• #18877
First ever Chicken Dinner - Squad mode, but solo for the last 25, feeling pretty happy with that one.
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• #18878
• #18879
I've gone and got zoombinis on my phone, most of you will be too old to understand why it's enjoyable.
• #18880
Always up for playing games the cool kids enjoy. Is it like Pokémon?
• #18881
Not at all, it's one of the early and more successful learning games. Being 8yo in 1996 when it came out I had 3 years of this being installed on a computer at primary school. They didn't like me booting up dos games out of fear I was messing with the school computers so that's all I was able to play in school.
I don't think it will save but you can play it here.
edit - if you start it then click the map on the left, click practice and difficulty to hard then try the pizza level you will get a rough idea of it
• #18882
AMAZING. I owe my childhood development to this game. Is this on Android? Can't find it on the App Store. Oh, it's iPad only :(. On Mac though. Downloading now :D.
There's stuff on that I don't like!
• #18883
Nostalgia meter through the roof over here.
• #18884
It is, also sent you a link via pm as it's available in a few places.
• #18885
I saw that What Remains of Edith Finch just won the Best Game Bafta. If you have not played it I highly recommend it. It is a pretty amazing experience.
Hellblade won bunch of stuff too and that's been on my Steam wish list now for a while.
Currently I am approaching the end of the 2013 Tomb Raider. Utterly enjoyable and balanced gaming experience and a cracking story. As I am WASD4lyf - what else would be similar? They never ported the Nathan Drake stuff over to PC, did they?
• #18886
Why am I still so terrible at this game?
(might be on tonight if anyones about @CYOA)
• #18887
I'd say it's probably drinking 6 gins before a round.
Though as an aside, his dinner was on the mobile version (also challenging in its own way)
• #18888
Also having a ridiculous, echoey mic set up because you "don't do wires".
• #18889
All these are very valid points.
(in my defence I did try wired headphones in Bootcamp and the bloody things didnt work - were not recognised).
• #18890
Free Xbox One game with Gold - The Witness
One of the best puzzle games I’ve ever played, but it hurts my brain so much.
Lots lf thinking out of the box and absolutely stunningly beautiful game world.
• #18891
I never feel like I'm that good at it. I tend to play sniper style, find a good ranged weapon with a scope for long range, and a sub machine gun for close work, and find somewhere to hide and snipe.
Make sure I have a route out half planned, and know where to get to a car or boat. https://pubgmap.io/en-gb/ is great for that.
I have a set of houses I know will have something doable in them, depending where the plants end goes. I run into problems when someone else heads for them too.
My last match I hid on a rooftop whilst the other guy who dropped to the same location looted round and below me, and danced on the roof when he was in the house. That shat him up something proper (I had no weapons). He kept firing out the windows thinking there was someone out there. And when he got up the courage to run, someone did arrive and shot him up something awful. He'd missed a load of the good loot too.
• #18892
• #18893
stop trying to pretend you have better things to do
• #18894
Hah, just came 2nd in a match where I never left the roof I landed on, just got lucky with the circles.
No gear, nothing bu the clothes I landed in.
The guy who won was so funny running round the last but one circle shooting it up like a madman.
2 Attachments
• #18895
Sorry missed this, ended up doing publastnight
• #18896
Three games I should go and play by the sounds of things!
• #18897
I didn't bother in the end - but would be up for some in an hour or so?
• #18898
Blimey - nice work. I've seen lots of "pacifist wins" but that's running around the entire map. Getting lucky with the landing/circles is crazy!
• #18899
Sorry, was far too many gins in...
I would jump on now, but, well, few too many gins in...
Be in for a good session in the week though for sure, can't believe "this'll be my last round" went to "my wife prob leaving me in the morning" via 6+ solid hours of PUBG so easily.
• #18900
Just pulled the trigger on a 1t PS4 for 279 notes. Mrs' hell is out of town for 10 days and this is cheaper than drugs.
Fully expect to be single by July.
Red Dead Redemption has just received an Xbox One X enhanced patch...
4k upsampled textures, 16x MSAA...
Haven't had a chance to play yet but youtube comparisons look silky: