• #12227
The Google harvesting ploy I saw recently was good. All they needed was access to one user and then it spread from there. They sent it to that user's contacts (and so on and so forth) so that the recipient wouldn't think it odd to receive a message from patient zero. It was formatted to only really work in a gmail inbox view. The email itself was just "here is that file/PDF I promised" and below there was what looked like a PDF attachment. Except, the "attachment" was actually a hyperlinked image to a convincing fake Google Drive login page. The victim would just think they had clicked on a PDF and needed to log in to Drive to view it. Once they enter their credentials, the login link would then take them to the real Drive page so they would just think there has been a glitch, log in again and be taken to their own real Drive page, not knowing that the phishers now had their Google (+ebay +PayPal etc etc) credentials.
Then they complete a transaction on ebay for an item they have set up, contact the victim from ebay who thinks someone else has fucked up so they might get something for free/cheap and hand over money through bank transfer for a nonexistent item/chunk of cryptocurrency.
• #12228
iMac Pro available to order from Thursday...
• #12229
• #12230
I needed to access a legit work website and instead of typing in .ac.uk, I accidentally typed in .co.uk and it directed me to a number of weird websites asking me to click all sorts... Anyone of these websites look particularly dodgy to anyone? I didn't click on anything obviously...
1 Attachment
• #12231
Just specced-out an iMac Pro for lols.
• #12232
Has anyone used remote desktop from a mac/ipad to a mac lately? Hows latency/lag, is it even remotely useable?
Ive basically donated my laptop to my gf so im just using my iphone X/ipad pro most of the time at home.
Thinking of just gettinng a desktop mac to leave home all the time, that i can remote into from work laptop/ipad. Likely use cases of this are to download films and stream from it that i wouldnt want to directly do on work devices. Or open source / light personal programming work.
Would get another laptop but id rather not carry another device around and ‘most’ of my personal programming will be at home so the desktop will be fine
• #12233
^ I use my mac mini exclusively with screen sharing from home/office on my macbook. works fine
I wouldn't run films over the remote connection but I do use it to run plex and connect on my devices through the app.
• #12234
Thats exactly the plan, good to know. Do you have bog standard home broadband? And built in apple screensharing?
• #12235
Good evening all. Quick query - are there any drawbacks if I purchase an Apple Watch in Hong Kong as opposed to the UK. Non - cell model.
• #12236
Where do I take my 2012 iMac with a suspected video card problem (hopefully it’s just a display connection issue)?
I’d like to drop it somewhere tomorrow and preferably get a free diagnosis.
Inb4 jokes such as “the skip” etc.
• #12237
the skip
• #12238
Go spin amey
• #12239
yup. I just needed to add port forwarding rules on my router for plex (32400 by default I think) and apple screen sharing (5900?) with the apple one I forward a different port number just so it's not obvious that's what the port is for.
as i have a static ip at home I use a subdomain to point to everything. so when not on my home network I have bookmarks for homesweethome.hatbeard.com:32400 for example.
you might need plexpass as well to get it working perfectly externally but it's cheap as chips per month for the convenience.
• #12240
Thanks, super useful. WIll probably need to figure out a solution to non static IP but that shouldnt be too hard
• #12241
I use https://www.noip.com/ for a static IP. Free for one IP so long as you confirm it each month. (Although you don't need it for Plex, that works through the Plex servers.)
• #12242
Hot jimmedy jebus what the hell is the point of the iMac Pro?
- Doesn't have touchscreen.
- Uses the disasterous AMD Vega GPU.
- Uses server-orientated CPUs which means less power for more cost.
I can understand the purpose of the Mac Pro (I am typing this on one right now) but what the fucking fuck is the point of an iMac with stupid hardware? Pretty sure on everything other than perhaps very high end video editing a regular imac with modern hardware would outperform it for a fraction of the cost.
- Doesn't have touchscreen.
• #12243
Apple's desktops ≠ sense
• #12244
everything other than perhaps very high end video editing a regular imac with modern hardware would outperform it for a fraction of the cost
Yeah, but new exclusive space grey accessories.
• #12245
So unless you do high end video editing, get a regular iMac. If you do, space gray ahoy!
• #12246
Touch screen on a graphics machine though >>>>>>>>>>
• #12247
Also, reading test reviews in Daring Fireball it seems to absolutely fly. What and why should they have done differently?
• #12248
Every time people touch my iMac screen, I die a little inside and then wipe away the smudges when they finally leave me alone.
Touch screen iMacs would be The Worst Thing Ever.
• #12249
..do they also try multi-finger gestures etc. ?
• #12250
I think the £12,400 price tag was a multi finger gesture.
Yea, definitely.
Not really, thanks for asking though.