• #1277
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
- kisu_shimo £10
TOTAL £2,528.17
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce (Probably not for very long unless I can change the time of my train ticket)
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Velocio - £20
• #1278
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
- kisu_shimo £10
- Markyboy £20
TOTAL £2,548.17
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce (Probably not for very long unless I can change the time of my train ticket)
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- Velocio - £20
• #1279
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM James or myself if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two. -
• #1280
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal ischithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
- kisu_shimo £10
- Markyboy £20
TOTAL £2,548.17
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce (Probably not for very long unless I can change the time of my train ticket)
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Velocio - £20
• #1281
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal ischithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
- kisu_shimo £10
- Markyboy £20
- Soul £11.83
TOTAL £2,560
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Soul
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce (Probably not for very long unless I can change the time of my train ticket)
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Soul
- Velocio - £20
• #1282
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
- kisu_shimo £10
- Markyboy £20
- Soul £11.83
- hoonz £14.50
TOTAL £2,574.50
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Soul
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce (Probably not for very long unless I can change the time of my train ticket)
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Soul
- hoonz
- Velocio - £20
• #1283
Consider this spam but I'm going to keep posting it until we have enough volunteers:
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM James or myself if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two. -
• #1284
Does anyone know what is happening with the 5 plaques for Fiddy? I heard rumours at Easts last night. Have searched this thread but no activity on this subject for about a week. I can't contribute any parts but would contribute readdies for the cause.
• #1285
Consider this spam but I'm going to keep posting it until we have enough volunteers:
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM object or myself if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two. -
• #1286
Ha, nice James.
• #1287
i am not nice james
• #1288
Consider this spam but we're going to keep posting it until we have enough volunteers:
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM Dancing James or Object if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two. -
• #1289
Consider this spam but we're going to keep posting it until we have enough volunteers:
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM Dancing James or Object if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two. -
• #1290
Clearly I need to add more flood protection to prevent little and large from spamming the place.
So what are the arrangements for the hearse bike? As in...
How many volunteers are you looking for (or how much distance to cover)?
From where to where?
What happens to our bikes if we ride the hearse? Will they be ghost-ridden? Can the hearse take other bikes on the back or something?
Is the hearse tandem pulled?
Does it have decent braking in case there are hills to avoid a tragedy/comedy moment?These are all important questions.
• #1291
Consider this spam but we're going to keep posting it until we have enough volunteers:
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM Dancing James or Object if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two.I'm in....err, on. (though as i said, i want ATACS on it!)
• #1292
Consider this spam but I'm going to keep posting it until we have enough volunteers:
We still need volunteers to ride the hearse Bike.
Please PM James or myself if you are interested in riding it for a mile or two.This explains all the PMs I've been getting
• #1293
It's Paul's final bike ride so to all intents and purposes it should really crash at some point.
Being serious for a moment.
I haven't got a clue, I've not seen the hearse bike so I don't know anything about the brakes but I can't imagine that it will be a shoddy thrown together junker with inadequate ability to stop.This is the route:
http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3434511Which may or may not be extended further into Richmond park if there is more time.
Currently we have 6 riders signed up:
Scott not Scot
Furious Tiles
mmccarthyWe now have enough riders but if anyone else wishes to have a go then please make yourselves known.
We will be ghosting the normal bikes of the rider.The procession will be departing Furnival Gardens at 1pm 29/01/10.
The pace will be nice and gentle (Around 6mph) with frequent cigarette stops at the top of anything approaching an incline. -
• #1294
Does anyone know what is happening with the 5 plaques for Fiddy? I heard rumours at Easts last night. Have searched this thread but no activity on this subject for about a week. I can't contribute any parts but would contribute readdies for the cause.
we are sorting Souths and Wests out at the mo. PM me
I'll pop your Spam in the West drinks thread DJ
• #1295
If the bike crashes Paul would burst into laughter
what more needs to be said?
Someone will ghost ride the bike belonging to whoever is on the hearse bike
• #1296
Did that list of riders just change in front of my very eyes?
• #1297
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
Donations:- Velocio - £20
- Wibble - £20
- Joe smith - £50.14
- Dropout - £20
- Vinyl villain - £15
- Sharkstar - £20
- Furious tiles - £20
- Dancing james - £20
- Moog - £10
- Murtle - 20
- Jonny - £50.14
- Oliver schick - £20
- Rod munch - £20
- Bluequinn - £50.14 - good idea jonny!
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix - £20
- Sam - £10
- Clefty - £50.14
- Cake - £20
- Casasteve - £10
- The seldom killer - £30
- Teen -£30
- Owen - £10.32 (5.31 x2)
- Spins £20
- Damo- £20
- Jaygee & veevee - £60
- Jung £30
- Town £10
- Willo £15
- Slamm -£25
- Tika - £20
- Shinscar £20
- Two omegas £20
- Sammy dodger £20
- Estelle £20
- Andy p £30
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14 - Lileth - 25
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30 - Hoops £20 (will pay next week when i haz more money!)
