• #277
my streetview is crashing out. has any one seen this?
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Argyll+Street,+London+W1&sll=51.500152,-0.126236&sspn=0.509515,1.238708&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Argyll+St,+London+W1F,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.520735,-0.111328&spn=0.000995,0.002419&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.520438,-0.1116&panoid=IUskItn-mWQZt_RhU8N_EQ&cbp=12,88.4,,0,5 -
• #278
yeah, me too.. i'd actually be up for trying the Cumming Street court too, it looks decent.
• #279
• #280
my streetview is crashing out. has any one seen this?
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Argyll+Street,+London+W1&sll=51.500152,-0.126236&sspn=0.509515,1.238708&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Argyll+St,+London+W1F,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.520735,-0.111328&spn=0.000995,0.002419&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.520438,-0.1116&panoid=IUskItn-mWQZt_RhU8N_EQ&cbp=12,88.4,,0,5yep, it aint ne good.
• #281
• #282
mrack? havent seen him
• #283
I can do a flyby of Argyll and Pitfield some time, I'm right in the middle.
I'm thinking beginners polo will move central next year so happy to look in to places.
Aside from that, this looks awesome but is in Vauxhall
View Larger MapIt's massive. (much like the url, soz)
• #284
oh yeah the argyle sq. spot is locked at 8
• #285
Argyle square gets used alot by basketball players, Ive also thought it looked a bit small for polo, but then ive only ridden past.
• #286
Argyle square gets used alot by basketball players, Ive also thought it looked a bit small for polo, but then ive only ridden past.
Yeah, when i've riden past it before i always thought it looked to small
• #287
I don't know how you get the link but search for Gunstor Road N16 and there is a court there. I only passed it briefly so didn't get full spec. Unlikely to have lights but worth a look at if anyone is in the area (Stoke Newington)
This one's been looked at a few times, not sure what the outcome was but it's usually busy with kids playing footie.
As suspected, wandered past last night and full of kids spittin and kicking a ball about.
• #288
how's mitch these days anyway? is there still a real need to find more courts?
mitch was locked shut tonight...so yes, we are i real need of new courts...esp for league.
• #289
Court at the junction of Portland Street and Wooler Street in Walworth, about five mins away from Newington, a park called Michael Faraday Gardens I think. Court is bigger than Newington but smaller than Mitchison. Fenced off but has a few gaps at the bottom which could be plugged by planks. No lights. Think there might be basketball rings but they're at the side rather than the ends IIRC.
Another court on the east side of Portland street, near the junction with Albany Road.
Another court close by, further west along Albany Road, on the north face of Burgess Park. No lights and basketball courts.
I'll put map references up tomorrow.
• #290
Another court close by, further west along Albany Road, on the north face of Burgess Park. No lights and basketball courts.
It would be way too scary to play there, unfortunately.
• #291
It would be way too scary to play there, unfortunately.
? Its not that bad.
• #292
There's been a few instances of the local youths being dicks:
• #293
has anyone peeped this one on goswell road:
clocked it as i shot by. no lights, looked like it was unused/under possible development... any more info?
• #294
there was another bike jacking incident in burgess park recently too.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aylesbury_Estate -with apologies to any residents, but if the council workers are too afraid to go to work there...
• #295
stop me if i repost unknowingly...
but this looks interesting... meredith street ?
• #296
Having goals posts (with no cages) on a court renders it pretty useless as far as i'm concerned. Don't fancy getting clotheslined much
• #297
this is tough.
• #298
tennis court with lights, northampton road. (i know, posts, but maybe removable during winter?)
• #299
has anyone peeped this one on goswell road:
clocked it as i shot by. no lights, looked like it was unused/under possible development... any more info?
i know it well. small, bad surface, no lights.
• #300
tennis court with lights, northampton road. (i know, posts, but maybe removable during winter?)
You could play on this but it is small and the surface is not so good.
Nice area though, there is the little park next to it where everyone could hang out.
The only real estate is the finsbury estate up the road and its not that bad at all.
Nice work, Max. I'm up for trying out the Argyle Sq one some time.