• #327
Amsterdam tourney on At5 tv: http://www.at5.nl/artikelen/29762/toernooi-in-nieuwe-sport-bikepolo
• #328
Yes, was really fun! Wooooop! Thankyou to the organizers, my excellent and very British teammates Aidan and Josh and to everyone else who made it a great day!
Hope you locals can enjoy some more regular games in Amsterdam soon...So did em make his flight?! ;)
• #329
Yes, Em and I rode to the airport this morning at 4am. Brutal. Still drunk, still. Yesterday was a wonderful day. Taka and Pierski are total heroes. Thanks to everyone who made the effort to come. That ferry ride back last night was incredible.
Next up: Spring/Summer tourney in Amsterdam!
• #330
Next up: Spring/Summer tourney in Amsterdam!
• #331
Thank you for coming everyone!
I have to apologize lack of solid timetable of the match...
Next time we'll work on real deal with food and stuff
Anyway here's quick result of top 4!1st : Luis (Paris) / Jono (London) / Kyra (Eindhoven)
2nd : Emily (London) / Jamal(Ehv) / William (Utrecht)
3rd : Adam(Manchester) / Vincent (Arnhem) / Eddie(Zwolle)
4th : Mitch(Arnhem) / DJ(Zwolle) / Niels S(Eindhoven) -
• #333
Most British team? haha
Did you get a prize for that?
• #334
Most British team? haha
Did you get a prize for that?
They've got pumps so that they can bring some British air to NL next time.
• #335
Thanks taka and pierski, tom and b for everything. Nice to meet you Robert michelle robin josh and Megan from uk and the nice Dutch people too, wonderful place you have there (holland). Slamm muchos thanks to you, Emilie always a pleasure to hang as it is you Agata, joni ali whatever your names are I salute you! Sorry if I forgot anyone, blame it on my drunken 3am crash.
• #336
just got home smashed a window to get in, then found my keys FAIL
• #337
were you rushing to use the toiler????
• #338
Yep, Slamm, that apartment was the best, we could throw sticks at the prostitutes in Red Light district from our living room window ( not that we ever did) .
Brendan must be having the worst hungover of the century right now.
My back is all blue after trying to crash into Aidan and taking myself out instead. fail.
Thanks everyone,I love Amsterdam, when is the next one ? Need to book tickets early -
• #339
[QUOTE=skoota;1132032] Emilie always a pleasure to hang as it is you Agata, joni ali whatever your names are I salute you! /QUOTE]
I know I was drunk but I don't think I made it to Amsterdan B.
• #340
Thanks to everyone for an awesome day of polo! Taka, Pierski & Tom for organising... Eddy & Vincent for being great team-mates and every one who made it to Amsterdam for the tourney....
Next stop Karlsruhe....!! Hoorah...!
• #341
I am very honoured to be considered representing London -
Had awesome fun in Amsterdam - good to see you guys -
See you in Karlsruhe
• #342
Awesome time had in the 'Dam, thanks again Tom & B for everything, you're stars!
nice to meet Taka & Pierski - "Fuckin' hell maaaaaaaaaan!!"
Also thanks to my team-mates Niels & Vis - shame we couldn't do any better but good fun nonetheless. All the UK peeps, great to hang out with you as always, Saturday was fuckin' ace. From the ride to the ferry in the morning until crashing into a totally mullered Skoota at 3am - it was all polo! -
• #343
Thanks to everyone who helped organise the tournament and to Vis for putting us up. Thanks to my teammates too, great day and awesome weekend, bring on May 10th!
PS: Tom and B have it made, Brendan is a mad drinker and Aidan is a big stoner!
• #344
"Taka it to the kitchen."
"There's a bogey on your tail."
"No bones, no blood, no bitching."
• #345
"There's a bogey on your tail."
all time classic
• #346
What a weekend!
Thank you to everyone for everything!Taka and Pier sorted us out with an amazing tournament...
Big pleasure to play with Josh and Robin...Most british team of the tournament you know darlings. Hope to be seeing more of you both...did you get back ok?
Tom and Bianca are two of the most awesome people I have had the pleasure of spending time with. You guys were amazing, thank you for putting me up and putting up with me.
Same goes to anyone who had to put up with me after I took my medicine...
Jon and Ali, was a pleasure traveling and hanging out with you guys.
Good to meet more UK and european faces and as good to see old ones...everyone was so nice...there was an amazing atmosphere! sorry if I don't rememeber some of your names when we meet again...I was buzzing Saturday.
It was a pleasure to hang out with all of you.
I'm so impressed we actually managed to have breakfast with Agata, Brendan and Rob Sunday morning...Sorry to hear about your window B but good story! Chin Nuts?
...I lost my wind proof gloves at the airport but found them as I built my bike at Gatwick...WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!What's the craic with Ali's passport?
I officially don't get vegan Reggea but seemed fitting at the time...
Some amazing heckles!
Agata, Rob, Adam hurry up with the pictures...
My back is all blue after trying to crash into Aidan and taking myself out instead. fail.
I totally forgot about that...are you ok? Remember when i crashed for no reason outside that club...ha ha ha ha....
mullered Skoota at 3am - it was all polo!
This song made the whole journey home ok.
• #347
Oh and I have no idea how i did not relapse after this weekend but I actually seem better medically now than when I left...Polo is a healer.
• #348
I want photos!
• #349
hurry up people!
• #350
all this talk of me being drunk is not true without pictures.
haha..no fix..just voodoo..:D