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14 - Mmccarthy - £20
- Clever pun - 20
- Huge16 -£20
- Sano - £22.13
- Stevo_com - £20
- Bigfatal - £10
- Willski - £50.14
- Playswellwithotters - £20
- Gormley - £20.50
- Diable - £20
- Stringerman- £30
- Gabes £30
- habbi £20
- mjs110 £10
- edscoble £10
- Timmy2wheels £10
- Buddha Fingaz £20
- Pink and Sarah £20
- hael £20
- mashton £20
- veLLo £20
- Superprecise £10
- teddy £20
- daccordi £10
- diapo £10
- Lebowski £10
- moth £50
- pajamas £13.81
- Mrlemon £20
- Stu £70.00
- Zed £20
- cheevil £10
- fluff £20
- morgan £20
- miss_socks £10
- hillbilly £10
- Skoota
- Snowy £20.01
- GA2G £22.16 (done by Dropout on my behalf - Thank You mate)
- mattty £10
- chatters £25
- steves £20
- Prav - £10
- JD----£20
- nuknow - £10
- nimhbus -£15
- coppiThat £13
- pistanator £40
- sol £20
- fatboyralph £10
- Rosmal
- overandout £20
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20 - Richie £20
- Multi Grooves £20
- kisu_shimo £10
- Markyboy £20
- Soul £11.83
- hoonz £14.50
- Digger £20 (via Object)
TOTAL £2,594.50
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Wiganwill
- Sharkstar
- Moog
- Trum
- Jonny
- Oliver schick
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
- Clefty
- Cake
- Max
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
- Jung
- Slamm
- Rocksteady
- Teen
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Marcom
- Shoots
- Habbi
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming) - Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Huge16
- Sano - if i can get out of work
- Stevo_com : If i can get off work (let them try and fucking stop me)
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton
- veLLo
- Superprecise
- teddy
- Dov
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- miss_socks
- hillbilly
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- coppiThat
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- Bobbinbird
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Soul
- Digger
Attending wake
- Dancing james
- Alien
- Velocio
- Ladystardust
- Joe smith
- Fruitbat
- Wibble
- Furious tiles
- Dropout
- Moog
- Murtle
- Jonny
- Bluequinn
- Mc_nebula
- Tricitybendix
16.clefty - Cake
- Max
- Oliver schick
- Owen
- Spins
- Damo
- Jaygee
- Veevee
25.jung - Slamm
- Teen
- Rocksteady
- Tootoughtodie
- Shinscar
- Two omegas
- Sammy dodger
- Estelle
- Jacqui
- Skully
- Shoots
- Vanuden (if i can get away from work)
- Lileth
- Aroogah
- Hoops
- Longandwinding
- Villa-ru
- Flickwg
- Mmccarthy
- Clever pun
- Huge16
- Sano - if it's after work and i have a feeling it will be...
- Stevo_com
- Bigfatal
- Charco
- Playswellwithotters
- Gormley
- Diable
- Stringerman & Stringerman's woman
- Stix
- Gabes
- fred
- Buddha Fingaz
- Pink
- Sarah
- hael
- mashton possibly
- veLLo
- habbi
- Superprecise
67.fixedfreak - teddy
- Dov
- diapo
- Lebowski
- Slag
- Fitzy
- moth
- pajamas hope to
- Mrlemon
- not4sale
- Stu
- Rik
- fluff (hopefully)
- morgan
- hillbilly
- miss_socks
- skoota
- Snowy & Go! Ellis
- GA2G
- mattty (maybe, but probably cannot make it)
- chatters
- steves
- JD
- nimhbus ( if possible)
- coppiThat
- Alb
- fatboyralph
- Rosmal
- overandout
- shoarthing
- mikec
- Sasmon
- punkpixel (if possible)
- Bobbinbird
- arvy
- Richie
- Multi Grooves
- rounce (Probably not for very long unless I can change the time of my train ticket)
- V
- andyp
- kisu_shimo
- Markyboy
- MA3K
- Soul
- hoonz
- Digger
- Velocio - £20
• #1298
This explains all the PMs I've been getting
• #1299
Did that list of riders just change in front of my very eyes?
Yes, and the reason for editing says "Updated List". -
• #1300
For anyone who wants a GPX file for their snazzy find me by satellite devices use this link.
a paypal account is being run by another member of lfgss (cheevil) the email address for paypal is chithai@mac.com to which donations can be made.
Please only put your name down after you have made the donation. Please add your amount to the total amount in bracket after your name.
Make sure you have not omitted the person who posted before you
36 jacqui £20
37 anon £150
38 skully £50.14
39 marcom £20
40 sparky - £2.12
41 shoots - 20
42 edd 13 - 10
43 vanuden - 50.14
45 spinftw - 10
46 middleofnowhere 20
47 aroogah - £30
49 longandwinding - £20
50 khornight - £20
51 villa-ru - £10
52 flickwg
53 bernie - £50.14
106: shoarthing £10
107: mikec £10
108: jaw £10
109: Sasmon £20
110: madillness £10
111: punkpixel £14
112: Bobbinbird £10
113: Deluka £10
114: Digger £20
TOTAL £2,518.17
leave the paypal address when you quote the list so that the next person gets the deal, donates and extends the list.
Attending funeral
43 villa-ru (if i am not filming)
Attending wake