• #25602
Combine the 2 roads for direction.
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• #25603
Oops a daisy, that wasn't very helpful.
• #25604
Guten Morgan...
• #25605
This is one of those tags where once you've had the fun of working out where it is, you have the added bonus fun round of deciphering the clues.
• #25606
I thought the clues were easy but if they're not I can add more.
• #25607
The clues are fantastically opaque
• #25608
Backseat driver, free man, Beresford, Bruce, direction, Daisy? Goes to show that that it's always easy when you know the answer.
• #25609
Old: Geldeston Rd, Hackney where Jessica Tandy was born, (Driving Miss Daisy)
New: she was also in Hitchcock's The Birds...
So here's an appropriate place to 'hide' a tag. Although it is closed at night so the entrance will be ok
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• #25610
Issue with picture uploading?
• #25611
Issue with trying to upload a tag at the same time as stopping a one year old climbing through the opening...
• #25612
Ah I know this one
• #25613
I am absolutely useless at deciphering clues, though.
• #25614
I'm still thinking of a clue. The chances are a few will recognise the building in the background. Oddly, dispite having passed within 50m of this place countless times, I never found my way to this side of the fence until last weekend.
• #25615
Used to be a favourite outing when the kids were young.
Now I'd be slightly worried I'd find them in there smoking weed and drinking vodka. Although tbf, neither of them smoke as far as I know.
• #25616
Old: Bird hide at Waterworks Nature Reserve
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• #25617
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• #25618
The new tag is a specific grave, the one beside the bike. There's no connection between the tags.
No further clues will be given because there's more than enough in the picture
• #25619
I guess if it's closed people will be allowed a gate tag.
• #25620
Oh good point. Yes gate tag. I hope someone gets the grave tag though.
• #25621
Might go get this tomorrow
• #25622
I mean, I’ll have to find it first
• #25623
You know someone will tagzump you now.
• #25624
Haha, well if it keeps it moving...
• #25625
Right, old:
1 Attachment
G'wan then.