• #752
I resent Monopoly's stranglehold on the boardgames industry.
• #753
I saw Teenslain today. He told me to come back with some money. Fucking cheek.
• #754
I resent Monopoly's stranglehold on the boardgames industry.
Hasbro used to peddle some shite games in their day.
• #755
Borkytalky not chewy gelatine attack on poo you dead jacko.
• #756
I do not understand
• #757
You think I do?
• #758
As a member of elite I'd rather discuss Rapha.
• #759
Not just fewer people but better people; an elite, if you will.
If by elite you mean like George bush and ronald Reagan are elite, then yes...
• #760
dont you mean Carter Fuck
Farter Fuck, in some editions.
I agree with everyone.
I agree with Nick
• #761
Harry won this thread as far as well reasoned, coherent, logical arguments that support a point. Also s/he admitted their bias initially instead of insisting it was irrelevant so that alone deserves respect.
Also I agree that the thread should be public or at least it shouldn't have been moved to the darknet. Its allso apparent that the motivation for the movement was personal gain of the OP, because thats just how people work. We all gotta hustle, I'm not gonna hold that against any one.
Its not a huge deal, just the forum All Mighty came down kinda hard on harryM and he has been honest, nice, and correct the whole time so I got his back.
• #762
• #763
There are posts in which BLB are slated. There isn't a thread with 17 pages of shit n waffle about them.
BLB are well established. Foffa are just starting. BLB have upped their game, maybe because there were being slated on here.
Most of this thread was not from people's experience of them. It was a bitching session that got carried away. But they addressed the points that were mooted here and for that, I think they should be given a chance.
I love this forum, it's great in so many ways. But, this is someone's lively hood and it shouldn't be ruined because of a bitching session.
People won't read all the pages here so will be put off of going their because of problems that aren't there any more. That IMO isn't fair.
Yes I think they've upped their game because I've been there and witnessed it.
I didn't close this thread, I just moved it out of the radar of people googling the name.
Can we move on now?Great sentiment but a large proportion of what is said in your posts is inaccurate
Can we be clear about this I HAVE NEVER WORKED FOR DANI FOFFA
I have never been banned from the forum either
So I have not been sacked and I am not a banned mechanic.
Dani Foffa and now Dani trading as Foffa Bikes have always purchased his/their bikes from me.
I have always built ALL the bikes that he has sold with the exception of his new range and the odd 3-4 frames he has purchased from Hilary Stone. By your own admission there have been changes for the better and the bikes are OK
I fully accept that the early conversions were not perfect. I got cocky with my early posts on the forum too and it back fired on me........ thats life.
I wrongly thought who the hell are these people to pass judgment on my bikes. I was wrong, very wrong you collectively had very valid points, and I admit now that I did not see them until I finally managed to get past my pride.I read and took on board every comment made about improvements needed on the builds and I made very sure the quality improved dramatically.
2 brakes instead of one
Purpose and pro built properly dished rear wheels. wider rims to deal with the pot holes,
Twin and single rail tyres.
Higher quality freewheels
Better quality chains.
New quill stems
New crank sets
Better quality BB's
Grit blasting and stove enamelled /powder coated frames. ......and moreI listened I took action and I improved everything and still do
Then the Hipster shop thread hit me for six.
I apologise again if my PM to Ed scoble was nasty ......... I just saw Ed as the Gok Wan of bike cred .... he appeared to have an opinion on everything, yes EVERYTHING.
OK I accept that now, he wants to help. Who knows he may one day be as famous as Sheldon Brown.I actually agree with a lot of what he has to say and disagree on a bit too.
Back to the original thread
If I understood the hipster shop thread correctly it was initially about the pricing & component quality.?? ??As a supplier I do not sell my bikes to Dani Foffa for the retail price charged in the shop, I have my own private opinions on what the price points should be. But Dani has a livelihood to earn and he is selling in London not a provincial town, so his selling price is his concern not mine.
I am very grateful the thread has moved here, twenty three thousand hits on a thread has a lot of influence on whether a business survives or dies.
• #764
twenty three thousand hits on a thread has a lot of influence on whether a business survives or dies.
Really? 23000 views, not 23000 unique visitors, in a metropolis of some 14000000 souls can kill a business? Truly this forum is a great power in the land if it's influence is really so great.
• #765
I just saw Ed as the Gok Wan of bike cred ....
Just for posterity.
• #766
You are welcome
• #767
The thread that just runs and runs. Wicksie's op sounds so innocent now as well!
• #768
Boy, mr Hacked, you are about to be VERY glad this was moved to the dark.
I worked on one of your bikes two weeks ago, it was new (within a month) and the guy was complaining that his headset wasn't fitting properly. Foffa told him he just needed to adjust it and keep an eye on it, but just to be sure he brought it to my shop.
