm as bored as you all are, I don't see how you don't get it. It's very easy to formulate and visualise.

    +1 repped

  • love this thread....just keeps on giving

  • manhandles ftony

    easy tiger - i usually expect flowers and chocolates first :-D

  • Whitechapel anarchist group newsletter.

  • If I give a link, would it be looked at objectively? I have been studying this for the last 15 years, as It is I am being snorted at by people (not tynan) and called names, so far I have been mocked and dismissed out of hand, over the slightest of issues.

    Wingedangel, I guess you are being mocked for the very simple reason that you are making extraordinary claims and claims for supporting evidence and then refusing to share that evidence.

    Can you not see how this might make people doubt your claims ?

    This is honestly how you come across, . . .

    A: "The government is poisoning the water supply to kill off the population"

    B: "That sounds extraordinary, where have you heard about this, do you have any info I can look at ?"

    A: "Not only the water supply but parts of the food chain, they want to depopulate the globe and bring in a new world order"

    B: "The food supply as well !? That sounds awful, can I have a look at the info you have ?"

    A: "They have been poisoning the water for 30 years, there is a well respected ex-government scientist who become a whistle blower and they are trying to silence him, but he won't give in to their fear tactics"

    B: "Can I have a look at the information you have seen ?"

    A: "And the skies, they have been spraying chemitrails for 30 years as well, it is part of the same plan"

    B: "Ok, that sounds bad too, but can I have a look at the information for the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    A: "The energy companies don't want you to know about free energy, it would signal the end for them and they don't want that to happen, that's why 9/11 was an inside job, to start a war with an oil rich country"

    B: "Please, pretty please can I see the info on governments involvement in this alleged poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    A: "Alleged !? You don't believe me, get your fucking head out of the corporate arse and start thinking for yourself, or maybe you would be happier with SOMA, sat watching the TV they force feed to you"

    B: "Ok, I see, but I still want to look at the info on the poisoning of the food and water supplies"

    A: "If you got up off your arse and tried to shake yourself out of the consumer 9-5 drone trance you are in you might see the information with your own eyes rather than getting others to do the thinking for you, or maybe you should just go back to sleep, I think you all might be happier in a permanent coma, because that is where you are now"

    B: "eh . . . . ok, any chance I could look at the information that lead you to believe that our government is involved in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    *A: "[I]Our* government ? You think they are our government, wake up sunshine, the illuminati have well and truly pulled the wool over your already shut eyes if you think they are our government, you think you are voting these NWO puppets in when you place your cross in the box ? Dream on sunshine, dream on. Do you know in the last US election over 7 million votes were not counted, why ? THEY DID NOT FIT IN WITH THE NWO AGENDA. Understand now ? Or are you still asleep ?[/I]

    B: "Right, sorry, the government . . . could I look at the information that lead you to believe that the government is involved in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    A: "The government make statues and acts BUT NOT LAWS, but do you know anything about common law, do you know that real law (not man made law) is based on love and not greed and money, do you even know anything about the money system, you probably have never bothered to think about it have you, too much effort for someone like yourself, you'd probably prefer to let others do your thinking for you, MONEY IS NOT REAL, it is fake, it is worthless, check out the work of Henry Harani, Thomas Pressou, Dan Frentton, Alice Keen, Brian Skippton and Paul Hampton, these guys knew THE TRUTH, try and read something for once, that's if you can even read, NOT THAT THE SCHOOLS WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO READ.

    B: "So, I take it you are not going to show me the information about the poisoning of the food and water supplies then ?"

    A: "why should I, would you even understand it ? You would just read it and think it was a load of rubbish, you would not even understand what it means, I have been studying this stuff for 25 years, why should I just give it to you, so you can mock me ? The world is going through some big changes right now, IN TWO YEARS TIME THERE WILL BE BIG CHANGES, you won't even see them coming, the Mayans knew, the Zoroastrians knew, every 64,000 years the earth's 'peace' frequency flips by 180° - can't happen ? THINK AGAIN SUNSHINE, WAKE UP AND THINK AGAIN - if you knew anything about quantum physics you might have a clue, the Mayans PREDICTED QUANTUM PHYSICS, their word for it is 'Siemba' which literally translates as THE END OF TIME. Wake up, dream on, find your own path, do your own research, go back to sleep, get your head out of the arse of BIG BUSINESS, do you even know how your tax funds the W.H.O ?

