• #27
even experienced cyclists here on the LFGSS found the cycle training to be massively useful and they learn new method that'll not only benefit themselves but to other road users as well.
even if you do RLJing with care, why the urge to in the first place? what's your rush? you're still going faster than motorised vehicles.
my rush is getting to work on time, i have a regular habit of oversleeping so that means a dash to work, add that regular RLJ and i now do it by habit when ever i cycle.
• #28
The rise is attributed i think to the increased number of 'stupid' cyclists that make regular bad judgements.
Yep there are far too many tosspots who think they can ride in London rush hour and successfully have a conversation whilst holding a mobile phone to their ear, that or drinking a large whatever from starbucks which is exactly what some arsehole does every morning riding east along embankment, if he could actually ride in a straight line I'd swipe the fucking thing out of his hands and pour it over his suit trousers which are neatly tucked into his socks......... Rant over!!
I cycle to work each day but i usually do night shifts so i'm generally 'king of the road'....however i've done a few day shifts this week and i've been cycling with the rush hour commuters and i was so surprised how shit EVERYONE is.
Cars/taxis/buses/vans - the majority steer like shit without glancing.
Pedestrians - probably the worst, continually walking out into the road without looking and then death staring me when i swerve out of thier way to save a head-on collision
Cyclists - its generally 'Johnny Office' who is the awful cyclist who is oblivious of his surroundings and his impact on other cyclists.
I know i'm saying stuff that we all know already, but i can totally understand this article.....so many bad cyclists on the roads that give all cyclists bad names. It's also probably biased as hell for me to say but, most of the ss/fixed cyclists i see are excellent on the roads. Most of us are RLJ (right?) and most of us can weave but without being a danger to ourselves or other road users but it always gives us a bad name because this cycling is seen as reckless whereas it's in fact skilled.
-just read my post back, gosh it's boring, still posting though.