• #24027
That's definitely a bonus too. 400Mbps fibre here so it burns through new game downloads.
• #24028
My landlady has finally agreed to let us have Hyperoptic installed. My gaming life will change once I sort this and a monitor. Really tempted to get this Ben Q which can be had for just under £290
• #24029
I enjoyed BO1+2, can't remember if I played the next two possibly not, didn't play Infinite Warfare either - think I must have gone through a non-CoD phase, played all the others though.
I just think the multiplayer for Cold War is just such a huge step back in terms of visuals, playability, sound, balance, all of it.
I am quite looking forward to the Cold War changes coming into Warzone though - the modern warfare engine will make the 80'sstuff look really good. Interested to see which perk system they decide to use & how the different versions of the same guns are going to work. -
• #24030
I'm the same, didn't really play any of the cods since black ops 2!
• #24031
Cold hands on a keyboard. I won't ostracise myself from teh gamez community by wearing these, will I?
• #24032
you're asking a forum where half the people leave their mitts on at the pub.
• #24033
sorry, wrong link - meant these:
• #24034
Do you live stream your 'gaming' sessions?
• #24035
• #24038
Congrats. Future-proofed until 8k is common now.
My digital edition PS5 was dispatched by Amazon today via Hermes which are ok where I am. Disc edition, also from Amazon still hasn't been shipped.
• #24039
Jelly of your CX purchases.
If anyone bumps into some sale/black Friday deal of the 48" CX version, please let me know on here!
• #24040
PS5 has really shit AV settings out of the box (no vrr support etc) @DethBeard / @dt worth checking out Vincent's video on Xbox Series X settings for the LG CX:
He'll probably do one for the PS5 when he can get his hands on one but they'll be similar.
• #24041
ps5 on le way... what are folks' choices re first game to boot up? presumably game saves will be ported / donwloadable from the clouds... surely...?
• #24042
Can't wait to try Astro and Bugsnax (very much into weird games).
Probably Morales too and wait for preowned Demon Souls.
• #24043
Bugsnax is free on PSPlus this month, if you wasn't aware.
Demon Souls will be a day one purchase for me.
• #24044
is PSPlus worth it?
not sure i can be arsed with any of that demons/dark souls nonsense - looks far too fucking stressful.
• #24045
depending on what ps4 stuff you've played, plus is probably worth it for the collection games alone
• #24046
ta, that guy is amazing
• #24047
If you have PS Plus you can put saves in the clouds, but if you joined it after the save was made it won't auto upload it so you need to go in to the PS4 settings and chose which ones to upload. You can also do a transfer from your PS4 on wifi or LAN.
Personally I've got Mile Morales and Demon's Souls here so those will go first.
• #24048
Love Vincent. So much knowledge.
• #24049
that sounds like a ballache but worth a shot.
cheers for the tech support.
• #24050
It's not much effort, I did the same with the incoming PS5. Bought a PS Plus subscription and uploaded the saves that I'm likely to use again but otherwise I want a fresh machine so not bothered by the whole PS4 transfer thing.
The increased download speeds are probably the biggest QoL improvement I've seen with the S. We don't have the fastest internet here but the Netflix app downloaded before I'd even selected the next one to download.