• #927
• #928
i can lead out to the top of carbone. but if you think that the second group won't make it we'll wait at potters bar. or cap it at 15
• #929
• #930
Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride
29 miler from Potters Bar; route here.
3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.
Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)
Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)
Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish
- BMMF (69.6" fixed)
- marcom (gears)
- Sean (67" fixed)
- jaygee (fixed)
- tika fixing it
- clintsmoker
- FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
- jonny
- pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
- damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
- Jung
- Des
- jb
- middleofnowhere
- mashton (geared)
- CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
- Sam
Fuck it, I can always ride home if I miss the last train. It's not as if I've got to get up for work or anything....
• #931
While I'm here, I think the two trains/fast & slow group is a great idea. Didn't you lot do that on the first TNRC of the season?
And I'm not just saying this because I'm at No.17!! I could always ride out anyway.
• #932
Fuck it, I can always ride home if I miss the last train. It's not as if I've got to get up for work or anything....
Ha, like it Sam if I end up able to go which is quite likely and we miss the train hopefully unlikely, I will ride back South with you pick up my car and drop you back home.
• #933
TNRC spirit right there in them last few posts^^ makes me weep just thinking about it
• #934
we're starting a little bit later on the whole. Book some leave - you don't have to second guess when one's occurring, isit.
too hilly + too short = 1 + -1
too fast = bollocks. Moving average is about 15mph. You fucking said (I can't be bothered to electronically quote), "I can happily cruise at 25mph on the flat", which although a gross exaggeration, suggests you'd be comfortable at TNRC speeds.
shut up.
I'm just not a very versatile rider. I think I said '20-25mph is cruising speed' on the flat and I'm most happy to demonstrate that. I can ride on the flat for hours without problems, but hills just really take it out of me. Even the hills on the Roydon route ended up being too much. I've got a bit better and I know I need to work on that more, but that's still the case. And, believe it or not, I much prefer long rides to short rides. It takes me ages to get going, usually until about 40-60 miles in, and then I get really comfortable. I don't like going really hard over shorter distances or stopping a lot to rest, then going hard again. Anyway, I know I need to become less one-sided and I certainly want to work on these weaknesses. I've already got a bit better on the hills and I'm not as worried about knee problems any more.
Starting later is good, and I really look forward to another overnighter--I'd certainly be happy to lead one sometime if people wanted me to.
• #935
Ha, like it Sam if I end up able to go which is quite likely and we miss the train hopefully unlikely, I will ride back South with you pick up my car and drop you back home.
A legend and a gentleman.
• #936
^^ - Oliver - it's always been a pleasure riding with you. last year on the roydon ride it just happens to be the one where people liked to sprint finish the last 8 miles and stretch the peleton out. let's hope your elbow gets sorted soon and we can do some long ones. you heard anything about the chelmsford 100 this year?
• #937
@ management
http://www.bikemap.net/route/88473 is a route that I just found on bikemap, I will be glad to reccy with some of you if you think suitable for the TNRC.
• #938
Hehe. We found a surrey hill today that makes whitedown look like a molehill.
I feel I must campaign for it's inclusion in our next escapade in that direction. -
• #939
chalkpit lane?
• #940
Nope....other direction...
Makes box hill feel like a birthday present.
• #941
box hill is easy though
• #942
True dat.
This one isn't though.
Barhatch Lane, just outside Cranleigh. It's a wrong'un.
• #943
That's Horseblock Hollow. It's only really steep for a short section, i.e. a couple of hundred metres.
• #944
CPL was the shittiest hill i have ever walked :) thanks to claus and scarlett for that gem
• #945
Chalkpit Lane is nasty.
• #946
boxhill is a piece of piss.
i don't like the sound of chalkpit lane.
• #947
That's Horseblock Hollow. It's only really steep for a short section, i.e. a couple of hundred metres.
Goes up a long way before you get there though. Felt like dragging all the way up leith, then finding the steep bit of whitedown at the top....21pc.
Was fun though. Sorta.
• #948
Tuesday 27th April - The '100g Toblerone Dark' Ride[/U][/B]
29 miler from Potters Bar; route http://www.bikemap.net/route/430003.
3 short sharp climbs at beginning and end; flattish with good road surfaces in between; very dark in places with no road markings.
Train Out: Kings Cross @ 19h40, arriving Potters Bar @ 20h01. (a big and fairly empty train, but if they refuse all of us, there's also the 20h06, arriving 20h21 - the first group will have to wait at the start point)
Last Train Back: Potters Bar 00h18 (emergency ride back into town is about 15 miles and mostly downhill)
Return is £8 / groupsave4 is £4 / groupsave3 is £5.50ish
- BMMF (69.6" fixed)
- marcom (gears)
- Sean (67" fixed)
- jaygee (fixed)
- tika fixing it
- clintsmoker
- FIAMMETTA(69.6 or 65.7 fixed)
- jonny
- pjs (46/18 fixed wassat, 67?)
- damo (65 (age) and fixed (neutered)
- Jung
- Des
- jb
- middleofnowhere
- mashton (geared)
- CG (geared. yeah sue me!)
- Sam
18.texas - gav
• #949
That's Horseblock Hollow. It's only really steep for a short section, i.e. a couple of hundred metres.
i would think a couple of hundred metres is enough of really steep climbing...
• #950
I was thinking that, but more in terms of feet, not metres.
Went up Sundridge on Friday for the first time in years. Cheated a bit though by missing the drag up from the bottom, I came along Pilgrims Way and did a left. Have definitely improved my climbing since I moved away from Brasted 6 years ago.
I'm not sure there's that much scope for a slower group getting caught. It's a short route, fast people still have to take it easy on the earlier sections, and is there a 100% confident navigator for this one other than me? [/don't trust Garmins]