    . . . . etc etc ad nauseam.

  • Paxman has more hair.

    Damn him and his hair, damn him.

  • Wingedangel, I guess you are being mocked for the very simple reason that you are making extraordinary claims and claims for supporting evidence and then refusing to share that evidence.

    Can you not see how this might make people doubt your claims ?

    This is honestly how you come across, . . .

    A: "The government is poisoning the water supply to kill off the population"

    B: "That sounds extraordinary, where have you heard about this, do you have any info I can look at ?"

    A: "Not only the water supply but parts of the food chain, they want to depopulate the globe and bring in a new world order"

    B: "The food supply as well !? That sounds awful, can I have a look at the info you have ?"

    A: "They have been poisoning the water for 30 years, there is a well respected ex-government scientist who become a whistle blower and they are trying to silence him, but he won't give in to their fear tactics"

    B: "Can I have a look at the information you have seen ?"

    A: "And the skies, they have been spraying chemitrails for 30 years as well, it is part of the same plan"

    B: "Ok, that sounds bad too, but can I have a look at the information for the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    A: "The energy companies don't want you to know about free energy, it would signal the end for them and they don't want that to happen, that's why 9/11 was an inside job, to start a war with an oil rich country"

    B: "Please, pretty please can I see the info on governments involvement in this alleged poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    A: "Alleged !? You don't believe me, get your fucking head out of the corporate arse and start thinking for yourself, or maybe you would be happier with SOMA, sat watching the TV they force feed to you"

    B: "Ok, I see, but I still want to look at the info on the poisoning of the food and water supplies"

    A: "If you got up off your arse and tried to shake yourself out of the consumer 9-5 drone trance you are in you might see the information with your own eyes rather than getting others to do the thinking for you, or maybe you should just go back to sleep, I think you all might be happier in a permanent coma, because that is where you are now"

    B: "eh . . . . ok, any chance I could look at the information that lead you to believe that our government is involvement in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    *A: "[I]Our* government ? You think they are our government, wake up sunshine, the illuminati have well and truly pulled the wool over your already shut eyes if you think they are our government, you think you are voting these NWO puppets in when you place your cross in the box ? Dream on sunshine, dream on. Do you know in the last US election over 7 million votes were not counted, why ? THEY DID NOT FIT IN WITH THE NWO AGENDA. Understand now ? Or are you still asleep ?[/I]

    B: "Right, sorry, the government . . . could I look at the information that lead you to believe that the government is involvement in the poisoning of the food and water supplies ?"

    A: "The government make statues and acts BUT NOT LAWS, but do you know anything about common law, do you know that real law (not man made law) is based on love and not greed and money, do you even know anything about the money system, you probably have never bothered to think about it have you, too much effort for someone like yourself, you'd probably prefer to let others do your thinking for you, MONEY IS NOT REAL, it is fake, it is worthless, check out the work of Henry Harani, Thomas Pressou, Dan Frentton, Alice Keen, Brian Skippton and Paul Hampton, these guys knew THE TRUTH, try and read something for once, that's if you can even read, NOT THAT THE SCHOOLS WANT YOU TO BE ABLE TO READ.

    B: "So, I take it you are not going to show me the information about the poisoning of the food and water supplies then ?"

    A: "why should I, would you even understand it ? You would just read it and think it was a load of rubbish, you would not even understand what it means, I have been studying this stuff for 25 years, why should I just give it to you, so you can mock me ? The world is going through some big changes right now, IN TWO YEARS TIME THERE WILL BE BIG CHANGES, you won't even see them coming, the Mayans knew, the Zoroastrians knew, every 64,000 years the earth's 'peace' frequency flips by 180° - can't happen ? THINK AGAIN SUNSHINE, WAKE UP AND THINK AGAIN - if you knew anything about quantum physics you might have a clue, the Mayans PREDICTED QUANTUM PHYSICS, their word for it is 'Siemba' which literally translates as THE END OF TIME. Wake up, dream on, find your own path, do your own research, go back to sleep, get your head out of the arse of BIG BUSINESS, do you even know how your tax funds the W.H.O ?

