• #1352
West is shit. The worst.
• #1353
East of the river is...in the sea? Southend?
• #1354
Not only do I not know this one, I can't even make sense of the photo. Even after someone has said they are steps, my brain is just not computing. It's like a collage of someones front door, someone else's garden fence, some tactile paving from a dropped kerb crossing, and some steps from inside a tube station... My eyes hurt.
• #1355
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=203766651675910830999.00049e9e63df3d6ca89dc&ll=51.538648,-0.078278&spn=0.309635,0.617294&z=11 the map is missing bits can osme one change this? :)
• #1356
Not only do I not know this one, I can't even make sense of the photo. Even after someone has said they are steps, my brain is just not computing. It's like a collage of someones front door, someone else's garden fence, some tactile paving from a dropped kerb crossing, and some steps from inside a tube station... My eyes hurt.
close :)
• #1357
Who updated the map last? No images on the last few. It won't let me edit them for some reason.
I bloody well went though them all, thinking déjà vu was a clue meaning it was a location already done before. Looks like it's not. Or it is and I'm being stupid.
• #1358
before - crouch hill railway station
after - ???I think my handlebars are slowly slipping southwards. oops.
• #1359
Nice one, just wish I had a vague inkling of where it might be.
• #1360
ha! found it. might have to do this after work
• #1361
^fanny waver. Pics or GTFO
• #1362
found it? found it?! you either know where it is, in which case no finding, just going and snapping. Or you don't, in which case no. There were no clues, it is not something you 'find'.
bleh. -
• #1363
the picture is a clue. pretty much the biggest clue for each tag :P
• #1364
Google knows where it is but Google don't ride no bikes.
• #1365
hah it's the first sodding hit on google. balls. should have snapped a more obscure section.
• #1366
unless the next tag is outside bodeans im not moving*
*wont be able to move
• #1367
^fanny waver
How exactly does one wave a fanny?
• #1368
A fanny, y'know, like a doohickey or a thingymebob, a whatsamecallit or a thingymajig...
• #1369
two ladies of the night satnding on a street corner, one says to the othere have you ever been pick up by the fuzz? no replies the other but ive been swung round by my tits...
• #1370
• #1371
This thread is going to hell.
• #1372
sorry again...
• #1373
Challenge is on, HatBeard, as I has also gots it. Although I don't have a bike or camera on me so will have to go out when I'm home
• #1374
narrows eyes and casts a shifty glare at brain-stew
make my day...
• #1375
Obviously East of the river is worst, then North is good, then West is ? then South is good. Like a sine or something. And yeah I know you can't be east of the river.