• #102
I think FWN has it.
Exactly. -
• #103
Until substantial rain fall cause raw sewage over flow.
Victorian network is completely inadequate for the amount of rainfall or the amount of sewage now being pumped in. Massive new buildings are simply plumbed in pipes designed for residential usage.
A super sewage tunnel is now being constructed apparently a bigger project then crossrail. -
• #104
The issue is those that don't.
• #105
Your such a pendant.
• #106
err... what?
• #107
Is that like saying I believe poodles do the nicest tasting shits of all major dog breeds? The statement may well be true, but I still don't want to consume it.
• #108
• #109
Edit. New page fail
• #110
In reply to FWN and you.
Lots of idiots use the foot tunnel and if you dare ask them not to, you might as well be asking to shit in their hands. As the reply seems the same.
• #111
Wouldn't the simplest of solutions to eliminating 95% of idiots be to reinstate the lift operating staff?
I've seen them get shouty at people cycling in the pipe, and rumour has it that if one didn't dismount on their command, one didn't get invited into the lift.
Probably a bit more effective than a scrolling LED display.
Am I erring into the bleedin' obvs here? -
• #112
North Lift not in service
South Lift not in serviceI blame Jeremy Corbyn and Dianne Abbot
• #114
Who done this no foot down, trackstand in lifts.
• #115
Ooh, I remember that from a few years back. Complete bollocks, but a good read.
• #116
• #117
I forgot to post this when it came out, only just remembered. This is about two tunnels, one for walking and one for cycling, under the Tyne, which were recently refurbished. Excellent pictures:
• #118
thanks Oliver, an interesting read
• #119
The missing apostrophe is deliberate, I read.
• #120
Dear Greenwich Council
Please fix the North Lift.
Jingle Jangle
• #121
+1 -
• #122
Get fit or die tryin.
• #123
Dear Greenwich Council
Please fix the South Lift.
Jingle Jangle
• #124
Was late for work this morning.
Panniers full of stuff for a presentation.
South lift out of order.
North lift out of order.
Dear Greenwich Council:
• #125
I genuinely dont understand the incompetency of this, they should mirror the lift closure to Blackwall and Rotherhite and close those too, because thats fair.
It is for many cycle tunnel users.