    . . . . etc etc ad nauseam.

    The purest of pure gold.

    I've been following this thread a bit, and although I do get some of the conspiracy shit that's out there, most of it is paranoid, tin-foil-hat-wearing blither written by very convincing writers who make lots of money out of scaring people witless with terrifying visions of the future.

    Winged Angel, you're saying that you've been reading this stuff for fifteen years - this doesn't make you an expert, quite the contrary. It's time to cancel your subscription to The Lobster, turn off your interweb and sit down with a compendium of the classics, a mug of tea and a packet of Hob Nobs.

  • "why should I, would you even understand it ? You would just read it and think it was a load of rubbish, you would not even understand what it means, I have been studying this stuff for 25 years, why should I just give it to you, so you can mock me ?


  • thank you tynan for once again taking the trouble to type exactly what i couldn't be arsed to.

  • This is honestly how you come across, . . .

    . . . . etc etc ad nauseam.

    Actually...I said none of that stuff, That's what you typed. I reported some things that are relevent to 'anarchy'.
    and all of you pissed your pants and's all fucking're an idiot...what the fuck do you think your saying...that the government are fucking evil liars? that they would starve a child to death for the sake of £20 dollars, take away the magna carter after a thousand years to keep us safe from...who? Saddam husain of course, that scary dictatotr...that stated out as an assain working for the cia? (yes that it true.) that had weapons of mass destruction, that we found in an essay thet was written by a school boy, that had no bearing whatsoever on the fire power of said rogue state, the brazilian student that was chased through a tube station and was wearing baggy clothing swarthy as fuck...we shouted several times and he had a back pak...that obviously had bombs in it...

    not...that he was a brazilian student wearing light coloured denim.. and wasn't chased...and wasn't wearing baggy clothes...and didn't have a beard...nad was actually killed execution style in carraige...

    not chased ot shouted at once.

    Lies anyone?

    that so far, in a thread about anarchism I have all the 'straight egde-purer than pure-fixed because it's more zen-more like surfing-that why I have tattoos-and thats why I'm credible-no one would ever pull the wool over my eyes-Hipster? me I've been riding fixed for 5-10-15 years and that makes me the most credible person in london...''

    'Men' have been having kittens over a silly tart telling them the government might lie to them, for their own gain?
    In response to that you are telling me I'm a lunatic. You sound like you are being shafted by the man...and are too ashamed to say you like it....

    Is that really how I came across or how I have been portrayed? back to you first line.

    Fucking Idiot.

    I ask you? how am I or anyone esle, supposed to interpret that?

    I gave you a link to the Baxter case. Which you still haven't said anything about.

    oh and the person that said after all this time reading about it ie 25 years...all this stuff would make me even more off an idiot, after all this time I wouldn't be able to smell a rat and yes on the contrary, it would me make me even more deluded...

    Yup, just that...why would I ever think you would get it? I was an Idiot for bringing this out on a thread about anarchism. Just what would you expect to see in a thread about re-evolution?

    Oh. just the same old shit you read in the sun yesterday.

    Back to your fucking hob nobs...

    the Revolution is being televised, and most of you have fucking bed sores.

    I know most of you are wondeful people, though in this thread, it has shocked me at the reaction. the reaction is soooooo daily- fucking-mail I'm there you go end of.
    I know I have pissed some of you off, though hey. what the fuck...this is a forum and bears no resemblence to real life.


  • Oh...

    And ps...You keep asking for 'proof'....and 'links'...


    Stop asking silly questions.

  • regarding the De Menezes incident, the whole thing from the top brass down was a complete comedy of errors.

  • Michael Powell reckoned he had a chopper that could jump houses when we were at school. I said prove it and he said he couldn't because it only happened when I had my eyes shut.....I was always dubious as to whether or not he spoke the truth.....

  • Oh...

    And ps...You keep asking for 'proof'....and 'links'...


    Christ, girl.

    How fucking hard can it be for you to give us something tangible. Really.

    Might need to cancel our date. Guess I'd be happier exchanging meaningful glances w/, I don't know, Tynan or Balki?

