• #68852
How long can you take going to the shops to top up a prepayment key for the electric?
• #68853
I believe, according to lfgss law that they should be fully inserted in the bin.
• #68854
130 wheels in a pompino. Just ram them in or take to shop to get done properly?
• #68855
Have a chat to Winston vaz- he mentioned he might be able to cold set the stays on mine. Worth having him take a look I reckon. Although he wasn't 100% sure it would work without cracking.
You might also want to check crank clearance on the chainstays.
• #68856
Sheldon method. Plank of wood in the rear triangle. Jump on it. Measure. Jump some more.
• #68857
If in doubt, I aim for one third of the overall length.
• #68858
Ram them in.
• #68859
Might not work on the wishbone Pompino as those seatstays are pretty stiff, which is probably why cold setting is a bad idea too. I did it and got away with it though.
• #68860
Odd request. I'm in Malaysia right now and I know Shimano stuff is made in Malaysia. I've seen zero biek shops here and the only actual bieks I've seen have been cheap BSOs, and relatively few.
I've seen more places with Shimano fishing tackle.
Anyway, I'll be stopping via Singapore on the way back.
Tl;Dr - can u get cheep Shimano biek parts in singapoor?
• #68861
I'm moving to Aberdeen in September and I'm trying to find a flatshare. Anybody got any tips as its a 7 hour drive away for me?
• #68862
It works, I have 2.
• #68863
Mac (Alu unibody one, quite old)
• #68864
Mainly stuff i've ripped to itunes. I had a bluetooth thing but the sound quality was shocking. Don't mind throwing some cash at it if it works.
These are lovely but mad pricy although everything seems fall down at streaming from itunes. There must be some sort of simple hack?
Just starting to read about UPnP stuff but it's all a bit confusing.
• #68865
What about that mac airplay something?
• #68866
If it's just music and videos I'd look at a different solution (something that plugs directly into the hi-fi).
I had a Bluetooth Apt-x dongle before which seemed to be better quality (although I think videos may have been slightly out of sync).
• #68867
Yeah, I may have to have another look at that, thanks.
• #68868
I'll check out Apt-x too, nice one. (I'll only realistically be using it for audio.)
It was a Belkin Bluetooth thing one I was using last time, can't be any worse than that I guess.
• #68869
Airport Express. Piece o piss if you're mainly in iTunes, though you can send system audio to it too. Got one in every room, no fuss.
• #68870
Cool, i'll give that a look. Probably gonna be 90% itunes and youtube.
• #68871
I'm trying to learn about the different Novatec models (road).
Which models are the 'sweet spot' in terms of value? Does the law of marginal returns apply to Novatec? I.e. the priciest models are just a smidgeon better than the mid-range ones?
Also, there doesn't seem to be Mavic rims corresponding to the 20/24 hole pairings? If so, are there any alu clinchers to match?
EDIT: This was a good read
http://dcrwheels.co.uk/products/wheelsets/performance-novatec/ -
• #68872
You probably want the wheelbuilding thread, where at least one of the pro builders likes to slag off the lighter Novatecs due to titchy bearings, a sentiment with which I concur regardless of whose weight-weenie hubs we're discussing. You'll also find suggestions for 20/24H rims, such as H+Son Archetype and Kinlin XC279.
• #68873
Any suggestions for some skewers to go with my HSon Archetypes? Really not sure what to get (road)
• #68875
Shimano ones. Internal cam ftw. Or Paul Comp if you're a moneyed poser.
What's the minimum insertion limit for a 3T Ionic Team seatpost?