• #452
Some baby oil & a smile. No actually very boring jeans & hoodie.
Free punch to Ant or Dec, who gets it?
• #453
Both, with followthrough.
Bad Taste EDIT?
Who is more evil, Simon Cowell, Louie Walsh or Pol Pot?
• #454
Pol Pot.
Would you consider living in China for 2 years minimum? -
• #455
I don't even need to consider it, I'd love to go.
Where would you need to be paid to live (Birmingham not allowed as it's a foregone conclusion).
• #456
Your house.
What time is it?
• #457
Outside the M25.
Why are Macs overrated?
• #458
style over substance
Try and fail, or stay in your comfort zone?
• #459
Massive fail every time
Army surplus waterproofs or cycle specific?
• #460
Because they secretely love you and the pain is too much.
Would you prefer to be prematurely balding with a athletic muscular body, of have a thick head of hair and have the body of sickly pot bellied but slightly anaemic couch potato?
• #461
Cycle specific.
Why does Jaw have me on ignore?
• #462
Jelly belly.
Why won't you kiss me?
• #463
Don't edit your questions. I'm listening.
Why weren't you at Wests last week?
• #464
Do you have a sister?
• #465
No, only child.
Who will win the last post wins thread?
• #466
Whoever post it last!
Are you at work?
• #467
Yeah, but leaving at 4.
Is that wrong?
• #468
No, it isn't.
how many fingers have you got in one hand?
• #469
4 I think.
How's your Monday been so far?
• #470
Quite good thank you.
What's the best joke you've heard in November?
• #471
Where do cows hang out at the weekend?
The mooseum.
(my five year old boy told me that)
What is the best thing you've ever done?
• #472
made a baby
Whats the worst thing you've ever done
• #473
Failed to sleep with a certain person.
EDIT ooops did I forget to add a question?
• #474
repost. Mine's Yarg.
Favourite type of brakepad (cross posting here)?
• #475
EBC "gold" disc brake pads
What's the deal with Real Ale these days?
as long as it wasn't painful or more boring than life, I wouldn't mind
what are you wearing?