• #377
skinny, possibly. based on a cursory glance at the marshall sheet.
• #378
Thank you to everyone who helped put this on, it's a great event.
As usual everything was spot on. My 6th HoA and probably my most enjoyable, marginally shading the snow ride of 2009. Liked the reroute around the back of Knockholt :0)
• #379
Many thanks to all the marshals, it was a great day and the route was cracking. As previously mentioned, the descent after the first feed stop was truly freezing and I was praying for a climb to warm up on again.
However, and this is a general point about cyclists, the number of gel/flapjack/food packets that were littering the route was frankly disgusting. I can't think of an excuse for not taking the empty packet home with you. Even if you drop it, circle back and pick it up.
• #380
I did feel like a bit of a prick when I chased down a group of three guys with their discarded wrappers. But a righteous, and fairly rapid prick, though
• #381
I did feel like a bit of a prick when I chased down a group of three guys with their discarded wrappers. But a righteous, and fairly rapid prick, though
The best kind!
• #382
It was a great ride, tough in the conditions. Great marshalling, good feed stops, lovely route, friendly riders. Enjoyed the pack of 20-30 riders that went through, pretty packed group there, good fun.
• #383
skinny, possibly. based on a cursory glance at the marshall sheet.
Yes should have been, I spotted him riding there, dressed for a fast ride but not for standing around in the cold, poor lad.
• #384
I did feel like a bit of a prick when I chased down a group of three guys with their discarded wrappers. But a righteous, and fairly rapid prick, though
Cheers Brain Stew :) I would have noted there numbers and bloody disqualified them >_<
• #385
Phil O'Connor has the photo's up; http://www.sportivephoto.com/
• #386
Yup was me. Was alright, layered up. Had my legs up, we're a bit sore.
Though kept getting asked if i was okay, explaining i was marshaling and not broken down.
Need a top with, 'I'm okay, just marshalling mate' on.Didn't realise I was so close to the finish. People were all still cheery. Lot's of hellos and mornings.
Had a nice natter with a couple of kind older ladies, out for their sunday stroll.Tom we must ride again soon, if your hips better?
• #387
Sonvabitch! KT you got to check those photos - that cheeky bastard who sucked your wheel all the way up Star Hill is there are smiles and shit behind you while you're clearly making the way up for him. Tempted to get a photo, Enhance It and then track him down and make him send you a thank-you card. And since I'm there I'll probably tell him to burn his disgusting fluro jacket as well.
• #388
Really?! I gave up looking at race photos years ago when I realised that my cycling expressions basically comprised Surprised, Distressed and Anxious.
I probably ought to be offended - but I'll choose to be flattered that someone thinks I'm worth tailing up a hill (then hunt him down and kill him).
• #389
oops, I mean (then ask him nicely not to do it again) .
Don't know where that came from.
• #390
Yeah well since it was my first sportive I thought I'd indulge myself. My expressions seem to consist of Bored, Tired or Tongue Hanging Out (wtf) so I'm done there too.
• #391
So I had a little look .. he's waving! Grrrr ...
• #392
I did feel like a bit of a prick when I chased down a group of three guys with their discarded wrappers. But a righteous, and fairly rapid prick, though
well done you. can't understand why people just don't shove the wrappers down their shorts or whatever. such a shame
• #393
Yeah well since it was my first sportive I thought I'd indulge myself. My expressions seem to consist of Bored, Tired or Tongue Hanging Out (wtf) so I'm done there too.
I had my entire face covered by a buff which hid my usual gurns for a change
• #394
I did feel like a bit of a prick when I chased down a group of three guys with their discarded wrappers. But a righteous, and fairly rapid prick, though
There's no excuse for littering when you're on the bike.Please say they were in club kit...
• #395
Sadly no identifiable kit, though they were the architypal sportivers (middle aged, slightly paunchy, riding very expensive bikes)
The reaction was less hostile than I was expecting, which went something like:
"Is it open?" (Think they had misunderstood and thought I was offering an unopened goodie)"Oh no, not us Guv. Can't have been. Don't even know what that is" (to which I told them I had just seen them drop them as I was right behind them on the road)
Which was then followed by mumbled excuses
"Oh maybe it was somebody else"
"Must have just fallen out of my pocket"
"rhubarb rhubarb" -
• #396
There were loads of unopened gels and bars all over the place. God knows why people aren't careful taking stuff out of their pockets. And you're right, what's hard about putting the wrapper back in your pocket and binning it at the next feed?
• #397
The deterious en-route was pretty appalling I thought. If riders can got to the trouble of carrying it with contents, then it is not that much of an effort to put the packaging back in to the pocket.
• #398
Strava Club for the Hell of the Ashdown 2013 created for those that use it
http://app.strava.com/clubs/14946 -
• #399
Just for info, our 2014 Hell of the Ashdown Sportive is set for Sunday 16th February 2014.
Online entry goes live Midnight of Saturday 30th November in to Sunday 1st December
• #400
Looking forward to it already.
Was the mashall sat in the hedgerow in the last 5 miles of the route (with legs up on the toptube of a natty looking matt-black... cannondale...maybe?) someone on here? Didn't look wrapped up enough to be warm