  • i am going to chime in again. ms. angel, you keep suggesting that we are ignorant people who wouldn't be able to see something fishy if it was obvious. i think this is what irks people. people have a right to be angry when someone who they have never met, and has no idea of their life experience, is categorically ruling them to be less knowlegeable about the workings of government than themselves. nobody here believes the government doesn't lie. the government is made of people, and people lie, especially those with vested interests. that is not what is disputed. what is disputed is your tin-foil hat theories that you insist people believe without telling them why they should believe it, and that if they don't believe it they are zombies. this smacks of fanatical ideological coercion, similar to that of the chinese "thought reform" campaign of the 1950's. the following is not meant as a skeptical question, but what direct experience have you had of the workings of government? i.e. have you ever been a counciller, written your MP, organised demonstrations, been involved with the police?

    also, it is quite annoying that you have derailed a thread that was supposed to be about the political philosophy of anarchism (ya know, if you went to a university, you could study it properly...), and instead used it as a platform for your uncredible theories (and still, providing no links, even as requested by the OP), which have nothing to do with anarchistic theory, and you must have known this is the reaction you would have got (look at last week, UTFS), which makes you appear ignorant and/or attention-seeking.

  • i am going think this is what irks people. the reaction you would have got (look at last week, UTFS), which makes you appear ignorant and/or attention-seeking.

    The air of presumption, the condescending tone, the name calling, were all instigated agaisnt me in the first instance.
    If you look back, you will see that is actually correct.

  • you never answer any of my questions :(

  • you never answer any of my questions :(

    are they intelligent questions ;p

  • i am going to chime in again......... (ya know, if you went to a university, you could study it properly....

    This statement, this presumption of my ability to think, or anyone elses ability to think, outside of a 'University' or similar institution is exactly what you have been accusing me of.
    You assume that I do not have an education, and secondly that anything that is outside of the present structured 'think tank' of the state sponsored education system, isn't attributable or worthy in any respect.
    That something hasn't had the 'Yes that is the correct way to think' tick box/pat on the back, must somehow be substandard or 'not as valid' actually says more about yur abilty to think than mine.

    You suggest that I am blinkered, and then appear to be unable to accept anything that hasn't got a rubber stamp from the state.


    Any how, I said in my last note that I considered this over, as it is getting far to antagonistic for it's own good. I haven't at any point wanted to offend people thouhg generally (as tynan said it always comes down to this.,..people demanding links, me saying go find them...end of...)
    I'm happy with that outcome. If you actually wanted to know, you'd have looked a little already.

  • my comment about university education is in relation to *your *claims that university education is bogus, without ever actually going to one! how can you judge what you have no experience of?

    what does it matter whether universities are "state sponsored" whatever the fuck that means? would you rather that they weren't funded by the govt at all, so that it would be even more the domain of the rich elite? don't you think that, if the govt wanted to control ***everything ***that people do, they would rather that most people don't go to university, rather than encouraging more people to go? universities have historically been centre's of social change, where young people realise that there is more to existence than their, thus far, sheltered experience.

    i have searched for links, in relation to free energy devices, and you know what? they were unconvincing, check my posts on the american thread. i also made comments in relation to fluorescent tubes and faraday cages, none of which you responded to. you are effectively telling people "religion is true, find it for yourself!", clearly this would have problems as no one would have any idea which religion you are talking about, or which religious text they should be studying. or, are you reluctant to show evidence for your claims because they would clearly be shown to be false under close scrutiny and critical analysis?

    do you not think that it is important for arguments to be cohesive, coherent, and justified? so far, as tynan has pointed out, this is your formula:

    Person A: did you know that [insert claim 1]?
    Person B: Really? Sounds bad, what evidence have you got?
    A: and also, [insert claim 2, 3, 4...n]
    B: Ooo, can we see where you got these from?
    A: Why? It's obvious! You can't see it because you are just sheeple, your education is false, your are blind to reality.
    B: Uh, ok, why can't we see it?
    A: If you wanted to see it, you'd find it!
    B: You make no sense
    A: Stop calling me names! You people are sooooo stupid!
    B: We just want to see some evidence.
    A: Sorry, if you wanted to see it, you'd find it, this is over, goodbye.

  • regarding the De Menezes incident, the whole thing from the top brass down was a complete comedy of errors.

    You must mean 'tragedy'.

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Posted by Avatar for Eiger @Eiger
