• #27
Might? Dude, you have to
• #28
get the bottle and put it without touching it with your hand into a bag now. try not to do any wiping action on it - as they can get nice fingerprints off the outside, and DNA from the inside. Take to police station, lodge as evidence when you go to show them your injuries.
HTH :)
• #29
It infuriates me that people think they can attack and abuse cyclists with impunity simply because they are on the road in front of them and they don't like it. I've just come back from reporting an incident (much less serious than yours) and it was definitely worth being there in person.
• #30
That's appauling behaviour, its hard to believe one human can treat another this way. Driving or riding on the streets of London is slowly decaying into anarchy. Road users manners and decentcy has all but gone. I hope you heal up quick and this bellend gets his just desserts. I find it kind of embarassing to admit I am a plumber and drive a van too. We aren't all inconsiderate pigs.
• #31
I had the book thrown at me for being flashed speeding (46 in a 40 zone) in a company van a few years ago. Something this serious and the culprit should be laid off or worse. Harsh? He made an attempt on your life.
• #32
Frankie_J, I'm wondering what made the driver go so mental?
Were you riding in the middle of the road, or on the far left?
Or were you riding side-by-side with your a colleague, or riding slowly?
The reason I asked, is not because you don't have the legitimate right to ride the streets,
but because I've seen this sort of thing really winding up drivers, and aggression forthcoming from there.Seeing drivers wanting to attack cyclists who ride in the middle of the road, has taught me not to.
Its not cowardice on my part, because I can handle nearly any driver, but I can't handle their vehicle.
If this was an attack for no reason (happy slapping for example), then the person is a total loon, and a danger to all society, not just cyclists.
• #33
Frankie J-- I work in Forensics, make sure you get photographs of your injuries and they are dated! this kind of deliberate assault can be really hard to prove so yes go to hospital and get a copy of the records they make; and again get Dated photographs that you can be identified in when the bruising has come out!
• #34
jonlubi, that's immense!
well, the one in the photo is a short wheelbase one, but nearly there...;)
• #35
Awful to hear that, Frankie. Lansdowne Drive unfortunately is a ridiculous local rat run, and I've heard incidents of poor driver behaviour reported before. No advice I can add beyond what others have already said. Hope you manage to get this cleared up!
• #36
Frankie_J, I'm wondering what made the driver go so mental?
Were you riding in the middle of the road, or on the far left?
Or were you riding side-by-side with your a colleague, or riding slowly?
The reason I asked, is not because you don't have the legitimate right to ride the streets,
but because I've seen this sort of thing really winding up drivers, and aggression forthcoming from there.Seeing drivers wanting to attack cyclists who ride in the middle of the road, has taught me not to.
Its not cowardice on my part, because I can handle nearly any driver, but I can't handle their vehicle.
If this was an attack for no reason (happy slapping for example), then the person is a total loon, and a danger to all society, not just cyclists.
GA2G - not now mate - the guy has just been knocked off his bike and needs to get alot of stuff together and dealing with any sort of 'self doubt' - ' was I in some way to blame for this ' is something he does'nt need right now .
Frankie_J get some rest tonight but do take on the advice given here so far ...
Wish you all the best. -
• #37
If this was an attack for no reason (happy slapping for example), then the person is a total loon, and a danger to all society, not just cyclists.
Sorry, Ashe, but I'm afraid your logic is well off here. You seem to be implying that there is a possible justification for the driver's actions--FYI there is of course no justification whatsoever for this malicious and dangerous assault. Even had Frankie been riding 'in the middle of the road', there would still not have been any 'reason' for them to attack him in this way.
If you are worried about taking the lane when you have to, you will be able benefit from cycle training. Have a look at dancing james' excellent report back from his cycle training lesson today:
Everybody can learn something from cycle training, no matter how experienced, and it is a wonderful boost to riding.
• #38
If the legal route fails... Well, we have his reg no GL54 OPA. Brilliant! Should we use Twitter/Facebook to trace the bastard?
• #39
What a scumbag! Definately see it through with the police as this loony needs his license revoking. Heal quick and keep us posted!
• #40
You have his reg.....lets get round there!!! :-)
• #41
if you've got the comany name....get on to them....if they don't respond use the power on the facebooks and such like.....Plaster there "cyclist down supporting ways" all over!!
• #42
So the assault has now been reported and police will be speaking to me again in next few days, and will hopefully have enough evidence for prosecution once they track the vehicle. They took the incident seriously enough. In terms of any provocation, I don't think i should say anything in case of any legal reasons, but even if there was, it's still assault and hit and run.
The police told me to remove the bottle from the bag without touching it, and place it somewhere else, as the bag can rub off finger prints.
In terms of damage: the bike has buckled wheels, buckled muduards (fitted today!), bent handle bars, destroyed bar tape, damaged spd pedals, probably damaged headset, possibly damaged forks, possibly damaged front brake, and torn clothing and dented helmet.
Plus the fact that I have to pay for public transport now.
