• #12727
Has anyone played #bestgameever yet?
• #12728
So good.
Some of the new finisher moves are brutal... 5.10; damn.
• #12729
I'm enjoying the witcher 2, unfortunately a bit too sweary and gory to play with the kid in the room.
• #12730
Battlefield premium is on sale too at the moment. Picked that up.
Also CD Keys has Assassins creed black flag for £5 which is crazy cheap. I'm tempted for the price of a pint.
• #12731
Some of the new finisher moves are brutal... 5.10; damn.
10/10 did LOL
• #12732
Price of a pint!
• #12733
Becareful buying Ubisoft keys from non-Ubisoft/Steam places. They have recently been revoking keys that were sold cheaply
• #12734
Yep, I remember Sniper Elite 3 having a similar issue with cheap keys getting revoked.
• #12735
Alien Isolation. Liking it. Bought headphones so I could more appreciate the atmosphere. It's taking me ages as I keep spending 15 minute stints in lockers.
• #12736
Exactly the same experience I've had. Just finished what intended to be a quick 5 minute game of Spelunky that I started 3 hours ago...
• #12737
Have been playing Saboteur most of the weekend, it's somewhere between gta and assasins creed as he can climb everywhere, steal cars, shoot stuff, blow stuff up... oh and for added treats nazis everywhere.
Thanks for head-up on this. Just picked it up for a fiver at game.
• #12738
Got it on Saturday as well. Good fun.
• #12739
Currently trying to 100% far cry 4, which is a novelty for me as I usually get bored and stop playing games about halfway through.
Currently at 60% ish and feels like a hell of a lot still to go...
• #12740
Any Xbone people got IDARB yet?
It's free this month on XBL and is pretty fun. I'd definitely be up for a couple of games at some point...
• #12741
^say what now?
• #12742
It's this month's free game. Looks a little crazy. Quite fun for couch multiplayer though.
• #12744
Oh and btw - would anybody be interested playing Minecraft on Xbox One?
Bought it again 2 days ago. Have a bit of experience from Xbox 360 version. Pretty hooked on AGAIN!
We could build some kewl fixie stuff etc...
• #12745
Enjoying noobing around in PlanetSide 2 atm. It's cool.
• #12746
Anyone on battlefield hardline beta(pc)?
• #12747
I'm always looking for people to play Minecraft with, but on PC, if anyone fancies it let me know
• #12748
Anyone want a free copy of LA Noire for Xbox 360?
• #12749
^good guy, good game
• #12750
Ubisoft published a list of the only places they think are ok to buy Ubisoft game keys
Anywhere else and you run the risk of them canceling your key
i played it for about an hour. managed to kill a big spidercunt and went on to yentz a red head lass in a castle.
went back to D3 shortly afterwards.