• #4103
I can teach you soldering via WhatsApp video tutorials if you fancy!?
Just got a load of these I am going to use on my all road dynamo set up. It is samme issue you have with slightly short cables. So I am going to put these inline and extend the cables that way. https://www.ebay.com/itm/10-x-PAIRS-RC-2mm-Gold-Bullet-Connector-Heat-Shrink-Lipo-Battery-ESC-Motor-/281784986980?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
• #4104
yes pls! I have some of those gold connectors, i did a shit solder job on the talbot with those (no cable holder or solder stand), it works but I want 'neater' and actually have never added a section of cable in between before.
@Cupcakes crimp instead of solder on the middle section of new cable? No idea, I could I guess but I was thinking, solder and shrink wrap
• #4105
I was just thinking that somewhere there is a recommendation to crimp instead of solder. No idea where but I would guess either the Supernova instructions, or a third party website e.g. Peter White.
Edit: might be this I was thinking of:
By having a separate crimp on the insulator, you take a great deal of stress off of the conductor, so the connector can be disconnected and reconnected to and from the hub axle many times without damage
From: https://www.peterwhitecycles.com/wiringinstructions.php
• #4106
Does the soldering iron have variable temperature?
• #4107
Basically either’s fine. But soldering is harder.
• #4108
And feels way more artisanal...
• #4109
Especially if you dab too much on there and have to take a file to it
• #4110
Crimping, with good tool, will be more fatique resistant. Easier too, less likely to be fucked up and at least as good in every other way too, as far as I know. Google soldering vs crimping, this hasbeen discussed a lot by people interested in cars.
I used to work at a factory that made electrical cabinets for big excavators to be used at mines for example and we never soldered anything. -
• #4111
Could this be turned into a group activity please? I’m building up my new bike next week, including a Sinewave Revolution/Exposure Revo setup and my soldering looks like chewing gum historically
• #4113
I used some thin coaxial cable on mine, about 3mm diameter. Don't forget to buy some heatshrink too.
• #4114
This is the easiest way I have found over the years, then just add some heat shrink over the top so it’s all black
4 Attachments
• #4115
this is relevant to soldering bullet connectors
• #4116
This. Solder is brittle, and soldering multicore wire is a pain in the arse too.
• #4117
What's the name of these open barrel splice connectors in the UK? I can't find any.
• #4118
Spade connectors?
• #4119
The spade connectors always have a male and female part and are detachable. I got one hit on ebay by adding "inline" . But doesn't seem to be very common.
• #4120
Butt splice crimps
• #4121
That shows mostly the closed barrel type. For some reason "crimp docking connector" gives the best hits which sounds pretty vague to me. I am mainly looking for it because it uses the same tool as the spade connectors and I already have one.
• #4122
Butt Connectors (read in Bevis and Buthead style)
• #4123
you guys are much better well rounded adults than I am, I have no idea about ANY of this!
• #4124
uses the same tool as the spade connectors
Wait, there’s a special tool??? I use these*, it’s a bit haphazard but it works
*I don’t actually use these exact ones, I googled long nose pliers and these £700 titanium ones popped up. Yes, £700. Really.
1 Attachment
• #4125
I have these 2. Looking through my order history I just realized one of them came with a box of spade connectors in various sizes so my last solder was pointless.
This one
I put in a JST connector to the rear light