• #27701
• #27703
• #27704
So fucking glad I'm not a tree climber these days. Plane dust is worse than fags and fiberglass. Top tip is milk, soothes the pain in the throat. Fuck all you can do about your eyes though.
• #27705
• #27706
Inappropriate DJ IS Velocio.
• #27707
it's adding up...
allowed me to apologise for making you click the 'read all', and don't worry, I am perfectly aware that I am, without question, and irrevocably, a cunt.
As you were.
• #27708
Oh god, seriously thinking of breaking out the ski goggles this year
• #27709
would someone care to explain this to me please, botany is not my forté
• #27710
I am perfectly aware that I am, without question, and irrevocably, a rep-whore
• #27711
Spotter. These are the little bastards that cover us with toxic fluff every spring and make seeing and breathing an agonizing impossibility.
• #27712
i honestly have never experienced that. what trees are they from?
• #27713
Plane trees. It really kicked off last year. Don't you remember the fibre glass type fluffy brown kak all over the floor?
• #27714
no, i'm slightly worried that i can't remember this now. Maybe there aren't any in this part of the world
• #27715
I don't think we have them in Glasgow. Well, maybe, I kinda recegnise the reference to fibre glass type fluff.
• #27716
Makes me feel like I've got flu by the time I get to work. Horrible stuff.
• #27717
i've googled them, i recognise the pattern on the trunks but i've never seen this fluff stuff. Maybe i'm just lucky, or maybe i'm in for a world of pain this year.
• #27718
I've never experienced it either, maybe it only affects the weak...
• #27719
Fact for the day, London Plane trees are popular in urban environments because they are very tolerant of polluted air and compacted roots.
• #27720
OT, but how do you see your rep? Not that I care, obviously, just interested
• #27721
Follow that link, scroll to the bottom of the page.
• #27722
User CP/Control Panel/ There should be a panel like scobles but with less nergs.
• #27723
I've never experienced it either, maybe it only affects the weak...
It affects people who don't wear sunglasses in all weather, and/or cycle at over 10 MPH
• #27724
The London Plane tree
also produces a very fine hair on newly emerging leaves, which wear off as the leaves age, then they fill the air and cause serious eye throat and lung irritation in some people. The seed pods which are what the photo is of appear later in the year (they are on the trees now) and when they fall on pavements they get broken up by crushing under foot and tyre. If the weather is dry, they can cause a further irritant. When I was a kid we used to put them down the back of peoples shirts, they were known as itchy balls.
botany lesson over -
• #27725