• #1402
it's called a few different things, confusing, my apologies
• #1403
haha well done John, glad you did'nt attempt tagging after our drunken train journey on Sunday, it looks like two different bikes, hmmmmm fishy indeed...
• #1404
looks like dropouts multi-position-bars in the pic too.
Yes Dropout's German pensioner handlebars and hoefla's bar ends.
did you just take a photo of the back of a dSLR?
If that's some improvised night-vision, I doff my cap!Cheapo camera supplemented with my powerful Exposure front light.
I dunno; google image search (Charles 1 mural London) found it first hit. I just think it would be courteous of people to write about the location when they post a pic - and preferably a pic they have already resized.
I'm uncomfortable about shoving the pics up without explanation, but as Tom says:
That update (by fox, on behalf of dropout) was done from SE Beers at the Roebuck, due to fear of being sniped, which is why it's a bit all over the place. It is indeed it at the junction of Peckham Park Rd and OKR, Joe.S gets a prize.
Well as we now know, it is at the junction of OKR and Peckham Park Rd.
A really worthwhile piece of public art, in an a location which does not draw the attention it deserves- so an excellant tag, Mr 6pt!
hoefla and I had determined to have a go at a joint-tag but daylight and battrery life were constraining us. By the time we were arrived at SE Beers, Hatbeard, Spybot, Fox, 6pt Rhowe and other regulars on this thread were there, so it seemed to make sense to talk about the tag just bagged. Dead battery meant that I coldn't upload anything myself though. excellant eve. btw.
• #1405
clue: A fish (just) out of water. But wich dapper snapper is this?
• #1406
Fishies! That's fucking miles away! Goddamit why do I have to hav such a busy day today. Right. Better get started...
• #1407
Great clue btw.
• #1408
Nice clue ... but oh so far the wrong way across town ... gah.
• #1409
Dr Dropout ... are you playing Extreme Compass Tagging?
• #1410
No tagging activity today? Office workers need their fix!
• #1411
John, you are such a bastard for making me cycle so far on such an amazing day ;-)
Woolwich, just east of the ferry, on the riverfront.
But where is this?
• #1412
• #1413
Nice one for going to Woolwich.
Now the new one I have definitely seen but where and when? I'll have to have a think about it.
• #1414
I know where the new one is :(
First one Ive recognised.
• #1415
Go tag it then!
• #1416
Cant get there for quite some time. Pah!
• #1417
You still might be the first ... I've no idea where it is!
• #1418
• #1419
• #1420
yup - that would be handy!
• #1421
I give you the old pumping station on the isle of dogs - stewart street
(thanks photoben for a lovely excuse for a ride east)
and a new one
2 Attachments
• #1422
• #1423
I know where that is*!
*google knows where that is
• #1424
and a new one
Nice artwork ... perhaps a clue, por favour?
• #1425
Nice one habbi.
this seems definitive though. I shall change it in the morning.