• #1627
I give up!
Can't find any welsh sounding roads with churches.
How about Welsh sounding churches. There must be a St. Gtgsdyrvnpylgtrsdgwllplgjkysngtrvnhnjgty or similar in the area.
• #1628
I realise I may have used too many vowels in that name.
• #1629
Tsssk. Not trying hard enough.
• #1630
wedi blino llan
• #1631
Not sure it's your slang hatbread, it's a well known entry on Urbane Dictionary.
I initially misread it as merked, which would have been funnier.
"Hoxtons" is the new slang.
• #1632
cae dy geg a feindio y tag!
mae enw y stryd yn tebyg i cyfenw fi. fy cyfenw yn cuddio ar y forum, yn edefyn eraill...
but considering your googlemapping skills I don't hold out much hope.
• #1633
dwi'n hoffi coffi
• #1634
as is said to owain hughes
• #1635
Glenn? A clue from your corner? I think mine and sumo's may be a bit too surreal.
Welsh/English Sports Car perhaps?...
• #1636
My dad has owned about 2% of the total factory output of a certain model of Welsh sports car
(currently has two of these sitting in the garage:
) -
• #1637
Very nice, but not the right one...
• #1638
too many churches. screw this. I'm going out and paying someone to cook me breakfast.
scoot, I couldn't find it. unless it's goggins?! But that doesn't find anything on google maps.
Someone tag it already!
• #1639
• #1640
You've had an abundance of clues. SFS's is probably the best.
• #1641
I know, but I'm stupid. Drew blanks on all of them.
• #1642
I give up!
Can't find any welsh sounding roads with churches.
I can think of at least one
http://www.enjoygower.com/index.cfm -
• #1643
Try this..
**The Buccaneer King
**Obvious I know, but I got bored.....
• #1644
NO MORE CLUES. They are really not needed!
• #1645
What! You might as well say a popular rum of which the mascot is a famous seafarer! Oh whoops.
• #1646
in fairness my post isn't a clue.
• #1647
First one I have got and I am 50 miles away. Better get going then.
• #1648
Holy Trinity Church, Morgan Street E3. Early Gothic Revival church built 1836-9 by G Austin, classified as a building at risk by English Heritage. Currently disused.
Somewhere else. I really don't think finding it should be a trial so I'm not giving any clues.
• #1649
Finally! Nice one Fox.
• #1650
I got fed up of it being unsolved! To find it I just searched East London for a group of roads with Welsh names, simples. It is a disused church, like rhowe's one in Stokey.
SFS's clue really narrowed it down quite a lot. Morgans are made in Malvern (England) but it's a Welsh name of course.
Not sure it's your slang hatbread, it's a well known entry on Urbane Dictionary.
I initially misread it as merked, which would have been funnier.