• #1527
&playnext=1&v=FdM6fIf8EfY - Lloyd And Devon - Wolf Out Deh - & The Upsetters with 'Sheperd Rod'[/ame] -
• #1528
- The Unforgettables - Many A Call / Chosen Dub (Extended)[/ame] -
• #1532
Dont watch no man, just do your own thing!!!
• #1533
a skwee classic.. this swede knows his onions.. haha...
• #1534
Wooo hold on mate, this is dub thread not dubstep. That's not bad for dubstep, just we try and keep it within a certain style.
• #1535
wouldnt call it dubstep, its like ragga with a bit of a funky house beat at the end.
but youre point still stands :) -
• #1536
oh yeah, so no-one wants to come see mungos hi-fi on the 5th?
• #1538
I saw rusko, had a listen, made up my mind haha.
Couple o reposts No1 but all bangers.
YouTube - Mad Professor - Freedom Chant
University of Dub coming up next month, superjoe try and get an ID - they don't really care, just need to see something valid.
The first original line up I saw at SeOne a couple of years ago so looking forward to this, haven't been to a proper dance in a while.
Where/how much is Mungos?
• #1539
YouTube - Gregory Issacs - Leggo Beast Dub
yeah rusko is definitely dubstep :)
no idea where mungos is, they havent put up any proper details yet.
all i know is that it's in london and that natty congo and adrian sherwood are also playing. -
• #1540
• #1541
More bump to the hump.
YouTube - Big Joe - Dubbing the Bump(Things A Come Up To Bump Riddim)
• #1542
YouTube - The Roots - Mash Down 12''
What, only nine minutes. Need more vveeerrrrson!
YouTube - All For One One For All - Natty - extended ds26670 Grass Roots roots reggae stepper dj 1977
• #1543
Yes Chainwhip! I've heard that Roots tune before but didn't know the name, thanks for the post. such a nice chilled out tune!
• #1544
Tenor Saw great
YouTube - Tenor Saw - Lots Of Sign - Fever LP / Blue Mountain
&v=7c6avBBL7sg -
• #1545
treasure from the vaults all the way.
wont be at the two dances mentioned unfortunately,
going to have a night laughing along with Macka B soon though- always good value.
• #1546
Just Wanted to let all you guys know I love the nice vibes on this here thread, top marks!!
Sorry about the Irre-posts...
I am a bit lazy and on tend to only check quickly through the days since I posted last, I hope no one minds too much?
Also found you can't search video title, so can only find tracks if poster names track in there text. Am I searching wrong?Almac's post was a good effort for me - Listen to the reggae horn lead, lyrics are conscious... The bassline is straight up Jungle/DnB after the first 2 minutes but the rest of the elements are Reggae 100%. The bassline for the first 2 minute before the change its straight up reggae, you hear bass like that on a lot of new Steppers tracks.
Plus it is call dub in the title, and its a good tune!!! :-)@almac68, thanks for the post, would love to here more from you!!
• #1547
@Monko - I'd be happy to help you out with anything technical with your sound, if you need, I have been working with (Reggae) sound for about 17 years now.
I played before Channel One on NYE on the Noise Control Sound (the sound Channel One won the Culture Cup on) that is a sweeet sound.Here is my old truck in Barcelona from 2002, and some of my sound set up at the party we where headed to.
I like to know more about your set up and what you play.
• #1549
^That copy is a bit off centre, but you get the idea :-(
^Hope this one has not been posted b4^