• #1152
Just start a thread.
• #1153
It sounds good. Until someone does Tom Cruise the day before he flies back to America.
• #1154
Wait, Benny just solved that one in less than 20 minutes?!
Oh, just read the previous page. Guess not then.
• #1155
I still like my idea from the lmnf t'other day of having moving tags using things like regularly spotted celebs and the likes. grab a photo of them with your bike and then someone else has to get the same with them. maybe have it as a secondary challenge or something.
It would make it simpler if we just had to take a photo of our bike leaning against Oliver. I am sure he would be game.
• #1156
The bike leaning against Oliver, that is. Though he'd be game for a bit of forum member on forum member leaning too I am sure.
• #1157
No leaning bikes on his knees though.
• #1158
what about Oliver member leaning against the forum member's bikes? I can take photos of that leaned while Will can take photos of the whole landscape holding the hand of Peter Andre who is riding Oliver.
• #1159
Even funnier, a photo of the celebrity in question riding your bike. Extra points if they're trackstanding/doing a skid.
Which would also be useful if you ever wanted to sell your bike on ebay 'Fixed gear bike...as ridden by Peter Andre' would go down a storm I'm sure.
• #1160
Ok, let's compromise: a photo of Peter Andre riding Oliver Schick next to your bike.
• #1162
No idea where the new one is, I think its about time for a clue......
• #1163
I got this shot of Boris riding Amy from Cyclodelic's bike:
What a hipster.
• #1164
Benny - gorgeous bike! Love the pearl coloured frame.
Ben - our very own fixi skiddddrr mayor. I'm so proud.
I have no idea where the new location is, but that statue is great.
• #1165
The sculpture looks so familiar but I can't for the life of me thing why, where or who.
• #1166
I have a pretty good idea. Wont be able to anything about it until midnight =(
Benny what was the clue?
• #1167
Don't be in a rush to find it. Take a leisurely approach.
• #1168
Got it! Near my parent's house and where I used to go xxxxxxxx as a nipper, no wonder it looked familiar.
• #1169
hehe, race?
edit : nvm
• #1170
No idea about this one - please someone tag this and put us out of our misery!
• #1171
This is frustrating, I have no idea either, a good day is wasting...
• #1172
I thought the clue was a dead giveaway!
• #1173
This is rubbish! A beautiful sunday and no tagging to do?
• #1174
You're rubbish! figure out where it is and go get it!
(no clue where it is) -
• #1175
what was the clue with it? i cant see
Just start a thread.