• #25477
Ha I'll be honest I was getting nowhere with that. I had the advantage of this (plus the cat sign clue) both being on my old commute for two years. Weirdly I'd never noticed the bird murals but they must have been lodged somewhere in my brain
• #25478
The mosaics were a real surprise. They were made in 2012.
I particularly like the little alley way under the houses to get there from Shepherdess Walk.
Behind it, now a park, used to be Wenlock bathThe Wenlock Swimming Bath, Wenlock Road, is the second class bath to the Metropolitan. It is 60 yards long, and 10 wide. It can accommodate a vast number of bathers in boxes with half doors on either side and at the top, and an unlimited number of spectators in galleries above the boxes. This bath being the longest in London is much used for swimming matches. The water is very far from clear, and the arrangements are altogether very second class.
• #25479
• #25480
Pretagged that alleyway a few years ago, sadly never got to use it. Never knew that park was a public bath.
• #25481
Lady - Madonna, Joseph (Rowntree) - chocolatier, first place - primary, dustbin lid - rhyming slang, kid, school. Obvious innit?
• #25482
OLD: Aden Terrace, New River Path.
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• #25483
NEW: Opposite Tao.
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• #25484
I don't think this has been done before, didn't show up in search or on the map.
• #25485
I feel like you might mean Something Way, that’s all I’ve got.
• #25486
Nowhere yet, but I was reminded of the saying that it is only when a mosquito lands on your testicle that you realise that violence is not always the answer. Not sure if that's relevant here.
• #25487
Getting the old tag and the new one took me less than 15 minutes from door to door so...
• #25488
Don’t concentrate on the meaning of Tao...
Not a clue, just the first rule of the tao....if the tao had rules.
• #25489
Tao is the clue.
• #25490
Know where this is and no idea what the clue is about.
Can I use a photo not taken in the last two years?
• #25491
Search and you will find.
• #25492
…doesn’t seem very promising tbh
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• #25493
• #25494
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• #25495
Clue is about 10 years out of date tbf...
• #25496
Ho capito, finalmente
• #25497
Old: Clissold Leisure Centre, opposite Tao's old school, Stoke Newington School, Clissold Road.
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• #25498
New: I thought it wasn't too Windy today so decided to go out tagging. No idea why the colours came out so funny, but there you go. The tag is the building on the right, not the café ahead. I had to take the picture from this angle because it says what it is on the front. Recently in the news because the local council want to redevelop this storied building themselves and have rejected a proposal by someone from the second generation after those who founded it.
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• #25499
Oliver got the tag three years ago when I tagged Tao's old school so I was expecting to lure him out with this and he didn't disappoint.
https://www.lfgss.com/comments/14284892/And a less eye-searing version of the tag.
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• #25500
What has eye talian got do with it?
I had the excuse of working there this week. First time I've been able to get a tag in my lunch break.
Lady - Madonna, Joseph (Rowntree) - chocolatier, first place - primary, dustbin lid - rhyming slang, kid, school. Obvious innit?