• #43
GA2G - not now mate - the guy has just been knocked off his bike and needs to get alot of stuff together.............
not4sale, I work long hours, and all of my work commute is done in the dark, twice a day. Last week, TWICE within a few minutes, a petrochemicals truck driver moved to push me almost off the road. This was at about 6:20am. The second time he did it, I went around his truck to the driver's side, and at the red-light, asked him why was he attempting to drive into me. I wore THREE lights (one front, one rear, and one one my Timbuk2 - I replace all batteries very regularly). He said I should "Use The Fucking Cycle Lane". I pointed out there wasn't one, and I was as far over on the left as I could be. He said, I "should better watch it sonny". I left it at that. Normally, I can be very reactionary in such circumstances, but I felt dragging him out of his high cab, and giving him a "talking to", might have gone badly. I cycled on to work, and wondered what makes people like that.
Sorry, Ashe, but I'm afraid your logic is well off here. You seem to be implying that there is a possible justification for the driver's actions......
Sorry Oliver, I've been misunderstood. I was looking for an explanation, not a justification at all.....for quite UNjustifiable behaviour.
However, I do cycle with loons in mind. -
• #44
So the assault has now been reported and police will be speaking to me again in next few days, and will hopefully have enough evidence for prosecution once they track the vehicle. They took the incident seriously enough. In terms of any provocation, I don't think i should say anything in case of any legal reasons, but even if there was, it's still assault and hit and run.
The police told me to remove the bottle from the bag without touching it, and place it somewhere else, as the bag can rub off finger prints.
In terms of damage: the bike has buckled wheels, buckled muduards (fitted today!), bent handle bars, destroyed bar tape, damaged spd pedals, probably damaged headset, possibly damaged forks, possibly damaged front brake, and torn clothing and dented helmet.
Plus the fact that I have to pay for public transport now.
w00t. well done.
fair point ref bag, keep good care of that bottle :)
Keep all your receipts for public transport, you can claim these back from the driver as damages if the case is successful! failing that, get a cheap hack... You could consider calling the CTC/LCC lawyers, they can advice you on what you can do ref 'damages' and 'reasonable replacements'.
For example, when I was knocked off my motorbike, I got a new helmet, new gloves, new trousers, new jacket all from the 'other side'..
• #45
Before this gets into a slanging match - lets back up the rider!
Fankie J - I dont know if you have any riding insurance : I got some from British Cycling (also available from CTC) when I got a Race License. Anway, it included free legal help and it didnt cost me a penny when a frim called Leigh Day (in Shoreditch - recommended) pursued a motorcycle courirer who snashed me for 6 and then gave false details. I wont go on, but its worth just thinking about any insurance you might have - even travel insruance can cover you if you dont live in London (a bit unlikely, but you get my drift I hope).
Recommend you get your police statement in within 24 hours and go to GP first thing tmw too. Ask for a copy of a report. Go to your LBS and get your bike assessed ASAP and have photos etc taken and estimates for parts replacement written and date signed too. The more evidence you can get as near to the time as possible, the better. Id also go back and take photos of the location.
Good luck. PM me if you want any more info. D
• #46
not4sale, I work long hours, and all of my work commute is done in the dark, twice a day. Last week, TWICE within a few minutes, a petrochemicals truck driver moved to push me almost off the road. This was at about 6:20am. The second time he did it, I went around his truck to the driver's side, and at the red-light, asked him why was he attempting to drive into me. I wore THREE lights (one front, one rear, and one one my Timbuk2 - I replace all batteries very regularly). He said I should "Use The Fucking Cycle Lane". I pointed out there wasn't one, and I was as far over on the left as I could be. He said, I "should better watch it sonny". I left it at that. Normally, I can be very reactionary in such circumstances, but I felt dragging him out of his high cab, and giving him a "talking to", might have gone badly. I cycled on to work, and wondered what makes people like that.
Again, Ashe, not blaming you for incidents like this or the driver's attitude, but there's a lot of evidence here that you would benefit from some training. It will transform your enjoyment of cycling.
• #47
Too late here but for anyone else involved in such an incident, call 999 immediately. The reg. no. will get circulated over the main sets and there's at least half a chance of the offending vehicle getting spotted and stopped. Particularly useful if the driver's been drinking or taking drugs.
• #48
Too late here but for anyone else involved in such an incident, call 999 immediately. The reg. no. will get circulated over the main sets and there's at least half a chance of the offending vehicle getting spotted and stopped. Particularly useful if the driver's been drinking or taking drugs.
And I don't believe that this needs be merely assault. I think that attacking someone using a substantially larger vehicle probably falls into assault with a deadly weapon. Certainly, something like deliberately setting a vicious dog on someone is classed as using a weapon. I'd say a van door is in a similar category.
• #49
Googling tells me that this is a Volkswagen T-sporter T30 130 Tdi Lwb (Panel Van).
Did it look like this one? - they're based in East London.
The enquiry is complete The vehicle details for GL54 OPA are:
Date of Liability 01 06 2010
Date of First Registration 15 12 2004
Year of Manufacture 2004
Cylinder Capacity (cc) 2460CC
CO2 Emissions 0g/Km
Fuel Type Heavy Oil
Export Marker Not ApplicableVehicle Status Licence Not Due Vehicle Colour BLUE
says blue on the DVLA database , but could be covered in body sized stickers being a works van
• #50
Something like this then?
It does look similar, I'm not 100% sure but might follow it up.