• #76727
Very good!
• #76728
• #76729
I don't get it
• #76730
It's pretty shit.
The answer isn't 5.
I'm assuming it's a parody of all the fb posts where there's a fairly basic maths problem - sometime with added visual aids like burgers and chips or ingredients for a meal - with a really obvious BODMASS crux. The post purports to be appealing to "Maths Nerds only" or "Only geeks will get this!!111!!1!!", and the comments are a circle jerk of stupid wankers who have clearly missed the BODMASS issue and got the answer wrong, but they think they've got it right and are all congratulating each other on being "brilliant at Maths", or commenting, "I'm an undercover geek!"
I'm a hoot at parties.
• #76731
I though BODMASS was only used to calculate Hippy's BMI?
• #76732
The answer isn't 5.
• #76733
The answer is 5!
• #76734
I know you're joking, but in case you're not I'll dig out an old lesson plan of mine for teaching BODMASS. Let me know when you're free. It'll be better than school, I promise, you can drink beer.
• #76735
What do you think the answer is?
Edit: do you have a similar lesson plan on factorials?
• #76736
120 bro
• #76737
Like I said, 5!
• #76738
Sorry. Looks like I'm the stupid wanker.
• #76739
So its 5 and just not funny?
• #76740
no it is 5x4x3x2x1 = 120 which is 5 factorial or 5!
• #76741
It's "cracking me up at the moment".
• #76742
Well I must have skipped that class at school
• #76743
120 is the answer but 120 can be expressed as "5!" which is 5 factorial, which is 5x4x3x2x1
• #76744
I have a great habit of making myself look like an idiot as a result of something I should know.
• #76745
The answer isn't 5.
Try again.
• #76746
Dunno what you maths nerds are talking about but from I remember "1/2"isn't a number so... something
• #76747
That's right, it essentially means '1 or 2'.
• #76748
It means 1-slash-2, you can chose which number.
I failed maths.
• #76749
• #76750
Mediocre to good save. Thanks
that's a passport on the shelf on the right, the real answer is on a sticker on the passport