• #26902
And Vietnam...
• #26903
and the 100 years war
• #26904
And the Tour de France 7 times
• #26906
Annoys me as much as the Americans claim to have won WWII..
Didn't they?
• #26907
Didn't they?
No, we won when we killed Hitler in the face with Spitfire.
• #26908
Didn't they?
Did they?
• #26909
Didn't they?
As much as they were on the winning side, yes.
However, they always talk about how they "saved [our] butts in WWII". I am not doubting that they made a contribution in fighting the axis powers but it would be a big stretch to say they won the war for us.
• #26910
Didnt they lend us a whole shitload of $$ to fund our war? So they kinda did save our butts a bit?
I might well be wrong I'm not a historian or an authority on the matter!
• #26911
I'm not a historian or an authority on the matter!
That makes you a perfect candidate for an internet argument.
• #26912
• #26913
No, we won when we killed Hitler in the face with Spitfire.
• #26914
Well, I am, or was, an historian;
The Russian steamroller won WW2.
Africa and Italy were a side show. The Western front, GB, USA, Free French etc was useful in diverting German resources, and the day and night bombing raids made a big difference. But regardless of all that, the Russians destroyed the German armies, and would always have won eventually. The Germans just didn''t have enough men, tanks and bullets to stop the Russian steamroller.
Nine out of ten German soldiers who died in WW2, died on the Russian front. Which says it all really.
• #26915
Many due to malnutrition and exposure due to the batshit mental winters and overstretched supply lines iirc.
• #26916
Many due to malnutrition and exposure due to the batshit mental winters and overstretched supply lines iirc.
Correct !
Little or no food, summer clothing in minus forty, guns that froze up, no exit strategy and orders to fight to the last man. Not the best experience !
One estimate suggests over six million horses also died of cold and malnutrition on the German side of the Russian front.
'The Forgotten Soldier' is essential reading to understand the true horror and brutality of the Eastern front.
There are still something like 100,000 German soldiers missing in Russia. Bones are still scattered over the surfaces of Russian battlefields. A military disaster.
• #26917
At least some of the German generals had the balls to disobey Hitler's orders to fight to the death and ordered retreats. I've often wondered how many lives those chaps saved.
Anyway...thats my thread hijacking done for the day.
• #26918
The USA built and launched Skylab in 1973 and the Russian's assembled Mir in 1986. Not quite true.
EDIT: The Russians built Salyut first but the photo is of Mir.
• #26919
NO MORE HISTORY you tarts!
Back to mind-numbingly childish memes
• #26920
• #26921
• #26922
• #26923
Well, I am, or was, an historian;
The Russian steamroller won WW2.
Nine out of ten German soldiers who died in WW2, died on the Russian front. Which says it all really.Colossus cracking the German codes in time to brief the Russians on the full German strategy, timing and deployment for the battle of Kursk might have helped a bit... Tommy Flowers won WW2?
• #26924
But then who remembers everything that the Russians do? They're the enemy so nothing they do matters.
Yeah! America to rule the world!
The problem with Russians is that whatever they make fails.
Their technology was never up to scratch - mainly because of the savings and planned economy. Much of it was inherited as war reparations (to be fair, also Americans seized Nazi technology/science and former European scientists - either of Jewish or German heritage, but at least didn't keep them in concentration camps like the Soviets did).Even nowadays, when there's no Soviet Union, they're very secretive about their failures (for example failed subs).
How many failed space missions Russians experienced last year? -
• #26925
No, we won when we killed Hitler in the face with Spitfire.
All what you did was to stop over a 100k of Polish soldiers from coming back home and reclaiming it from the Soviets. Let them rot up north, take their weapons away and eventually disband without a proper military pension. One of the most acclaimed generals had to work as a waiter.
Annoys me as much as the Americans claim to have won WWII..