• #227
Only tools like Tool. Fact.
Things are getting ugly.
Off to the flounce thread.....
• #228
holy fuck josh.
this is the most outrageous claim that you have made on this form.I was only trying to reel Balki in...
• #229
as you can probably work out, melville high school was hardly eton.
when they tried to make everyone wear uniform, they had to come to a compromise.
they settled on black or blue jeans, and a black or white shirt (i think you could wear school colours too.).so we were all forced (honest) to be bogans and wear metal t shirts and black fabs.
yeah, what about the hair then?? and the worked holden?? -
• #230
yeah, what about the hair then?? and the worked holden??
all props, to keep the willagee kids from bashing me up. -
• #231
Daily update:
RATM 306k
X-Factor: 297kgap has closed every day.....
• #232
Cliff Richard: 343k
• #233
I have purchased this as a protest against both songs being number 1 - proper tune
YouTube- "Walking In The Air." (The original version from "The Snowman" with Peter Auty)
• #234
Is there any running total type thing to see who is winning the race?
• #235
Getting a little worried about this, it would seem that Paul McCartney thinks its cool.
Any chance we can get a Wings song to #1.
Just so people know, if the difference is less than half a million then it would probably benefit Cowell to make up the difference himself as the current media hype and onward promotion through high rotation would more then pay for his costs.
• #236
Any chance we can get a Wings song to #1.
• #237
Yes, this is a brilliant idea!
Fixed ;)
• #238
Why don't you just stab me in the ear instead?
• #239
Why don't you just stab me in the ear instead?
I don't know that one, can you hum it for us?
• #240
• #242
Hahahaha Awesome!!
Can't believe they pulled that off. Stick that one Cowell.
• #243
At times like this I'm glad I don't own a radio.
turns up The Smiths
• #244
Ha, didn't think that was really possible, fucking perfect!
• #245
At times like this I'm glad I don't own a radio.
turns up The Smiths
Do you have a thorn in your side?
• #246
I haven't got a stitch to wear.
Thats right, naked interwebz for me, do you feel violated?
• #247
• #248
yeah! i love ratm. this has rekindled our relationship.
• #249
Meh. Let's all rollover and download an old (shit) song. It would be radical if the same people who d/l this went and voted once in a while.....
• #250
Macarena next year then
it was the teachers getting raped at my school.