• #1077
Fixed black Pompetamine with a front disc break in the Dandy Horse at lunchtime today.
• #1078
That was me! Replacement for the roadrat/track bike. Not finished yet, watch this space
• #1079
Ohh jealous
• #1080
I thought so. I was the one with the baby and pram (three aerospoks dontchaknow).
That's a very nice looking bike you have there. -
• #1081
^ I just came here to post that :-)
I was the walkenger sans pram.
• #1082
All sorts spotted on my town trip today:
The classic steel reddy orange brakeless thing with the brooks and no bar tape locked outside Gaol Hill Tesco.
Whatshisname's green and brown Fuji permanently locked outside Sevenwolves.
An all black Create-esque OTP jobby replete with multiple wheel reflectors locked outside Marks and Sparks.
An 'acquired taste' Leader 722, white, gold untaped drops, gold wheels, some blue highlights, locked near Starbucks.
A red/black ss commuter being walkengered down Exchange street.
Bright blue Charge Plug ss, ridden, also down Exhange street.
The cream/red ss that's always outside the Bicycle Shop.
And what looked like a blue skinny steel Claud Butler conversion further down St. Bens.Wasn't even sunny, but it appears Spring has sprung.
• #1083
Saw the gold dropped leader as well today outside M&S. Slack chain.
Spring may of sprung but it was cold enought for my fingers to go numb pushing the pram around Chapelfield gardens.
• #1084
All sorts spotted on my town trip today:
Whatshisname's green and brown Fuji permanently locked outside Sevenwolves.
The British racing type green one with the leather Charge Spoon and leather tape belongs to Joel who works there.
• #1085
Yeah my hands were freezing even in full gloves - felt like winter again. And there I was getting excited at starting my mitt tan lines...
Ah yeah, Joel, that's the one.
• #1086
Sjc's pink fixie and a blue and white one i think locked up opposite the glasshouse, also spotted a guy on a white create or something - fixed, no brakes or foot retention creeping down the pavement..
• #1087
Blue and white one is Vickstiens
We where partaking in some post alleycat food and beers -
• #1088
Kettlegun outside tesco sprowston road this afternoon.
Cool looking polo steed -
• #1089
saw someone on a really cool looking red/yellow/blue fade lopro with risers on unthank road the other day, think he saw me checking out his bike? Guy with the fluro helmet
• #1090
That'd be 12ounce aka Kieran. We'll take that as another vote for the paint to stay the same r payn?
• #1091
^^^ Does the polo steed have a home made disc on the back? If so, saw it in the city yesterday locked up outside City Hall.
• #1092
It's got a homemade disc on the front. Possibley a 26 inch front and 700 rear.
Maybe there is 2 polo bikes? -
• #1093
^ bluey-green track frame?
• #1094
Obviously I meant front not back! Yes, that's the one.
• #1095
I spotted this locked outside the council building a few days ago, proper hack
• #1096
Yes keep the paint! looks great! I also saw the polo bike with front disc, looked functional!
• #1097
saw someone on a really cool looking red/yellow/blue fade lopro with risers on unthank road the other day, think he saw me checking out his bike? Guy with the fluro helmet
I saw you at the roundabout at the top of unthank as I was heading from kofra, then spotted you coming past as I stopped at cartridge world. I was mainly checking out that big old messenger bag you had on haha. What is it? Also, the paint definitely isn't staying.
• #1099
12ounce hooning up Theatre Street around 2pm this arvo. Was going to DAS, but the time I'd decided it was you, and that I would, you were too far away :(
• #1100
Sjc, in my front garden ( notaeuph ) yesterday evening.
Pleasure to meet you sir.
That was us, good to meet you man. 2 of us rode back, fixing a flat in the freezing cold and being glared at by the locals was too much so my mate got a lift home.