• #327
I have drunk nothing but beer all week.
• #328
Yesssssssss! The hackney downs court is so near my house! Me and Jo also checked it out the other day and it looks fooking gorgeous.
• #329
let's try it today?
• #330
let's try it today?
• #331
linky linky for the location?
• #332
Located here: http://tinyurl.com/2vx8s2f
• #333
So when?
• #334
• #335
so what was the score with lights at the new court? Were they on a timer? If so what time do they go out? What did the parky say?
• #336
so what was the score with lights at the new court? Were they on a timer? If so what time do they go out? What did the parky say?
They aren't ready yet, there are still building works going on, but hopefully in a few weeks.
• #337
^ this. And apparently the warden is awesome. Told us we could store our cones by his office which is locked at night so they don't go missing. If we can get a couple of planks to block out the goal (like we used to do at Newington), we may be able to store them as well.
• #338
sounding like a great league court
• #339
This is a popular location for Cycle Training. I've had a few sessions there at weekends and it's never been full, especially at 9 in the morning. In fact I will be there all day next Sunday. Never had any sense of anyone hanging around likely to cause trouble/looking to nick stuff but this was daylight hours at the weekend.
• #340
This is a popular location for Cycle Training.
That's where I had mine with Paul Francis, that's how I saw them building it in the first place.
• #341
Someone taught you to ride that badly ??!!
• #342
Someone taught you to ride that badly ??!!
I was worse before ;)
• #343
This is a popular location for Cycle Training.
That's where I had mine with Paul Francis, that's how I saw them building it in the first place.
Also used by the London School of Cycling. :)
• #344
Has this court been investigated? It's just off Clerkenwell Road.
It has a bit of a curved surface, but that would help rain run-off. Metal goals not in ideal position and a couple of basketball posts. No worse that Broadway Market I guess.
• #345
It had lights but as you can see it was daytime when I passed so don't know if functional.
• #346
where abouts of clerkenwell road? looks good..
gmaps link doesnt show an exact location
• #347
It's kind of behind Magma.
• #349
Rik, that link is down South?
Dan, looks interesting, does anyone head home that way or live nearby who can check for lighting?
• #350
try looking for this in google maps 51.520661,-0.111291
Verulan St
the link work for me
I doubt there is beer in your piss, Gabes. Likely Cider. In which case, maybe you'll lure Rik back.