• #9202
for a gift... NIB would be good...
• #9203
Also @tina.kino I saw this and inexplicably thought of you... even though you are just a person on the internet :)
Keep clear by Michael M Rennie, on Flickr
• #9204
With the Oly 17 today, "Hato hato hato! (pigeon pigeon pigeon)" he shouted, ended up with this
• #9205
• #9206
Yeah seem pretty good so far, so i've those two and the 45 too now
• #9207
I really love the 45, so sharp and great for candid shots as it has a lot of reach in a small package. Both my shots on this page werw with 45 also.
• #9208
If you have an optical viewfinder, then possibly your eyes.
Some info here https://www.talkphotography.co.uk/threads/photographing-solar-eclipse.580974/#post-6752882
• #9209
Love your shot of the guy in the graveyard, @WillMelling
• #9210
Might still have the box...
• #9211
@well_is_it Thanks man! Wish I could say they came out of the camera like that, but I'm getting closer to exposing things the way I want to :)
@Tychom That's lovely.
• #9212
I've got a nikon coolpix s3600 point and shoot. Really rate it, especially for the money. Have seen it around £60 new online.
• #9213
Ha.. : ]
This garage door (?) does not seem up to the weather.
Also what kind of a way is this to lock such a door? Is it owned by a really tall guy, or how does one reach the padlock up there? -
• #9214
Pretty clever to put it up there. Doubt it's much higher than 2m so easy to unlock with a key for an adult but makes it much harder to get through with bolt croppers
• #9215
I'm sure the owner of the garage would truly mystified if they ever found this thread and discussion of their choice of lock position and poor quality weather proofing.
• #9216
I also have to say the choice of colour for the KEEP CLEAR message is suboptimal.
• #9217
• #9218
• #9219
Well, we could use the old architectural trick of "count the bricks" to estimate the height of something.
I count 12.5 wooden boards, let's call it 13.
If the width of one board is 100mm, that makes the top of the door 1300mm. Too low.
If the width of one board is 125mm, that makes the top of the door 1625mm. Slightly low.
If the width of one board is 150mm, that makes the top of the door 1950mm. About right.
If the width of one board is 200mm, that makes the top of the door 2600mm. Too high.
Without actually measuring the height, we can assume that the padlock is positioned in the range of 1600-2000mm, which whilst not ideal, would be an acceptable height for padlock operation. -
• #9220
I sincerely hope the owner of this garage decides to build a sweet fixhe skidr, starts looking for information on said build, stumbles upon this this site, gets drawn in by the knowledge, memes and Lucifer's mucky stories, starts browsing and eventually finds this thread, this page, this comment and replies to educate us on his thought process, focus groups and usability studies (if he even did any......) that lead him to this design of garage door lock layout.
• #9221
• #9222
Really like the composition on this one, not sure about the egg though
• #9223
Thanks!! It was ice cream actually. I thought it made a bleak scene look even more bleak.
• #9224
• #9225
MFT camera? Oly primes are lovely.