• #527
What, you mean my gatorskins aren't all terrain?
• #528
ah, i'm not around for most of september....bugger! but i'm still up for reccy stuff, at least i'll make it there at least once this summer! hahaha.
• #529
Date - say 25th September? Cambridge ride is on the 11th.
So is the Cambridge ride defo set for the 11th? I'm still thinking of training it up to London in the morning and riding home to Cam with you ladies :-)
What time do you reckon you'll start these rides?
• #530
Oh no, the Surly is broken?
I snapped a spoke on the rear wheel during Dunwich, sent the wheel well out of true and i've lost 6th gear - that'll teach me to buy pre-built wheels!
Easily fixed, I just have to book it in with BC, but until then its not very rideable.
I did pick up the Brompton tonight though and despite still waiting on the longer seatpost, it's a fuck load of fun. I even managed to get MOC riding around the garden on it (first time I've ever seen him on a bike) he even admitted that it was a pretty cool little bike.progress at last!
I'm working on the 25th bloody yearly power down :-(
• #531
Yah, I wanna do this! 80s themed has me really excited b/c I was way too young to be a new romantic the first go around.
• #532
So is the Cambridge ride defo set for the 11th? I'm still thinking of training it up to London in the morning and riding home to Cam with you ladies :-)
What time do you reckon you'll start these rides?
I've no idea re: the Cambridge ride - who mooted it?
I think that the previous ones have started around 9am, have a look at the first posts, it'll be in there. We'll prob do the same.
Will get on the case for the Windsor ride this weekend with a recce to follow sometime soon.
• #533
Yah, I wanna do this! 80s themed has me really excited b/c I was way too young to be a new romantic the first go around.
You must grow the top section of your hair so you can quiff it up ...
• #534
i've pretty much got an undercut, so i'm sorted! haha.
• #535
I've no idea re: the Cambridge ride - who mooted it?
I think that the previous ones have started around 9am, have a look at the first posts, it'll be in there. We'll prob do the same.
Will get on the case for the Windsor ride this weekend with a recce to follow sometime soon.
There's a discussion about the Cambridge ride on the last page of the 'Ladies London to Brighton' thread... Don't think theres been anything decisive said yet though...
Damn I wish I could go on the Windsor 80s ride, my hair is 80s themed, short back and sides, long and quiff-y on top! ;-)
• #536
You must grow the top section of your hair so you can quiff it up ...
D: It recently got cut much shorter! But it's now red. Or ginge as I am now being called at work.
• #537
I'm possibly out for the 11th which couldnt suck more. However, my last day at work is the 10th so I fully expect to be horribly hungover the next day. And I start the new one on the 13th. Yuck.
:(However, yay new job. That's a bonus.
• #538
Real life Rosie the Riveters. Locomotive wipers (they "bathed" the trains with live steam), Clinton, Iowa 1943.
• #539
Damn, these are amazing photos!
• #540
wow! where did you find those jenne? they are amazing.
• #541
They are very cool, really good pics.
• #542
They're pretty danged awesome! Julia, show Chris, he'll dig 'em.
• #543
Cool!! Have sent the link to C.
• #544
Those photos are awesome! Nice find Ginge ;) .
Perhaps the next ride should be Rosie's instead of 80's?
• #545
wasn't the last one rosie's? the spoke card was at least?
• #546
not that it would be a bad thing, i'd love to look like that everyday!
• #547
yeah, that's what I meant by "real life Rosie the Riveters". Rosie was a Norman Rockwell painting done to show the strength of the women left behind who stepped up to work in factories and the like, doing jobs men didn't think they could do, when the war was on. And then promptly lost their jobs to the men when they came back.
Okie dokey - Lets do it! Sam - I'lll phone you.
Date - say 25th September? Cambridge ride is on the 11th. Clefty will have moved house.
An '80s themed ride to Windsor, meet at Richmond Station (if some folk want to train it to the start). Train back from Windsor. Will need careful tyre selection as a lot of it is on tow paths, some sections are a bit stony. I'll get all the info together this weekend.
Stripy tights and leg warmers FTW!