• #15977
Tbh, if I get it, it'll be on the ps4 rather than my ancient laptop. It does look pretty...
• #15978
A guy in my lab has decided he wants to get good at cs:go and start a team, so I gave it a shot tonight. Not bad at all!
• #15979
Really enjoying BF1. Seems worlds apart from BF3/4 to its benefit. Lots of new stuff to learn and opportunities for tactical play (at a solo/squad or team level which is great). Great game world/atmosphere. So gloomy and oppressive on the European maps.
• #15980
Yeah I'm really enjoying it too. It feels more polished than BF4.
• #15981
Still, unsurprisingly, can't figure out zeroing for scout class. Mid range I'm relatively formidable but anything long-ish I've got no idea on how to judge distances and end up wasting all my ammo or drawing attention to myself and getting zapped before I have a chance to do so.
• #15982
I just tend to ignore it and aim higher if they're further away.
• #15983
Guess I just haven't played enough large maps to test it out yet - only level 5 atm and mostly small domination maps and a couple of operations.
• #15984
use the server chooser and go for a game with 64 people, that will get you on bigger maps.
• #15985
Got a free rendering workstation from work. Thinking of trying BF1. Stopped video games (was my addiction) for a about 2 years now. After I noticed I played 700 hours BF3.
• #15986
I absolutely caned BF2 at uni, terrifying number of hours me and my housemate played it for. Unbeatable helicopter crew though, him as gunner, me piloting it. So lame but so much fun.
• #15987
hmmmm maybe i'll buy
• #15988
so.. BF1 is good then?
• #15989
Single player is brief and a bit linear. Seems to be more of a showreel for what's possible in multiplayer. Like a long-ish tutorial. There are some quite moving cut-scenes and tremendous graphic rendering of them ( really, some of the best I've seen), along with some good history lessons that put things in quite bleak perspective. -
MP seems excellent and very refined. -
• #15990
Should I know what BF is?
• #15991
It's the hot new sim.
• #15992
Bad Flannel.
It's a plaid shirt fashion faux pas simulator -
• #15993
I just bought Witcher 3 goty edition for ps4 (pick it up tomorrow), I was weighing up that or Skyrim but it was only 24 quid at tesco so couldn't resist. Have I made the right decision?
• #15994
Oh you kidz
• #15995
Yes by all accounts
• #15996
Their both good. Don't sweat it.
• #15997
Good thing you don't work in academia with grammar like that...
• #15998
Indeed - I found Skyrim to be a total time-suck.
• #15999
Cheers guys, I'm hoping by the time I've gone through all the witcher skyrim will have dropped to a similarly low price and I can get a double bonus! :)
• #16000
If anyone is interested I'm selling an sweet HTPC / Steam streaming setup Inc. HDTV and 2.1 Speakers