• #4402
He's doing a fixed gear "doucheclamation point". deliberately skidding in the rain in heavy traffic to look cool...bellend
• #4403
And WTF was he skidding for??!
to look good?
• #4404
to look good?
That worked out well for him.
• #4405
Classic. saddle too high, holding bars round the stem, trying to look cool but looking like an A1 dickdoctor.
• #4406
I know I shouldn't like it. But I just can't stop watching!
• #4407
• #4408
Cuts off too soon! need to see what happened next.
• #4409
He's pretty lucky to bounce off that car, could have easily had wheel/forks under the wheel of the car.
Still funny though.
• #4410
There's probably a full video in the internet, we just need to find it.
• #4411
It's here in Amsterdam.
I have an inkling...http://www.flickr.com/photos/18302640@N00/4690533384/sizes/l/[URL="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=haarlemmerplein&sll=53.800651,-4.064941&sspn=10.393745,39.331055&ie=UTF8&hq=haarlemmerplein&hnear=&ll=52.384991,4.881942&spn=0.002371,0.019205&t=h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=52.384988,4.881941&panoid=emsmg8iAv2kEtVjaJzAbcg&cbp=11,114.32,,0,-2.64"][/URL]
• #4412
Cuts off too soon! need to see what happened next.
He sold the spok on ebay saying it was "as new" and bought a "dutch bike" and now lectures people on cycle training and bike fitting.
• #4413
Cuts off too soon! need to see what happened next.
What's that?
• #4414
trying to look cool but looking like an A1 dickdoctor.
• #4415
• #4416
Not a meme.
I Love You Chinchap[/ame] -
• #4417
Not a meme*
YouTube- I Love You Chinchap
*I didn't just cut and paste from rathergood.com. It was in an email.
• #4418
Speaking of rathergood, this shit be hilarious. And appropriately themed for you J...
• #4419
He sold the spok on ebay saying it was "as new" and bought a "dutch bike" and now lectures people on cycle training and bike fitting.
Haha! Proper 'LOL'
• #4420
Speaking of rathergood, this shit be hilarious. And appropriately themed for you J...
This is bonkers
• #4421
• #4422
• #4423
both of those are brilliant!!!
• #4424
I know I shouldn't like it. But I just can't stop watching!
hypnotic. watched it for about 2minutes
And WTF was he skidding for??!
can only be posing, he definitely doesn't need to slow down.
Deserves to be crushed for having a spok
And WTF was he skidding for??!