• #13052
I have a feeling Knopfler copped Nils' lick at 1.43 but I can't name the song...
• #13053
It's the bit specifically at 1.50 that I've heard somewhere
• #13054
Haha. A hell of a lot to learn indeed, but that doesn't half remind me of band rehearsals and wishing to fuck people would just STOP FUCKING PLAYING when I'm/they're talking, ffs.
• #13055
Hahah we had do have a serious talk with one of my band mates about that a few years ago
• #13056
There's always one. Always.
• #13057
Oh it's the worst. My best mate is a serial offender. See also, jumping on the drum kit when the drummer gets up for a tea break. STOP IT!
• #13058
Nitro finishing a crappy partscaster Strat update:
After loads of head-scratching I decided to spray outside. I bought a proper respirator from Screwfix which is great and have been hanging the guitar from a washing line and/or bracket, spraying and bringing straight back inside where I hang it from a clothes drying rack in the utility room.
I sanded off a brushed on sanding sealer that didn't look very even, and redid with a couple of coats of spray sealer. Did some sanding back between coats of sealer to manage the occasional run or dust speck.
Did a couple of coats of (white) primer and 4 or 5 coats of nitro gloss in vintage white. Did some very light sanding back between colour coats as well.
I'm now two days and six coats into the clear coats. Have just finished the first can and will probably do another three coats tomorrow before deciding whether it needs any more or if I should do a first wet-sand, before the final couple of coats of clear and putting it away for a few weeks.
Lessons learned so far: Spraying outside isn't ideal. It was way too windy when I did the primer and colour coat which made it difficult to manage how much paint was getting onto the guitar. I think I tried to compensate for the fact that the wind was whipping the spray away by getting too close and ended up with pronounced stripes in the primer which were then hard to cover up with the colour.
Again, with the colour coats, I think spraying outside in a breeze meant that I was losing way more paint than was getting onto the guitar meaning I ran out of colour before I got the level of saturation that I wanted.
Other than that, it's looking ok! I'm not too worried about the odd imperfection and I quite like a relic vibe anyway and as this is my first project, i'm treating it very much as a practice piece.
• #13059
The crapocaster
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• #13060
jumping on the drum kit when the drummer gets up for a tea break
"How hard can it be? I reckon I can do that..."
• #13061
You going H-S-H with it?
• #13062
Typical of Strat bodies to be routed for HSH so you can fit whatever you want in, whether that's SSS, HSS, HH, etc.
• #13063
Mine ain't routed for that. SSS all the way.
• #13064
Yeah, it's going to be SSS. It's just a cheap piece of crap off gumtree. Someone else's unfinished home project. Mystery wood, three piece, was very roughly finished too. Cost me £30 including a pickguard, neck plate, and a bunch of other odds and ends.
I got a loaded (Squier Classic Vibe) pickguard off TS for freebies, some vintage style kluson tuners off gumtree for a fiver. I think the neck was £80 of ebay. The most expensive component so far has been the paint!
Just need a bridge now. Oh and jack plate and strap buttons. Sure I have some of them kicking about in a drawer.
• #13065
Just ordered one of these. Shall report back once assembled.
• #13066
Before they go to eBay, does anyone want an iBanez mini Tube Screamer, an MXR Sugar Drive (Klon clone) or an old (80s, 90s?) DOD FX52 fuzz?
• #13067
Sugar Drive is nice if you like the klon thing, I have one on my bass board (which doesn’t get enough use, but hey). Compact size too.
• #13068
I have one of the DOD classic fuzzes too. Johan made a vid on it I think.
EDIT. Yup. https://youtu.be/HpJiyd229Ak
• #13069
The crapocaster got its fake 70s headstock decal and first wet sand today. Done another three coats of clear since and that’ll do for lacquer now. There’s no point in going for a mirror shine when the underlying paint job is well dodge in places. Bridge and last bits of hardware arrive last week too. It’s getting there! R
1 Attachment
• #13070
I have three spare of those decals, if anyone wants one.
• #13071
That’s looking really nice
• #13072
Bullet truss rod and all, looking nice.
• #13073
If it'd been 50s decals, I'd have bitten your hand off.
• #13074
Got them from this guy. He has 50s ones too. Quality and service are spot on. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/125021751778?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=Tazg4AriQ9e&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=om5o4IdHQSK&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
• #13075
Cheeky dry-fit before I put the body away for a couple of weeks to fully cure.
2 Attachments
Weird question - I'm sure I've heard the first solo in Neil Youngs speakin' out before, can anyone place it?