• #18627
I wonder if it would work with a bluetooth controller? Apparently PS4 controllers can connect to android natively now
• #18628
I appear to be the only person in the world who didn't really get on with vice city, got about a quarter of the way through and lost interest and just pissed about on motorbikes. I never really liked much about the 80s though
• #18629
I'd be surprised if it would. That sort of support generally needs to be built into the game. Unless someone has modded it in, which again I doubt.
Still got Vice City Stories on Vita/PSP for your handheld 80s GTA fix though!
• #18630
I have Vice city on the PC although the controls are absolute garbage. I mean horrible.
I'd like to see if someones made a HD copy of it yet on PC.
• #18631
Oh and a quick Google turned this up:
May be worth trying that GI input link as it apparently maps the Xbox controller to work perfectly.
• #18632
Oh man a playlist would be fantastic!
I remember the radio stations coming out on CD!
• #18633
All the radio stations are copied into youtube
• #18634
Vice City is still my favourite GTA and I still play it every so often (it runs on my work laptop where newer ones wouldn't). Just about the right mix of depth without spending hours getting fit, eating, and the like.
I don't remember any issues with the controls, worked fine with mouse and keyboard.
• #18635
Not sure if it's the same thing, but I downloaded something similar to get my XBox controller working and I've had no issues with playing it.
• #18636
Is Bloodborne still on PSN? Might be the time for me to get a PS4.
• #18637
It's a free game on PS+ this month, will be until early April.
You'll be able to play it for as long as your ps+ subscription is active. -
• #18638
Mouse and keyboard are fine - just controller always felt more natural to me when playing it.
• #18639
Oh nice - do you remember what it was called?
• #18640
Fantastic! I know what I'll be working to tonight then!
• #18641
They’re also all available on Spotify from every GTA. GTA III for even more throwback. Man, that game really did blow my mind back in 2001. San Andreas is and will always be in my top three games of all time.
• #18642
On the subject of retro console games, I got hold of the remastered version of Abe's Oddysee recently. Shouldn't have. I'd happily dig out the PS2 to have a nostalgic PSone-emulation run through one of the most fun platform games ever, but the shiny new graphics of the remake don't match the simplicity of the old game.
• #18643
GTA 3 was one of the first games I got (well my parents did) on ps2 so I’ll always remember that. Like using the tank cheat with cars that fly and flying around the city!
San Andreas I got on release but was pretty busy so never really got mega into it. Not until a few years later when I sat down and completed it. I wouldn’t mind giving that another play through at some point though.
Vice city for me will always be the best though.
• #18644
Here you go!
• #18645
As far as I recall, the draw distance on the PC version of San Andreas is ridiculously bad. Though I'm sure there's a mod out there to take care of it.
I recall going into town at around 7am to pick up my PS2 copy, then spending the next 3 days playing it around 12 hours a day until completion. That was pretty awesome.
• #18646
I've played that, really liked it, although I can't fucking do the last level.
• #18647
Burnout Paradise remastered is out today.
I'm undecided if I should buy it. Put many hours into the PS3 version and is the game I remember the most from that era. But will it hold up? -
• #18648
Still play it on PC, still holds up to this day. While a remaster is nice, I don't really see the point as it's still a nice looking game.
• #18649
Just about to start Resident Evil 7
• #18650
I got a PS2 just to play Vice City, but San Andreas is the game that really brought it. Still playing GTA Online with pals, they've put so many hours they've both got bunkers and facilities and massive car collections, I've got a shack in the desert and two cars, but they're blinders (heavily modded Savestra and a Vapid Trophy Truck, for my money the best car in the game, savagely fast in a straight line across any terrain)
I had Vice City on my Galaxy S3. Though touch controls are pretty rubbish for a game like that.