• #3027
In if you go to Persepolis. Me and Simon are already going for brunch on Monday, we bloody love that place.
• #3028
I'd be suspicious of anything made from algae considering the high levels in some algae of a neurotoxin called BMAA, which has been linked in studies to ALS. Also, prawns aren't even nice, why make fake ones!?
• #3029
Yes, I'm not really interested in any of that, and I've never even heard of BMAA.
Also, prawns aren't even nice, why make fake ones!?
I suspect prawns are perfectly nice creatures if you don't kill them, although I can't say I've made their acquaintance often. :)
As for their corpses, which certainly aren't nice, who knows if this stuff would really prevent people from killing them?
Some of this smacks a little too much of the 'fake vs. real' that's in that famous film, er, I think it's called 'Knife Walker' or something.
• #3030
Hi all, does anyone know where I can get hold of seitan, or failing that vital wheat gluten, in Central or East? Thanks!
• #3031
I tend to buy vital wheat gluten from Longdan Asian supermarkets, of which theres one on Hackney rd, or Vx on Caledonian Rd
• #3032
Great, Longdan is convenient. Thanks :)
• #3033
There are also four or five Vietnamese shops on Mare Street (on the west side between Lamb Lane and Silesia Buildings) who all do this (and lots more vegan stuff amid all the pork and seafood), as well.
• #3034
Just returned from a mostly unplanned tour of Europe, and have come to report that the Czech Republic is surprisingly good when it comes to vegan food. The supermarkets had an almost dizzying array (compared to UK supermarkets) of yoghurts/puddings/spreads*/fake meats, and almost everywhere we stopped (bar the tiniest of towns) had a bio shop, well stocked with vegan and/or organic delights.
*Tatarska tofuneza = <3
• #3035
Czech Republic for next meet up
• #3037
I seem to remember getting some fake meat stuff from a food show or a shop somewhere that was made in the Czech Republic, so that may be a local business trend.
It's happening all over Germany, too. Years ago you would have been lost trying to get anything vegan in an ordinary supermarket, but that's changed completely.
• #3038
Peckham? Next Wednesday?
- Thrasher
- Thrasher
• #3039
Can't do next Wednesday, sorry, but do go ahead if that's a good time for others.
• #3040
It's not the same without you Oliver.
Thursday? 7pm? -
• #3041
Best to have a choice of dates, and a list, and see what the others say.
We have to remember to book if we're going to Persepolis.
• #3042
OK, I'd love some food processor advice! I've currently got a mini one that attaches to a handle (like a stick blender) but it really can't handle dates, or any decent quantity of anything. So, I've decided it is time to invest in a proper one! I'd like to be able to use it to blend dates/nuts etc for raw cake type stuff, but I don't really know what to look for to make sure it's capable of it? Motor size, etc? Anyone have any tips? Thanks!
• #3043
Vitamix. That'll blend anything.
• #3044
Yes, Germany/Brussels/NL were all good - Poland was a bit dire, hence our surprise at the Czech Republic. Sorry for tarring you all with the same brush, central europe.
• #3045
• #3046
I like the sound of Vegan döner kebap in Shoreditch.
I am proposing Thursday 8th or Friday 9th or Saturday 10th at 7-8ish.
Hows that sound. Get on the list!
- Thrasher + Mrs Thrasher (Available Thur, Fri, Sat)
- Thrasher + Mrs Thrasher (Available Thur, Fri, Sat)
• #3048
I don't miss milk that much. Also galactose http://nutritionfacts.org/video/is-milk-good-for-our-bones/
Also “We want to make a goldilocks product that has all the nutritional benefits of cow’s milk but none of the compromises.”
What are the nutritional benefits of milk? It doesn't increase calcium uptake in the bones, it actually decreases it, and milk drinkers in a study were at higher risk of hip fractures. Blindly trying to emulate an animal product that is basically bad for you is silly.
I guess the upside is that dairy drinkers may buy this instead of milk and reduce the number of cows needed by the dairy industry.
• #3049
The major upshot of synthetic milk for me would be use in making cheese, yoghurt, butter, sour cream etc - never had a vegan alternative I liked anywhere near as much as the real thing
• #3050
Yeah, cheese. I miss cheese, and vegan cheese is pretty terrible so far in my limited experience.
Yoghurt, coconut milk yogurt is pretty amazing (and expensive).
The fact that I've lost a lot of weight since turning vegan, and I think it's mainly due to my previously high dairy intake, means that I wouldn't use this fake milk anyway. But each to their own.
What if they grow steaks in a lab, would you eat them?
This may have been lost in general busy-ness, but could those who would be up for going for a meetup perhaps indicate they're still up for it?
We have a few choices:
Persepolis in Peckham
Club Mexicana (two locations)
Vegan döner kebap in Shoreditch
In recent times, we've only managed one sit-down meal outside of the central area, so I imagine that's why people are reluctant to go to Persepolis (which might accordingly have to be something for the week-end?).
The döner place is very close to Cook Daily, which has been great for meet-ups, so might be the most straightforward option after work?
I'm keen on all of them, though, but all in good time. :)