• #8577
That's ridiculously good value
• #8578
Fuck. That's absurd. I thought my Guild M120 was a bargain for all solid 0 size at £500 a few years ago... You won't find a better deal than that.
• #8579
Think I'm gonna buy one too...
• #8580
Ooh - that last picture of the cross in the middle is satisfying :) Looking good!
• #8581
I'm super tempted. Have brought way too many toys home of late though...
• #8582
Good looking out. Have picked up the parlour size, as I don't have an acoustic of my own. I love this thread.
• #8583
Incidentally, for those who know about such things, I spotted this Recording King Parlour from the Dirty 30s series for a little cheaper than the M9M:
It looks absolutely beautiful. Any reason that might be worse than the parlour M9M on the previous page? Very much considering changing my order if not!
• #8584
The M9M seems to have higher list price, https://www.thomann.de/de/recording_king_o-oo-ooo_korpusgroessen.html . Just reading through the specs, M9M has bone nut and saddle, mahogany back/sides, scalloped bracing.
• #8585
And solid spruce top...
• #8586
Oh yeah, true.
• #8587
The M9M definitely the one to have, even at double that price.
It has solid spruce top and solid mahogany back and sides, the others will all have ply back and sides ('whitewood') which isn't necessarily bad, just not as nice as an all-solid guitar.
• #8588
I have come so close to clicking 'buy' on that M9M, the price is astonishing. But I don't need it, I already have a Martin 000-15M, and it would just take up space. But still...
• #8589
I was also tempted at that price, but I know I've been generally left unimpressed when testing budget priced acoustics, even ones that have had good reviews. Def not saying it might not be an excellent buy, though.
• #8590
The benefit of WFH at the mo is I can easily intercept most parcels and sneak guitar/bike bits into the house. Needless to say I've just bought one.
• #8591
I know someone who has done that with a 1960 Jazzmaster.
• #8592
Thank you @paradroid, @rickster, and @rodan - that was exactly what I needed. I'll stick with what I have. If you ever need any help with the internet or leasehold (the only two things I know anything about) please shout.
• #8593
Oof!! I don't believe in hiding stuff from your partner but there you go, different strokes, etc...
• #8594
New guitar or put new strings on the quite nice acoustic I already have... heart vs head.
• #8595
I want a Gretsch .
- a rockabillyin' twangin' all singin' big n beautiful Gretsch.
But there are so many models out there I don't know where to start - well I've started looking and I know what I like to look at but ...
I suppose its all subjective but any tips, advice , recommendations ?
Probably going for a new one up to £900.
- a rockabillyin' twangin' all singin' big n beautiful Gretsch.
• #8596
White Falcon or GTFO, Shirley?
A friend had an old green Anniversary which was lovely but quite fragile IIRC... Aren't they mostly made in Japan? I wouldn't know where to begin if I was looking for one now...
Not very helpful, I know... Good luck with your search, please post pics when you find one...
There's also @rickster's very famous pink Gretsch that he used to own, that's a good story but I'll let him tell it...
• #8597
I’ve ordered a Recording King too. Will be nice to have around until I finish building my OO, and then I’ll sell it on. Anyone else been charged yet? My order was placed but they haven’t taken any monies.
• #8598
The email I received (in German) said, from what I could work out, that they wouldn't take the money from the card until the item was ready to ship, in about a week.
• #8599
ah fuck just ended up buying one of the recording kings too
• #8600
Ha, how many is that? Happy I've got my Kalamazoo to scratch that itch... I'm actually thinking about getting one for my other half, she's talking about starting to play again...
It also means I can play it...🤘
(English link)