50/14 Paul Roantree

Posted on
of 72
  • vee vee... i've got a feeling this thread is going to be very busy today... and requires a fine tooth comb at a quieter time of day.

    Ray - £20

    both wake and funeral.

  • Let's just be patient and not screw up the list. It will make life easier for people who are organising.
    Here we go. Ray, Tika your names have been added.

  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20 (total £756)

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
  • AaAAAARgh! Give me one sec!

  • ha x

  • lol :)

  • Et voila!

  • Ama-ZING!

    On a side note... Dont know about you lot but i'm gonna have the biggest grin on my face on the day. Lets make it a celebration/good ole knees up heh!! :))))))))))x

  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20 (total £756)
    33. estelle £20 (total £776)

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar
    31. estelle

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
    29. estelle
  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20 (total £756)
    33. estelle £20 (total £776)
    34. Two Omegas (total £796)

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar
    31. estelle
    32. Two Omegas

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
    29. estelle
    30. Two Omegas
  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20
    33. Two Omegas £20
    34. Sammy Dodger £20

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar
    31. Two Omegas
    32. Sammy Dodger

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
    29. Two Omegas
    30. Sammy Dodger
  • It only took two posts for the list to go wrong again. I can imagine Paul chuckling quietly to himself at this. :-)

  • vee vee

    the joy of herding cats!

    i must admit the last few weeks those of us organising this have been bricking it, terrified that we would not have the resources to send Paul off in style.

    this kind of collaborative effort is not the norm for our society, and its amazing to see how we act as a family, i am truly choked at the response so far.

    and Paul would love the confusion that he has managed to cause, even in death he causes chaos

  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20
    33. estelle £20
    34. Two Omegas £20
    35. Sammy Dodger £20
    36. andyp £30

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar
    31. estelle
    32. Two Omegas
    33. Sammy Dodger

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
    29. estelle
    30. Two Omegas
    31. Sammy Dodger
  • It only took two posts for the list to go wrong again. I can imagine Paul chuckling quietly to himself at this. :-)

    He wouldnt even be on this thread too busy on the ebay.

  • I hope to attend the funeral, but need to discuss it with Andrea first.

  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20
    33. Two Omegas £20
    34. Sammy Dodger £20
    35. Estelle £20 (£796)
    36. AndyP £30 (£826)

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar
    31. Two Omegas
    32. Sammy Dodger
    33. Estelle

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
    29. Two Omegas
    30. Sammy Dodger
    31. Estelle
  • Give it up Vee! I'd sorted it already. :-)

  • A paypal account is being run by another member of LFGSS (Cheevil) the email address for Paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
    Please only put your name down AFTER you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
    Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you


    1. Velocio - £20
    2. Wibble - £20
    3. joe smith - £50
    4. Dropout - £20
    5. Vinyl Villain - £15
    6. Sharkstar - £20
    7. furious tiles - £20
    8. dancing james - £20
    9. moog - £10
    10. murtle - 20
    11. jonny - £50.14
    12. Oliver Schick - £20
    13. Rod Munch - £20
    14. BlueQuinn - £50.14 - good idea Jonny!
    15. mc_nebula
    16. tricitybendix - £20
    17. Sam - £10
    18. Clefty - £50.14
    19. Cake - £20
    20. CasaSteve - £10
    21. The Seldom Killer - £30
    22. Teen -£30
    23. Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
    24. spins £20
    25. damo- £20
    26. jaygee & VeeVee - £60
    27. Jung £30
    28. town £10
    29. willo £15
    30. slamm -£25
    31. Tika - £20
    32. Shinscar £20
    33. Two Omegas £20
    34. Sammy Dodger £20
    35. Estelle £20 (£796)
    36. Andy P £30
      36 Jacqui £20

    Leave the PayPal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.

    Attending Funeral

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. wiganwill
    11. Sharkstar
    12. moog
    13. trum
    14. jonny
    15. Oliver Schick
    16. BlueQuinn
    17. mc_nebula
    18. tricitybendix
    19. Clefty
    20. Cake
    21. Max
    22. spins
    23. damo
    24. jaygee
    25. VeeVee
    26. Jung
    27. slamm
    28. Rocksteady
    29. Teen
    30. Shinscar
    31. Two Omegas
    32. Sammy Dodger
    33. Estelle
    34. Jacqui

    Attending Wake

    1. Dancing James
    2. alien
    3. Velocio
    4. ladystardust
    5. Joe Smith
    6. Fruitbat
    7. Wibble
    8. furious tiles
    9. Dropout
    10. moog
    11. murtle
    12. jonny
    13. BlueQuinn
    14. mc_nebula
    15. tricitybendix
    16. Cake
    17. Max
    18. Oliver Schick
    19. Owen
    20. spins
    21. damo
    22. jaygee
    23. VeeVee
    24. slamm
    25. Teen
    26. Rocksteady
    27. Tootoughtodie
    28. Shinscar
    29. Two Omegas
    30. Sammy Dodger
    31. Estelle
    32. Jacqui
  • IT IS THE TOTAL AMOUNT! Jacqui you lost AndyP!

  • jacqui

    the figure in brackets is a running total

    the figure to the left is the donation

  • thanks andy and vee vee!

  • Dont thank Andy, he left you behind...


    if you wish to donate but not do it publicly please pm the ammount me and I will set up an anonymous donations bit here.

    i will be sworn to secrecey.

  • Dont thank Andy, he left you behind...

    All that flouro this morning must've damaged your eyesight. :P

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50/14 Paul Roantree

Posted by Avatar for dancing james @dancing james