You used (I'm saying you because you admit to being the builder, I appologise if you are not the builder for all of their bikes) the wrong size crown race.
Sure, it's a small thing. But you would have had to think about it when it slid onto the fork like a wizards sleeve, then think about it again when you went to adjust the headset and it went from slack to too tight instantly. But you didn't try and sort it out.
It takes a long time to become the kind of mechanic that can work by herself without having someone else to bounce questions off. At work everyone ends up asking someone else about something, and these are some of the best mechanics in the business (not me, I'm aspiring, but I make sure they are checking my work).
Perhaps it would not be a bad idea to realize you are out of your depth and think about what you are going to do to remedy this.
• #769
I resent Monopoly's stranglehold on the boardgames industry.
It's that fucking moustache. Someone needs to catch that Monopoly guy and shave him.
First you get the moustache, then you get the power, then you get the woman.
• #770
I think its called censorship that; when you think people should be protected from information and opinion that you don't agree with when in a position of power.
Shut up, Wicksie... You're sponsored by Foffa FFS! Stay out of it... -
• #771
Boy, mr Hacked, you are about to be VERY glad this was moved to the dark.
It is not a small thing and it would be spotted instantly by any decent mechanic.
All head sets are new on our bikes including the crown race.
We rarely have frames that require 1 1/8" crown races and are less frequent than 1 in 150 builds.
it would not be the first time that a build has been wrongly claimed as one of mine.
Trust me when I say I would not let this happen, if I was based in the shop the bike would not leave unless the buyer and myself were completely happy.
• #772
Can we be clear about this I HAVE NEVER WORKED FOR DANI FOFFA....whiney little shitty pathetic feel sorry for me drivel
You're a fucking liar:
I apologise
I should have waited until this morning to call you.
I apologise if you felt uncomfortable.
I do hope that you can find it in yourself to let me get on with my life and make a new start.
• #773
A great reason why this thread shouldn't be in the darknet. People should be able to read Nhat's post. This was a month old bike - but apparently they've sorted their issues?
If Wicksie was loaned a free bike that's called a conflict of interest in my book. I'm with chris crash on this.
It's not a biggie but I would hope this forum would have higher standards tbh.
What would those who think it is right it's been moved in here say if an MP accepted a donation from a company then censored criticism of them in Parliament, I wonder?
Boy, mr Hacked, you are about to be VERY glad this was moved to the dark.
I worked on one of your bikes two weeks ago, it was new (within a month) and the guy was complaining that his headset wasn't fitting properly. Foffa told him he just needed to adjust it and keep an eye on it, but just to be sure he brought it to my shop.
You used (I'm saying you because you admit to being the builder, I appologise if you are not the builder for all of their bikes) the wrong size crown race.
Sure, it's a small thing. But you would have had to think about it when it slid onto the fork like a wizards sleeve, then think about it again when you went to adjust the headset and it went from slack to too tight instantly. But you didn't try and sort it out.
It takes a long time to become the kind of mechanic that can work by herself without having someone else to bounce questions off. At work everyone ends up asking someone else about something, and these are some of the best mechanics in the business (not me, I'm aspiring, but I make sure they are checking my work).
Perhaps it would not be a bad idea to realize you are out of your depth and think about what you are going to do to remedy this.
• #774
All mechanics make mistakes. All people make mistakes in their jobs.
My friend bought a 'fixie' from Evans on Friday, the headset wasn't fitted properly. Took it back to Evans, they replaced it, it was still not fitted properly. I Know Evans are shit, but they're one of the longest established companies who should know better. Newer mechanics will make mistakes also.Hacked2, it doesn't do anyone any good to turn this end of the thread around to you. You had your chance and you should realise that anything you say makes it worse.
Harry, I simply can't be bothered to read your aggressive pompous rant. I chose to ignore you after you insinuated that I'm an evil nazi. I thought it best not to air my views because it would bring it down to a slagging match.
I'm happy to have this in the public arena if we can give a synopsis of this whole ridiculous affair so it doesn't unjustly affect his business.
I'm not sponsored by Foffa, but he did give a polo bike to try for a while.
I deleted a post relating to Hacked2 because it would affect his business. This is also censorship but we should realise that it's one thing having discussions on a forum but it's another to ruin someone else's business.
You know that we yield high in the search results, and anyone googling Foffa will read the first few pages which promote this shop as having bad mechanics.
Ian has admitted to these being his builds, and he's not associated with Foffa any more (because of this thread). Foffa have taken all this on board, done something about it, and this is why it shouldn't be available to the public, it won't get the whole story across.
I'm happy to write a synopsis at the end, move it to the open and leave it as that. -
• #775
You wouldn't let it lie, would you? This thread makes all the main contributors look like complete cunty wankers...
Mine's called Teenslain