• #6427
Film not photography, colour from 1927 what London looked like
Ace, ace....ace!
• #6428
^ where have all the hats gone? There must be great big landfill full of all those hats.
• #6429
Flight out to Antarctica from New Zeland
• #6430
^^^ good find love the petty coat lane bit. we need more hats
• #6431
The Milky Way and green airglow over the Isle of Wight, Chad Powell, Oct 4, 2013, using Canon 6D camera (25 seconds, f/2.8,. 20mm, ISO 4000) -
• #6432
You don't get that in town...
awe-inspiring -
• #6433
Andy Gotts
I shot Scarlett in Paris. She had a very long, busy day and our shoot was at 7pm, the last thing on her diary. I knew she would want the shoot to be quick, so I had a plan. I had pre-lit and was all ready to go when she arrived. I made her down two glasses of champagne quickly in succession then asked her to give me 20 of her best faces. After the first eight or so, I started to bark different emotions for her to act to. Which she relished. I love easy shoots with perfect sitters.
I love this.
• #6434
Even more so in the context of the other, rather stilted portraits !
• #6435
Nice; gotta try the two-glasses-of-champagne-trick on my next portrait session... -
• #6437
Saw an exhibition of his work while I was in Hamburg.
Exhausting. -
• #6438
• #6439
• #6440
^ got a card for my tenth birthday that had that image on it
• #6441
Nice; gotta try the two-glasses-of-champagne-trick on my next portrait session...I hear Terry Richardson uses that one to good effect.
• #6442
Yea though I heard he downs the two glasses himself.
• #6443
Orthodox priest trying to prevent a clash between demonstrators and the police in Kiev, Ukraine
• #6444
Jesus, they are not fucking about! A Trebuchet ffs
amazing photos here, including a Bombay Saphire Molotov Cocktail
http://www.theatlantic.com/infocus/2014/01/the-battle-in-kiev-two-killed-in-ukraine-protest/100667/ -
• #6445
They're certainly not. Some more here
• #6446
causing great surprise or wonder; astonishingwhy not?
• #6447
Jesus, they are not fucking about!
They're certainly not.
Think he was referring to this..
• #6448
Ultras graffiti in the background?
• #6449
molotov cocktail and bare hands does not seem like the best combination of things
^^ GREAT stuff !